
Copying File Groups

Transaction SYSIXC

This transaction runs on the server that copies groups of files as preconfigured from client to server by using the of “FileCopy” function.

Note: During the start this transaction checks the number of active external sessions and reports these via prompt. The running processes in the foreground and background are counted separately.

At first, the directories and patterns of the files to be copied should be deleted at the destination location and according to the pattern, they should be configured on an additional page. The configuration is stored in an .INI file.

It can be specified for the start directory as well as for the target directory whether these directories are located on the client, the server or the database. In case of the setting <Default> copying will take place from or to the default directory of the installation. This transaction can be used for (partial) replication of other fat client or server environments as well.

A protocol (file by file) is generated in a text file, which can be displayed immediately.

Transaction Panels

Copy Files


Datafield Description
Display log Displays the processing log for the transaction.

en/app/020cor/140mis/0120sysixc.txt · Last modified: 2022/04/19 13:13 (external edit)