
General Information

When migrating to DOKA-NG from a legacy system, the existing contracts can be migrated. The idea of migrating contracts is to enable transactions that have been started in legacy systems to be transferred in precisely their current life-cycle status to the new system. With special transactions that add contracts, all data relevant to the contract can be captured and correspondingly saved. As long as the legacy system allows the data to be exported on a contract basis, the data can be read during the migration and automatically transferred to DOKA-NG fields.

A number of aspects need to be taken into account when migrating data:

  • Are key fields (e.g. address number) to be retained or converted to a new key?
  • Are (externally known) contract references to be retained, or are new reference numbers to be assigned (save old reference separately and use externally, or send notification of change to all parties)?
  • How are user codes in the old and new systems to be handled, and contracts assigned to users?
  • Are liabilty entries to be transferred, or booked out of the legacy system to be booked into DOKA-NG?
  • Do static data banking structures match or is it necessary to instigate changes?
  • Are all contracts (to one business sector, or to all sectors) to be migrated on a given date, or will you be working in both systems for a period of time (useful, for example, when it comes to monitoring limits)?

Migrating Contracts to DOKA-NG

Contracts that have not been fully processed in legacy system can be migrated to DOKA-NG. The existing contract data have to be prepared in TAG:DATA format files. The details about the TAG:DATA format can be found in “migsup.ini” file.

These files can be imported in DOKA-NG using special migration transactions (per business sector) directly or via Manager for Automatic Execution of Migration Items. Wherever possible, the data contained in the files is mapped into the contract fields (as with incoming messages from SWIFT and the like), and, where necessary, missing data can be added manually. In this way, the contract is not only added as new, but - depending on the condition of the contract in the legacy system - may also be put in a 'more advanced' position.

More details on the Migration transaction per business sector can be found under Migration. Details about the destination field mapping is available per business sector under the migration transaction document available in the preceding link.

en/app/020cor/140mis/0200migstrt/0100migbas.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/11 12:06 by bagyaraj