
Editing Package Structure and Distribution

Transaction SYSSYN

This transaction is used to handle source packages.

Since this function is only needed by developers in the context of working on projects, the detailed description of this transaction can be found in the developer documentation.

Transaction Panels



Datafield Description
Name of .INI File This field contains the filename and the file path for the package.
Name of Package This field contains the name of the package.
Package Description This field contains the descriptive long name of the package.
Symbolic Name This field contains the symbolic name for reference directories
Directory used This field contains the location used for the client
Directory on Master This field contains the location on the master



Datafield Description
Partition Name This field contains the partition name for the respective modules and data
Reference directory This field contains the reference directory. Reference directories
that have been defined on the first panel “Package” can be selected
Relative Path This field contains the relative path
Synchronize Flag This flag describes whether the partition should by synchronized or not

en/app/020cor/150ent/0180syssyn.txt · Last modified: 2017/02/21 08:16 by gr