
Party Model -Import Collection



Role Description Usage as temporary address allowed? Address Type Stoplevel Automatic copy of address from database contract allowed? Only main address to be used?
AGT Agent Y 3
AGB Correspondent Bank Y 3
DRE Drawee Y C 3 M
DRR Drawer Y FOC 1
ROG Carrier (ROG) Y 3
RMI Remitting Bank Y B 3
CO2 2nd Collecting Bank Y B 3
OAP Old Account Party C Z M
STB Sticker Bank Y B 3


Role Description Usage as temporary address allowed? Address Type Stoplevel Automatic copy of address from database contract allowed? Only main address to be used?
TP0 - T20 Third parties Y 3 M


The agent mentioned in the T40 outgoing TradeConnect message.

Correspondent Bank

This is the corresponding bank of the agent identified in the T40 outgoing TradeConnect message.


The drawee is the importer of the goods. Normally, this is the customer of the bank using the application. The collection documents are handed over to the drawee when the collection conditions have been fulfilled (e.g. payment or acceptance).


The drawer (applicant) is the exporter of the goods. Normally, this is the customer of the remitting bank instructed to execute the collection.

In an import collection, the applicant is not normally a customer of the bank using the application and is not available in the static data. The address details of the applicant can be entered manually and can be stored as temporary address in the application.

Carrier (ROG)

The carrier is the transporter of the goods and the drawer of the transport document.

Remitting Bank

The remitting bank is the issuer's bank (the drawer). It is the bank instructed by the issuer to carry out the collection and forward the Import Collection to the bank using the application.

The issuer can of course forward the Import Collection directly to the bank using the application in which case there is no remitting bank.

Sticker Banks:With Asian banks, it is often the case that the remitting bank has sold its receivables from the drawee's bank when documents in an Import Collection are transferred. The procedure is documented by attaching a 'sticker' to the letter accompanying the documents. This sticker basically means that payment is to be made to another bank not previously mentioned in the contract and that this bank is to receive subsequent correspondence (e.g. notification of acceptance). In an Import Collection, any sticker banks used are captured in the role of 'remitting bank. To identify the fact that the remitting bank is actually a sticker bank, the sticker bank flag is set.

2nd Collecting Bank

If the collection bank is not a customer of the bank using the application or if the collection order requires documents to be handed over to the drawee via a bank other than the bank using the application, the import collection will be forwarded to this second collection bank and will not be sent directly to the drawee.

The 2nd collection bank will then present the import collection to the drawee and and ensure that collection conditions are complied with.

Old Account Party

This party is not a party to the underlying foreign trade transaction.

This is required for internal operations of the application in order to secure the correct booking of liabilities should the liability party be changed.

Sticker Bank

Amongst banks in the Asian region, it frequently happens that at the time of dispatch of documents , they have sold their receivables from the collecting bank.

. The procedure is documented by attaching a 'sticker' to the letter This sticker basically means that payment is to be made to another bank that has not existed in the contract to date (sticker bank). All other messages are sent to the presenter.

Third parties (TP0 - T20)

Parties that are not captured anywhere else, can be captured as third parties in the application. Outgoing messages can be sent to these parties. Such third parties can be captured in the “Additional Parties” field on the “Parties” panel.

en/app/030bsi/010bc/0020brobc.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/09 16:29 (external edit)