
Party Model -Export Collection



Role Description Usage as temporary address allowed? Address Type Stoplevel Automatic copy of address from database contract allowed? Only main address to be used?
DRE Drawee Y COF 3 M
DRR Drawer FOC 3 M
COL Collecting Bank Y B 3 M
RMI Remitting Bank Y B-X 3 M
CO2 2nd Collecting Bank Y B 3 M
RSM Receiver of 2nd mail Y 3
OAP Old Account Party Y FOC Z M


Role Description Usage as temporary address allowed? Address Type Stoplevel Automatic copy of address from database contract allowed? Only main address to be used?
TP0 - T20 Third parties Y 3 M


The drawee is the importer of the goods. Normally, the drawee is not a customer of the bank using the application. The collection bank presents the collection documents to the drawee after the collection conditions (e.g. payment or acceptance) have been fulfilled.

In export collections, the drawee is usually not part of the static data of the bank using the application. The drawee's address can be entered manually and will be stored as temporary address.


The drawer (applicant) is the exporter of the goods. Normally, the drawer is a customer of the bank using the application and instructs that bank to execute the collection.

In an export collection the applicant should already be part of the static data of the bank using the application (or it has to be entered, in the event of a new customer). In addition to the address of the drawer, all other required information such as accounts and limit, are stored. This information is used in the contract afterwards.

Collecting Bank

The collection bank is normally the foreign correspondence bank (usually in the country of the drawee) of the bank using the application and should already be available in the static data (or has to be entered, in the event of a new customer). The information about the account details with this bank are also stored.

Remitting Bank

The drawer of the export collection can instruct the bank using the application to execute the export collection via its housebank (remitting bank).

2nd Collecting Bank

If the drawee is not a customer of the collection bank, or if the collection order requires handing over the export collection to the drawee via a bank other than the collection bank, the export collection will be forwarded to the 2nd collection bank and will not be sent directly to the drawee.

The 2nd collection bank will then present the collection to the drawee and ensure that the collection conditions are met.

Receiver of 2nd mail

A copy of the export collection (including copies of documents) can possibly be sent directly to the drawee or to a third party (e.g. agent). That party is the receiver of the second mail. It can be a party that is already available in the contract or a party that can be entered freely.

Old Account Party

This party is not a party of the underlying foreign trade transaction.

It is required for internal operations of the application in order to secure the correct booking of liabilities, if liability party has been changed.

Third parties (TP0 - T20)

Parties that are not captured anywhere else, can be captured as third parties in the application. Outgoing messages can be sent to these parties. Such third parties can be captured in the “Additional Parties” field on the “Parties” panel.

en/app/030bsi/020bo/0020brobo.txt · Last modified: 2022/11/16 19:53 (external edit)