
Overview of Outgoing messages - Export Collection

Transaction Name of Message Receiver Message ID SWIFT TCO allNETT
Pre-Opening an Export Collection Pre-Advice Collecting Bank/ Drawee BOTCOL1
Pre-Advice, 2nd Mail Selected party orsame party as 1st mail BOTCOL2
Acknowledgment Remitting Bank/ Drawer BOTDRR1 410
Rejection Message Remitting Bank/ Drawer BOTDRR2
Sending Documents Documentary Collection Order 1st Collecting Bank/ Drawee BOTCOL1
Documentary Collection Order 2nd Selected Party or same addressee as 1st mail BOTCOL2
Acknowledgment of Collection Remitting Bank/ Drawer BOTDRR1 410 T14
Sending a Clean Collection Advice of Clean Collection Collecting Bank/ Drawee BOTCOL1
Acknowledgment Remitting Bank/ Drawer BOTDRR1 410 T14
Sending Documents in 2nd Mail Documentary Collection Order 1st Selected Party BOTCOL1
Documentary Collection Order 2nd Selected Party BOTCOL2
Acknowledgment of Collection Remitting Bank/Drawer BOTDRR1 410 T14
Processing Discrepant Documents Acknowledgment of Rejection Collecting Bank/ Drawee BOTCOL1
Rejection Remitting Bank/ Drawer BOTDRR1
Rejection 2nd Mail Remitting Bank/ Drawer BOTDRR2
Amending Acknowledgment of Amendment Remitting Bank/ Drawer BOTDRR1 410 T30
Amendment Collecting Bank/ Drawee BOTCOL1 430
Settle Usance Documents at Maturity Advice to Debit Party Collecting Bank/ Drawee BOTCOL1
Advice of Payment (Credit Party) Remitting Bank/ Drawer BOTDRR1 T54
Sending Tracer / Advice of Fate Tracer Selected Party BOTDRE1 420
Advice of Fate Selected Party BOTRMI1 422
Settling Charges Rebooking Messages
Common Messages To view general information see Common Messages
Transferring the Collecting Bank Transfer Message Old Collecting Bank Old Collecting Bank BOTCOL1
Transfer Message New Collecting Bank Selected New Collecting Bank BOTCOL2
Accept and Settle Documents Advice to Debit Party Collecting Bank/ Drawee BOTCOL1
Advice to Debit Party 2nd mail Drawee BOTDRE2
Advice to Credit Party Remitting Bank/ Drawer BOTDRR1 T12
Advice of Payment Remitting Bank/ Drawer BOTDRR2 T54
Advice to Credit Party Drawee BOTDRR3
Closing Advice of Cancelation Collecting Bank/ Drawee BOTCOL1
Acknowledgment of Cancellation Remitting Bank/ Drawer BOTDRR1 410
Advice of Cancellation Drawer BOTDRR2

In various transactions Payment Messages for the respective clearing system will be created.

en/app/030bsi/020bo/0070msgbo.txt · Last modified: 2022/08/15 06:49 by mk