
BOT - Export Collection Text

Module BOT


Name Helptext Description Data Type Len Codetable
INR Internal Unique ID Text 8
RESREJ Reason for Non-Payment/Non-Acceptance Block 35
DOCPRE Presented Documents Stream 65
BOGDET BO Tenor Details Block 43
VESSELNAM Name of Vessel Text 40
GODDES Goods Description Block 65
COLINS Collection Instructions Block 65
DFTINS Draft Instructions Block 65
PROINS Protest Instructions Block 65
CHGTXT Charges Text Block 35
NARHIS Historic Overview of Narratives Block 35
OTHINS Other Instructions Block 65
FLDMODBLK List of Modified Fields Block 40
CCTINSRCV Instructions Received Block 35
CCTINSCOL Instructions to Collecting Bank Block 35
COLINSSNM Instructions for Second Mail Block 60
INTINS Interest Instructions Block 65
AGTAUT Authority of Agent Block 35
CONTAG72 Content of TAG 72 Block 35
CONTAG79 Content of TAG 79 Block 50
BOGANS Answers Block 35
BOGQUE Queries Block 35
SETINSBO Payment Information Block 65
COLINSDEF Default content of Collection Instructions Block 65
COLINSFLG Delivery of Documents Instructions modified Text 1
ANTAGTDET In case of need refer to Block 65
INCACCDET incoming allNETT Account Details Stream 1

Datafield Description and Properties

Datafield INR Internal Unique ID

Unique internal ID of a record within the table. The INR is a text field, which is created by retrieving the next valid entry from the counter of this table. The field INR is used to enable links from other tables to this table.

For contractdata the INR also links the two tables xxD and xxT as associated entries hold the same INR.

Datafield RESREJ Reason for Non-Payment/Non-Acceptance

If documents are rejected (using the 'Rejecting Documents' transaction), the reasons for the rejection are stored in this field.

Datafield DOCPRE Presented Documents

This field contains the presented documents.

Datafield BOGDET BO Tenor Details

This field can contain detailed information regarding the usance period of the collection.

Datafield VESSELNAM Name of Vessel

This fields holds the name of the vessel used to transport the goods shipped under this collection.

Datafield GODDES Goods Description

This field contains the description of the goods covered by the collection. (TAG 45A (Description of Goods) of incoming T41 TradeConnect message).

Datafield COLINS Collection Instructions

This field holds instructions for this collection. In TradeConnect message T30 this field is displayed in TAG 40. TAG 40 is 2 lines of 65 characters long. If the text of instruction is longer than 2 lines, the text in TAG 40 is cut off.

Datafield DFTINS Draft Instructions

This field contains instructions concerning the handling of drafts. (TAG 42b (Draft Instructions) of incoming T41 TradeConnect message)

Datafield PROINS Protest Instructions

This field holds protest instructions for the collecting bank.

Datafield CHGTXT Charges Text

Detailed charges information can be given to the receiver of the collection in this field.

Datafield NARHIS Historic Overview of Narratives

This field contains the history of amendment narratives for the export collection.

Datafield OTHINS Other Instructions

This field holds other instructions for this collection.

Datafield FLDMODBLK List of Modified Fields

The field holds a list of all fields identified as modified when the contract was last updated. This field is used to mark the respective fields as modified when the contract is loaded.

Datafield CCTINSRCV Instructions Received

This field is used in clean collection and holds the instructions the bank using the application has received from the presenter of the collection.

Datafield CCTINSCOL Instructions to Collecting Bank

This field is used in clean collection and holds instructions for the collecting bank.

Datafield COLINSSNM Instructions for Second Mail

This field contains the collection instructions of the document set which is presented to the collecting bank in second mail.

Datafield INTINS Interest Instructions

This field contains instructions concerning the interest. (TAG 42R (Interest Instructions) of incoming T41 TradeConnect message).

Datafield AGTAUT Authority of Agent

TAG 43G (Authority of Agent) of incoming T41 TradeConnect message.

Datafield CONTAG72 Content of TAG 72

This field contains the history of former TAGs 72

Datafield CONTAG79 Content of TAG 79

This field contains the history of former TAGs 79

Datafield BOGANS Answers

If a tracer is sent/received under the collection (e.g. in transaction 'Sending Tracer / Advice of Fate'), this field contains the text of the answer to the query.

Datafield BOGQUE Queries

If a tracer is sent/received under the collection (e.g. in transaction 'Sending Tracer / Advice of Fate'), this field contains the text of the query.

Datafield SETINSBO Payment Information

TAG 42J (Payment Information) provided by an incoming T41 TradeConnect message. TAG M12 from an incoming T42 TradeConnect message.

Datafield COLINSDEF Default content of Collection Instructions

This field holds the instructions for this collection as set by a default rule.

Datafield COLINSFLG Delivery of Documents Instructions modified

If this checkbox is checked, the delivery instructions of documents have been modified.

Datafield ANTAGTDET In case of need refer to

Details of who to contact in case of need.

Datafield INCACCDET incoming allNETT Account Details

Account details received from allNETT.

Value is not used in DOKA-NG, but is required to be send back to allNETT. Therefore we need to store it in the contract data.

en/app/030bsi/020bo/0910bot.txt · Last modified: 2022/04/25 12:53 (external edit)