
Party Model -Advance


Depending on the type of advance the parties of the parent contract are used in the advance contract:

Type of Advance Parent Contract Advanced Party (FIA) Invoice Party (INV)
Invoice Advance
Bankers Acceptance
ECR Financing
None Free selection of a database address Free selection/ entry of a database address
All of above except Invoice Advance Import Collection (BC) Remitting Bank (RMI) / Drawer (DRR) Invoice Party (INV) = Drawee (DRE)
All of above except Invoice Advance Export Collection (BO) Drawer (DRR) Invoice Party (INV) = Collecting Bank (COL) if present
All of above except Invoice Advance Import Documents (BR) Presenter (PRB) of Import Documents Invoice Party (INV) = Applicant (APL) of the Import L/C
All of above except Invoice Advance Export Documents (BE) Presenter (PRB), e.g. Beneficiary Invoice Party (INV) = Issuing Bank (ISS) of the Export L/C
All of above except Invoice Advance Transfer Documents (BT) Presenter (PRP) of Transfer Documents on First Beneficiary Side Invoice Party (INV) = Issuing Bank (ISS) of the Export L/C,
Further Advanced Party = Presenter (PRB) of Transfer Documents on Second Beneficiary Side


Role Description Usage as temporary address allowed? Address Type Stoplevel Automatic copy of address from database contract allowed? Only main address to be used?
FIA Advanced Party 3
INV Invoice Party Y 3
OAP Old Account Party Z
FI2 Advanced 2nd Ben. 3
OA2 Old Adv. 2nd Ben. 3
BEF Final Beneficiary Y 3
PYM Repayment Party Y 3


Role Description Usage as temporary address allowed? Address Type Stoplevel Automatic copy of address from database contract allowed? Only main address to be used?
BU1 - BU3 Buyer Y 3 M
IN1 - IN5 Further Invoice Parties Y 3 M
TP0 - TP9 Third parties Y 3 M

Advanced Party

The advanced party is the beneficiary of an advance. This is the applicant of the advance/discount/purchase and the beneficiary of the holding transaction, e.g. the presenter of the export L/C documents or the drawer (exporter) of a collection.

The advanced party is copied from a holding transaction and will automatically be used as advanced party.

Invoice Party

The invoice party is the party who has to pay the advanced party an outstanding amount.

Old Account Party

This party is not a party of the underlying foreign trade transaction.

This is required for internal operations of the application in order to secure the correct booking of liabilities, should the liability party be changed

Advanced 2nd Ben.

The further advanced party is defaulted through the related parent contract, e.g. the presenting party of the transfer documents on second beneficiary side.

Old Adv. 2nd Ben.

This party is not a party of the underlying foreign trade transaction.

It is required for internal operations of the application in order to secure the correct booking of the liabilities, should the liability party be changed.

Final Beneficiary

This party is an optional beneficiary of the advance, in case the advanced party is not the beneficiary of the advance, e.g. if the advanced party wants to credit proceeds to its daughter company.

Repayment Party

Buyer (BU1 - BU3)

Recipient of the goods/services.

Further Invoice Parties (IN1 - IN5)

The invoice party is the party who has to pay the advanced party an outstanding amount.

The further Invoce Parties are used for bankers acceptances

Third parties(TP0 - TP9)

Parties that are not captured anywhere else, can be captured as third parties in the application. Outgoing messages can be sent to these parties. Such third parties can be captured in the “Additional Parties” field on the “Parties” panel.

en/app/030bsi/030bp/0020brobp.txt · Last modified: 2022/08/17 11:53 (external edit)