
Amounts / Liabilities

According to the liability concept, for every business sector amount and liability bookings are created, that are either mandatory for the bank or merely contain an internal booking (refer to Liability Concept for additional information).

The following types are available via the business sector “Guarantee”:

  • Issuance of Undertaking (ISSU)
  • Issuance of counter-undertaking (ISCO)
  • Issuance of counter-counter undertaking (ICCO)
  • Advising guarantees, that have been created by other banks and adding the own confirmation (ACNF)
  • Advising guarantees, that have been created by other banks without adding the own confirmation (ADVI)
  • Receiving guarantees in our favor, that have been created by other banks
  • Inward Assignments

According to this, the following LIA types are used when editing transactions in various situations:

Purpose of Message Handling Type LIA Type
Guarantee Received FR INT
Inward Assignment FG INT

The LIA type will also be used to create internal 'bookings', so that the requested amounts can be processed, as claims are treated as subcontracts (GC).

Transaction* Description Type of Liability Relevant Amount Relevant Party Remarks
GITOPR Liability Approval Reserved Liability (AVA) Maximum Amount/ resp. Amendment Amount Applicant (APL) Amendment Amount when previous GITOPR
GITPOP Pre-Creating a Guarantee Declaration of Readiness Reserved Liability (AVA), Internal (INT), Liability (AVL) Maximum Amount/ resp. Amendment Amount Applicant (APL) Amendment Amount when previous GITPOP
GITOPN Creating a Guarantee Reserved Liability (AVA), Internal (INT), Liability (AVL) Maximum Amount/ resp. Confirmation Amount Applicant (APL)
GITAME Amending Reserved Liability (AVA), Internal (INT), Liability (AVL) Amendment Amount Applicant (APL)
Claim is being closed Internal (INT) Maximum Amount-Tenor Applicant (APL)
GITTRF Transferring the Liability Party Reduce Liability (AVL) Old Applicant Remaining Amount Old Applicant (APL) in case of multiple applicants, the AVL-Amounts of all Old Applicants are transferred to the New Applicant.
Create Liability (AVL) New Applicant Remaining Amount New Applicant (APL)
GITCRQ Receiving a Request of a Claim Internal (INT) Maximum Amount (GC) Applicant (APL) In case of “Purpose of message” / “handling type” 'ISSU'/ 'Direct', 'ISCO','ICCO'/ 'Indirect' or 'ACNF'/'Advise with Confirmation'
GITCRJ Rejecting a Claim Internal (INT) Remaining Amount (GC) Applicant (APL)
GITSET Paying a Claim Internal (INT), Liability (AVL) Remaining Amount Applicant (APL) In case of “Purpose of message” / “handling type” 'ISSU'/ 'Direct', 'ISCO','ICCO'/ 'Indirect' or 'ACNF'/'Advise with Confirmation' and
if “Payment under Cancelation” not checked.
GITTEN Liability Adjustment Internal (INT), Liability (AVL) Booking Amount Applicant (APL)
GITCAN Canceling Book out remaining Liability Remaining Amount - Reduced Amount Applicant (APL) If canceling because of 'Advice of Reduction/ Release received'
Book out remaining Liability Remaining Amount Applicant (APL)
GITROP Re-Opening Internal (INT) Open Amount - Confirmed Amount Applicant (APL)
Liability (AVL) Confirmed Amount Applicant (APL)

* Transactions, that are not applicable for the liability are not listed.

en/app/030bsi/060gi/0050bsgitlia.txt · Last modified: 2023/07/03 12:04 by mk