
Overview of Incoming messages - GI Guarantee

Channel Description MT Description Transactions Description Comment
B Bolero 419 GuaranteeAmendmentRequest GITAME Amending
B Bolero 419 GuaranteeAmendmentRequest GITRAM Request of Amendment
B Bolero 429 UndertakingApplication GITOPN Creating a Guarantee/Standby
B Bolero 488 FreeFormatAdvice GITFRE Common Messages
B Bolero 4999 Conversation Message GITFRE Common Messages
G DTA Guarantees G01 Application for Issuance of a Guarantee GITOPN Creating a Guarantee/Standby
G DTA Guarantees G01 Application for Issuance of a Guarantee GITOPR Liability Confirmation
G DTA Guarantees G01 Application for Issuance of a Guarantee GITPOP Pre-Creating a Guarantee/Standby
G DTA Guarantees G03 Application for Amendment of a Guarantee GITAME Amending
G DTA Guarantees G03 Application for Amendment of a Guarantee GITAMR Liability Approval for Amendment
G DTA Guarantees G03 Application for Amendment of a Guarantee GITRAM Request of Amendment
G DTA Guarantees G05 Free Format Message (Customer to Bank) GITFRE Common Messages
G DTA Guarantees G09 Reply to Extend or Pay GITAME Amending
G DTA Guarantees G09 Reply to Extend or Pay GITSET Paying a Claim
G DTA Guarantees G12 Request for Reduction or Release GITCAN Closing
G DTA Guarantees G12 Request for Reduction or Release GITRAM Request of Amendment
M SmartForms G01 Issue of a Guarantee GITOPN Creating a Guarantee/Standby
M SmartForms G01 Issue of a Guarantee GITOPR Liability Confirmation
M SmartForms G01 Issue of a Guarantee GITPOP Pre-Creating a Guarantee/Standby
S SWIFT 712 Demand for payment under Guarantee / Standby LC GITCRQ Receiving a Request of a Claim
S SWIFT 719 Response to Draft Undertaking Index GITOPN Creating a Guarantee/Standby
S SWIFT 719 Response to Draft Undertaking Index GITOPR Liability Confirmation
S SWIFT 719 Response to Draft Undertaking Index GITPOP Pre-Creating a Guarantee/Standby
S SWIFT 726 Ancillary Message Index GITFRE Common Messages
S SWIFT 728 Response to Guarantee/Standby Letter of Credit Amendment Index GITATT Attaching an Incoming Message
S SWIFT 728 Response to Guarantee/Standby Letter of Credit Amendment Index GITFRE Common Messages
S SWIFT 744 Notice of Non-Conforming Reimbursement Claim GITFRE Common Messages
S SWIFT 750 Advice of Discrepancy GITCRQ Receiving a Request of a Claim
S SWIFT 752 Authorization to Pay/Accept/Neg GITCRQ Receiving a Request of a Claim
S SWIFT 752 Authorization to Pay/Accept/Neg GITSET Paying a Claim
S SWIFT 754 Advice of Pay/Accept/Negotiate GITCRQ Receiving a Request of a Claim
S SWIFT 756 Advice of Reimbursement/Payment GITSET Paying a Claim
S SWIFT 760 Issue of a Demand Guarantee/Standby Letter of Credit GITOPN Creating a Guarantee/Standby
S SWIFT 760 Issue of a Demand Guarantee/Standby Letter of Credit GITOPR Liability Confirmation
S SWIFT 760 Issue of a Demand Guarantee/Standby Letter of Credit GITPOP Pre-Creating a Guarantee/Standby
S SWIFT 761 Issue of a Demand Guarantee/Standby Letter of Credit GITOPN Creating a Guarantee/Standby
S SWIFT 761 Issue of a Demand Guarantee/Standby Letter of Credit GITOPR Liability Confirmation
S SWIFT 761 Issue of a Demand Guarantee/Standby Letter of Credit GITPOP Pre-Creating a Guarantee/Standby
S SWIFT 763 Guarantee/Standby Amendment Request Index GITAME Amending
S SWIFT 763 Guarantee/Standby Amendment Request Index GITAMR Liability Approval for Amendment
S SWIFT 763 Guarantee/Standby Amendment Request Index GITRAM Request of Amendment
S SWIFT 765 Guarantee/Standby Letter of Credit Demand GITCRQ Receiving a Request of a Claim
S SWIFT 767 Amendment to a Demand Guarantee/Standby Letter of Credit GITAME Amending
S SWIFT 767 Amendment to a Demand Guarantee/Standby Letter of Credit GITAMR Liability Approval for Amendment
S SWIFT 767 Amendment to a Demand Guarantee/Standby Letter of Credit GITRAM Request of Amendment
S SWIFT 768 Acknowledgement of a Guarantee/Standby Message GITADD Editing References
S SWIFT 769 Advice of Reduction or Release GITCAN Closing
S SWIFT 778 Response to extend or pay Guarantee/Standby Index (Customer To Bank) GITAME Amending
S SWIFT 778 Response to extend or pay Guarantee/Standby Index (Customer To Bank) GITSET Paying a Claim
S SWIFT 783 Request for Guarantee/Standby Reduction/Release Index (Customer To Bank) GITCAN Closing
S SWIFT 783 Request for Guarantee/Standby Reduction/Release Index (Customer To Bank) GITRAM Request of Amendment
S SWIFT 784 Guarantee/Standby Application Index GITOPN Creating a Guarantee/Standby
S SWIFT 784 Guarantee/Standby Application Index GITOPR Liability Confirmation
S SWIFT 784 Guarantee/Standby Application Index GITPOP Pre-Creating a Guarantee/Standby
S SWIFT 785 Guarantee/Standby Letter of Credit Non Extension Notification GITAMC Internal Amendment
S SWIFT 785 Guarantee/Standby Letter of Credit Non Extension Notification GITFRE Common Messages
S SWIFT 786 Guarantee/Standby Letter of Credit Demand Refusal GITCRJ Rejecting a Claim
S SWIFT 787 Guarantee/Standby Letter of Credit Amendment Response GITATT Attaching an Incoming Message
S SWIFT 787 Guarantee/Standby Letter of Credit Amendment Response GITFRE Common Messages
S SWIFT 788 Free Format Message Index (Customer to Bank) GITFRE Common Messages
S SWIFT 797 Request for Cancellation Index GITFRE Common Messages
T TradeConnect G01 Application for Issuance of a Guarantee GITOPN Creating a Guarantee/Standby
T TradeConnect G01 Application for Issuance of a Guarantee GITOPR Liability Confirmation
T TradeConnect G01 Application for Issuance of a Guarantee GITPOP Pre-Creating a Guarantee/Standby
T TradeConnect G03 Application for Amendment of a Guarantee GITAME Amending
T TradeConnect G03 Application for Amendment of a Guarantee GITAMR Liability Approval for Amendment
T TradeConnect G03 Application for Amendment of a Guarantee GITRAM Request of Amendment
T TradeConnect G05 Free Format Message (Customer to Bank) GITFRE Common Messages
T TradeConnect G09 Reply to Extend or Pay GITAME Amending
T TradeConnect G09 Reply to Extend or Pay GITSET Paying a Claim
T TradeConnect G12 Request for Reduction or Release GITCAN Closing
T TradeConnect G12 Request for Reduction or Release GITRAM Request of Amendment
T TradeConnect T60 Request for Issuing a Guarantee GITOPN Creating a Guarantee/Standby
T TradeConnect T67 Request for Amendment to a Guarantee GITAME Amending
T TradeConnect T67 Request for Amendment to a Guarantee GITAMR Liability Approval for Amendment
T TradeConnect T67 Request for Amendment to a Guarantee GITRAM Request of Amendment

Sector GC - Guarantee Claim

en/app/030bsi/060gi/0060swmgi.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/13 11:22 (external edit)