
Overview of Outgoing messages - Guarantee

Transaction Name of Message Receiver Message ID SWIFT SWIFT Score TCO DTG Bolero
Liability Confirmation Liability Approval Own GITINTL1
Pre-Creating a Guarantee Cover Letter Draft Applicant GITAPL1 423
Advice of Execution (Decl.) Applicant GITAPL2
Guarantee Draft Applicant GITAPL3 762<760,761>
Declaration of Indemnity Applicant GITAPL4
Rejection Message Applicant GITAPL5
Cover Letter Pre-Advice Beneficiary/ 1st Additional Advising Bank GITBEN1
Pre-Advice Beneficiary/ 1st Additional Advising Bank GITBEN2
Declaration of Readiness Beneficiary/ 1st Additional Advising Bank GITBEN4
Creating a Guarantee Advice of Execution Applicant GITAPL1 762<760,761> T68/G02 G02 423
Declaration of Indemnity Applicant GITAPL2
Acknowledgment of Receipt Applicant GITAPL3 768
Undertaking Issuance Selected Party in “Send Undertaking to” GITBEN1 760,761
Undertaking Original Selected Party in “Send Undertaking to” GITBEN2
Advice of Issuance Selected Party in “Send Undertaking to” GITBEN4 760,761 745<760,761>
Issue Instruction Selected Party in “Send Undertaking to” GITISS1 760,761
Authorization to Reimburse Reimbursement Bank GITRMB1 740
Assignment Messages
Participations Sold (Syndications)
Receive Guarantee/Standby Assignment Assignment Information Selected Party in “Payer” GITAPL3
Participations Sold (Syndications)
Handling Increase/Decrease Schedule Change Plan Applicant GITAPL1
Amending Acknowledgment of Amendment 1st Additional Advising Bank / Applicant GITAPL1 768, 769 764<767,775> T67/G04 G04 422
Declaration of Indemnity Applicant GITAPL2
Advice of Execution Applicant GITAPL3
Amendment Acceptance Applicant GITAPL4 787 739<787>
Advice of Reduction Applicant GITAPL6 769 766<769>
Amendment Selected Party in “Send Amendment to” GITBEN1 767,775 743<767,775>
Undertaking Original Selected Party in “Send Amendment to” GITBEN2 743<767,775>
Advice of Amendment Selected Party in “Send Amendment to” GITBEN4 767,775 743<767,775>
Amendment Instruction Selected Party in “Send Amendment to” GITISS1 767,775
Reimbursement Authorization Reimbursement Bank GITRMB1 740
Reimbursement Amendment Reimbursement Bank GITRMB2 747
Assignment Messages
Participations Sold (Syndications)
Liability Approval for Amendment Liability Approval for Amendment Own GITINTL1
Request of Amendment Acknowledgment of Amendment 1st Additional Advising Bank / Applicant GITAPL1 768, 769 422
Advice of Execution Applicant GITAPL3 764<767,775> T67/G04 G04 422
Amendment Selected Party in “Send Request to” GITBEN1 767,775 743<767,775>
Undertaking Original (Draft) Selected Party in “Send Request to” GITBEN2 743<767,775>
Advice of Amendment Selected Party in “Send Request to” GITBEN4 767,775 743<767,775>
Amendment Instruction Selected Party in “Send Request to” GITISS1 767,775
Internal Amendment Confirmation of a Guarantee Beneficiary GITBEN1
Non Extension Notification Beneficiary side GITBEN2 785 727<785>
Advice of Auto-Extension Applicant GITAPL1
Substitution Information Applicant GITAPL4
Participations Sold (Syndications)
Transferring the Liability Party Transfer Message Old Liability Party Old Liability Party GITAPL1
Transfer Message New Liability Party New Liability Party GITAPL2
Assignment Assignment Messages
Settling Charges Rebooking Messages
Common Messages Advice of Maturity Selected Party GITAPL1
Advice of Indemnity Applicant GITAPL2
Advice of Auto-Extension Applicant or Free Entry GITAPL3
Rejection of Amendment Applicant or Free Entry GITAPL4 787 739<787>
Non Extension Notification Beneficiary GITBEN1 785 727<785>
To view general information see Common Messages
Closing Advice of Cancelation Applicant/ Adv. Bank on Appl. Side GITAPL1 769 766<769> G07 G07 407
Forwarding of Release Applicant/ Adv. Bank on Appl. Side GITAPL2
Confirmation of Cancelation Issuing Bank/ 1st Additional Advising Bank/ Beneficiary GITBEN1
Acknowledgment of Receipt Issuing Bank/ 1st Additional Advising Bank/ Beneficiary GITBEN2
Assignment Messages

In various transactions Payment Messages for the respective clearing system will be created.

Overview of Outgoing messages - Guarantee Claim

en/app/030bsi/060gi/0070msggi.txt · Last modified: 2022/08/15 09:03 by mk