

Transaction GITCAN

This transaction is used to cancel a guarantee for whatever reason. The “Reason for Cancelation” combobox allows the user to select the reason why the guarantee was canceled. This can include:

  • Terms and conditions have been fulfilled
  • Payment has been executed (was not handled by the application, however)
  • A guarantee was replaced by a new guarantee
  • The original guarantee was returned
  • Message received releasing the party from its obligation
  • Contract has not been allocated (if only a draft guarantee was made that did not result in an order)
  • The validity of the guarantee has expired and it is not necessary to return the guarantee

If a guarantee is canceled due to a message being received releasing the party from its obligation, a distinction then needs to be made between partial (reduction) and complete release. If the amount concerned is the full amount open on the contract (complete release), the user can decide whether or not to cancel the guarantee. However, if the party is only partially released from its obligation, the contract is not canceled. In this case, the liability is not completely accounted for and the canceling transaction will have to be launched at a later point in time.

MT 769 :

  • The contents of the incoming MT769 is mostly mapped in the panel “Advice of Reduction/Release”.
  • The logic for outgoing message lies within the code and is not directly related to this panel.
  • To be able to handle both single and multiple applicant scenario, “Tag 33B Amount Reduced or Released” is always filled from the “Liability” panel in the outgoing message.
  • Field “TAG39C Amount Specification” in the “Cancelation” panel is only enabled for multiple applicant scenario.


Detailed information on the processing of assignments can be found under “Assignments”.


An existing Guarantee contract which is not closed.
Not allowed when there are pending claims.

Incoming Messages

Channel Description MT Description Comment
G DTA Guarantees G12 Request for Reduction or Release
S SWIFT 769 Advice of Reduction or Release
S SWIFT 783 Request for Guarantee/Standby Reduction/Release Index (Customer To Bank)
T TradeConnect G12 Request for Reduction or Release

For incoming allNETT / RIVO messages see Overview of Incoming messages - allNETT / RIVO.

Transaction Control


All fees not yet settled for the contract are transferred to the Settlement Panel and set to 'Settle immediately'.


Results of this Transaction


For more information see TRNDIA Diaries.

Action Description Diary Follow-up Transaction Comment
Completed Delete all Diaries

Updating/Storing of Amounts (CBS)

The open amount of the contract remains unchanged unless the reason why the guarantee was canceled concerned a message received releasing the party from its obligation (MT769). In this case, the amount given in the message as the “Amount Reduced”, is used to reduce the maximum amount, the open amount and the confirmed amount of the guarantee.

Liability (LIA)

All amounts posted to the liability are removed unless the reason why the guarantee was canceled concerned a message received releasing the party from its obligation (MT769). In this case, the liability is reduced by the amount given in the message as the “Amount Reduced”. With a partially confirmed guarantee, the amount booked out of the guarantee matches the proportion confirmed.

Outgoing Correspondence

Details on creation of messages can be found under DOCEOT Messages. For outgoing allNETT / RIVO messages see Overview of Outgoing messages - allNETT / RIVO.

Assignments messages will be created.

Name of Message Receiver Message ID SWIFT SWIFT Score TCO DTG Bolero Comment
Advice of Cancelation Applicant/Advising Bank Applicants side GITAPL1 769 766<769> G07 G07 407 If “Handling Type” / “Purpose of Message” is not 'Advise without confirmation' / 'ADVI'
Forwarding of Release Applicant/Advising Bank Applicants side GITAPL2 If “Handling Type” / “Purpose of Message” is 'Advise without confirmation' / 'ADVI'.
Confirmation of Cancelation Issuing Bank/1st Advising Bank/Beneficiary GITBEN1 If “Handling Type” / “Purpose of Message” is not 'Advise without confirmation' / 'ADVI' or 'Guarantee received'.
Acknowledgment of Receipt Issuing Bank/1st Advising Bank/Beneficiary GITBEN2 If “Handling Type” / “Purpose of Message” is 'Advise without confirmation' / 'ADVI'.


Signature required

Transaction Panels



Datafield Description
Own Reference cf Appendix A, Table GID field OWNREF
Search for guarantees with enhanced search features.
Currency cf Appendix A, Table CBB field CUR
Maximum Guarantee Amount This field contains the nominal amount of the undertaking.
cf Appendix A, Table CBB field AMT
Currency cf Appendix A, Table CBB field CUR
Open Guarantee Amount This is the open guarantee amount.
cf Appendix A, Table CBB field AMT
Purpose of Message (as from incoming message) cf Appendix A, Table GID field PURPOSIN
Purpose of Message (for outgoing) cf Appendix A, Table GID field PURPOS
Undertaking Type cf Appendix A, Table GID field GARTYP
Expiry until cf Appendix A, Table GID field EXPDAT
Expiry Type cf Appendix A, Table GID field EXPTYP
Liable until cf Appendix A, Table GID field LIADAT
Liability Type - Local Undertaking Seq. C cf Appendix A, Table GID field LIATYPC
Name cf Appendix A, Table PTS field NAM
Name cf Appendix A, Table PTS field NAM
Name cf Appendix A, Table PTS field NAM
Name cf Appendix A, Table PTS field NAM
Name cf Appendix A, Table PTS field NAM
Name cf Appendix A, Table PTS field NAM
Name cf Appendix A, Table PTS field NAM
Reason for Cancelation cf Appendix A, Table GID field PURCAN
Close Contract Checking this box closes the current contract.

Advice of Reduction/ Release


Datafield Description
Date of Reduction or Release cf Appendix A, Table GID field REDDAT
Account Specification cf Appendix A, Table GIT field ACCSPC
Currency of Reduced Amount to be Paid cf Appendix A, Table GID field REDCUR
Reduction Amount cf Appendix A, Table GID field REDAMT
Amount Specification cf Appendix A, Table GIT field AMTSPC
Currency Outstanding Amount cf Appendix A, Table GID field OUTCUR
Open amount after reduction cf Appendix A, Table GID field OUTAMT
Charges Deducted cf Appendix A, Table GIT field CHADED
External Key cf Appendix A, Table PTS field EXTKEY
Address Block cf Appendix A, Table PTS field ADRBLK
Reference for Address (Optional) cf Appendix A, Table PTS field REF

DTAG Fields


en/app/030bsi/060gi/0350gitcan.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/29 12:59 (external edit)