
Overview of Outgoing messages - Export L/C

Transaction Name of Message Receiver Message ID SWIFT SWIFT Score TCO TCX DTE Bolero allNETT
Liability Approval Liability Approval Own LETINT1
Reserving an Export L/C Confirmation of Reservation Beneficiary LETBEN1
Advice of Reservation Issuing Bank LETISS1
Rejection Information Issuing Bank LETISS2
Participations Sold (Syndications)
Pre-Advising / Notifying an Export L/C Notification or Pre-Advice 2nd Advising Bank/ Beneficiary LETBEN1 T05
Acknowledgment 1st Advising Bank/ Issuing Bank LETISS1 730
Rejection Information 1st Advising Bank/ Issuing Bank LETISS2
Advising / Confirming Advice of a Documentary Credit (added Bolero 461 for Demo) Beneficiary LETBEN1 774/700, 780/710, 782/720 T10 or 700*, 710*, 720* T10 or 700*, 710*, 720* 700, 710, 720 461
Acknowledgment of Receipt Applicant Bank/ 1st Advising Bank/ Issuing Bank LETISS1 730
Advice of Third Banks LC (MT710) 2nd Advising Bank LETA2B1 710
Advice of a Documentary Credit Beneficiary's Bank LETBEB1 710
Assignment Messages
Participations Sold (Syndications)
Reimbursement Claim
Receiving Documents without L/C Acknowledge Documents Received Presenter LETBEN1 737 T50 or 770* 770
Advice of Discrepancies Payer LETISS1 750
Reimbursement Claim
Liability Approval for Amendment Liability Approval for Amendment Own LETINT1
Advise an Amendment Advice of Amendment 2nd Advising Bank/ Beneficiary/ Beneficiary's Bank LETBEN1 707 776/707 T07 or 707* T07 or 707* 707 472
Acknowledgment 1st Advising Bank/ Issuing Bank LETISS1 730
Acknowledge Amendment Adviced Beneficiary LETBEN2
Assignment Messages
Participations Sold (Syndications)
Reimbursement Claim
Request of Amendment Request of Amendment Selected Party LETBEN1 707 776/707 T07 or 707* T07 or 707* 707 472
Acknowledgment 1st Advising Bank/ Issuing Bank LETISS1 730
Request of Amendment Beneficary LETBEN2
Transferring the Issuing Bank Transfer Message Old Iss. Bank Old Issuing Bank LETISS1
Transfer Message New Iss. Bank New Issuing Bank LETISS2
Internal Amendment Acknowledgment of Confirmation 1st Advising Bank/ Issuing Bank LETISS1 730
Confirmation of Doc. Credit 2nd Advising Bank/ Beneficiary LETBEN1 T07 or 707* T07 or 707* 707
Cancelation of L/C Confirmation Beneficiary LETBEN2 T07 or 707* T07 or 707* 707
Silent Confirmation Beneficiary LETBEN3 T07 or 707* T07 or 707* 707
Reply Document - Assignment Beneficiary LETBEN4
Advice of Non-Extension Beneficiary LETBEN5
Advice of Auto-Extension Applicant LETAPL1
Participations Sold (Syndications)
Reimbursement Claim
Advising Documents Notification of Advised Payment 1st Advising Bank/ Issuing Bank LETAPL1
Notifi. of Advised Discrepancies Payer LETAPL2
Acknowledge Documents Advised Selected Party in “Presented by” LETPRB1
Receiving Documents Acknowledge Documents Received Presenter LETPRB1 730 737 T50 or 770* 770 486
Acknowledge Documents Received Selected Party LETPRB2
Advice of Discrepancies Selected Party
in “Presented by”
Commissioning Participations Sold (Syndications)
Assignment Assignment Messages
Settling Charges Rebooking Messages
Common Messages Advice of Auto-Extension Applicant LETAPL3
Refusal of Transfer Beneficiary LETBEN3 723
Siehe allgemeine Informationen zu Freie Nachrichten
Revolving Acknowledgment 1st Advising Bank/ Issuing Bank LETISS1 730
Revolving Notice Beneficiary LETBEN1
Closing Advice of L/C Cancelation 2nd Advising Bank/ Beneficiary LETBEN1
Assignment Messages
Participations Sold (Syndications)
Reimbursement Claim
Migration Export L/C Assignment Messages
Participations Sold (Syndications)
Reimbursement Claim

* The TradeConnect message can be created in DTA formate alternatively, if activated.

In various transactions Payment Messages for the respective clearing system will be created.

Overview of Outgoing messages - Export L/C Document Set

en/app/030bsi/070le/0070msgle.txt · Last modified: 2022/08/15 09:04 by mk