
Receiving Documents

Transaction LETDRV

This transaction is used to register a receipt of a document set.

Via the checkbox “Enter Documents, Discrepancies and Instructions” it will be decided, if

  • only the receipt of the documents is registered, without entering further details (for departments, in which there is a strict differentiation between the mere receipt and the verification of the documents). Details like the document list, potential discrepancies or instructions are entered in follow-up transactions.
  • the receipt of the documents and all information about the document set are to be entered, so that registering the details is not necessary any more in follow-up transactions.


An existing Export L/C contract which is advised and not closed.
The numbers of advised and of received documents sets must be less than 999.
This transaction creates a new Export L/C Document Set contract.
If an existing Export L/C Document Set contract is used, it should not be a closed contract and the documents should not yet have been received.

Incoming Messages

Channel Description MT Description Comment
T TradeConnect T44 Transferring Documents to the Bank

For incoming allNETT / RIVO messages see Overview of Incoming messages - allNETT / RIVO.

Transaction Control


Fee Code Set as Default Units from until Comment
BEFHAN No 0 today today If “Document Type” not equal to 'External Presented Docs'


Results of this Transaction

This transaction creates an auto-registration for “Send, Accept and Settle Documents” when this is selected in the combobox “Further Handling” and a final settlement is done.


For more information see TRNDIA Diaries.

Action Description Diary Follow-up Transaction Comment
Completed if “Received on” is filled, the diary set in “Advising Documents” (LETDAV) will be deleted

Updating/Storing of Amounts (CBS)

Liability (LIA)

The open amount of the Export L/C is reduced by the document amount, provided this was not previously done when the documents were advised.

Outgoing Correspondence

Details on creation of messages can be found under DOCEOT Messages. For outgoing allNETT / RIVO messages see Overview of Outgoing messages - allNETT / RIVO.

Name of Message Receiver Message ID SWIFT SWIFT Score TCO DTA/DTE Bolero allNETT Comment
Acknowledge Documents Received Presenter LETPRB1 730 737 T50 or 770* DTAEAD 770 486 Provided the 'Documents, Discrepancies, Instructions' checkbox has been checked in this transaction.
Acknowledge Documents Received Selected Party LETPRB2 Provided the 'Documents, Discrepancies, Instructions' checkbox has not been checked in this transaction.
Not available as letter
Advice of Discrepancies Selected Party in “Presented by” LETISS1 750 Provided the 'Send Advice of Discrepancy' option has been selected in “Further handling”.

* The TradeConnect message can be created in DTA formate alternatively, if activated.


Signature required

Transaction Panels

Docs. Received


Datafield Description
Own Reference cf Appendix A, Table LED field OWNREF
Currency cf Appendix A, Table CBB field CUR
Nominal L/C Amount This field contains the nominal amount of the letter of credit
cf Appendix A, Table CBB field AMT
Additional Amount If this box is checked, additional amounts are available under the contract
and an additional panel is available to enter details.
Currency cf Appendix A, Table CBB field CUR
Open Amount This field contains the amount which is still available under the letter of
cf Appendix A, Table CBB field AMT
Revolving Flag cf Appendix A, Table LED field REVFLG
Available by cf Appendix A, Table LED field AVBBY
Red/Green Clause cf Appendix A, Table LED field REDCLSFLG
Opening Date cf Appendix A, Table LED field OPNDAT
Shipment Date cf Appendix A, Table LED field SHPDAT
Date of Expiry cf Appendix A, Table LED field EXPDAT
Place of Expiry cf Appendix A, Table LED field EXPPLC
Form of Documentary Credit cf Appendix A, Table LED field LCRTYP
Name cf Appendix A, Table PTS field NAM
Reference for Address (Optional) cf Appendix A, Table PTS field REF
Name cf Appendix A, Table PTS field NAM
Reference for Address (Optional) cf Appendix A, Table PTS field REF
Name cf Appendix A, Table PTS field NAM
Reference for Address (Optional) cf Appendix A, Table PTS field REF
Own Reference cf Appendix A, Table BED field OWNREF
Document Type cf Appendix A, Table BED field DOCTYPCOD
Currency cf Appendix A, Table CBB field CUR
Maximum Amount cf Appendix A, Table CBB field AMT
Currency cf Appendix A, Table CBB field CUR
Additional Amount cf Appendix A, Table CBB field AMT
Date of Receipt of Documents cf Appendix A, Table BED field RCVDAT
Order Date cf Appendix A, Table BED field ORDDAT
Maturity Date cf Appendix A, Table BED field MATDAT
Date of Shipment cf Appendix A, Table BED field SHPDAT
Maturity Period cf Appendix A, Table BET field MATPER
Enter Docs, Discrep. and Instructions cf Appendix A, Table BED field DSCINSFLG
Count of Received Document Sets cf Appendix A, Table LED field UTLNBR
Presented by cf Appendix A, Table BED field DOCPRBROL
External Key cf Appendix A, Table PTS field EXTKEY
Address Block cf Appendix A, Table PTS field ADRBLK



Datafield Description
Discrepancies Modified cf Appendix A, Table BET field DOCDISFLG
Discrepancies cf Appendix A, Table BET field DOCDIS
Internal Discrepancies cf Appendix A, Table BET field INTDIS
Comments and Conclusions cf Appendix A, Table BET field COMCON
Settlement Instructions (transaction field) cf Appendix A, Table BET field SETINSBE
Copies in 1st Mail This field contains the number of documents in figures to be sent with the first
mail. If documents are to be sent with one mail only, insert the total number of
each document in this column.
Copies in 2nd Mail This field contains the number of documents to be sent by second mail (if any)
Document Description This field contains the kind of document to be mentioned in the document
specification. Either select a document from the selection list or enter the
document manually.
Further Handling This field allows to select further steps in the processing of documents received.
Payer cf Appendix A, Table BED field DOCPYRROL
External Key cf Appendix A, Table PTS field EXTKEY
Address Block cf Appendix A, Table PTS field ADRBLK
Reference for Address (Optional) cf Appendix A, Table PTS field REF



Datafield Description
Currency cf Appendix A, Table CBB field CUR
Open Amount cf Appendix A, Table CBB field AMT
Presentation Date cf Appendix A, Table BED field PREDAT
Document Set Status cf Appendix A, Table BED field DOCSTA

Advice of Discrepancy


Datafield Description
Charges Deducted cf Appendix A, Table BET field CHADED
Charges Added cf Appendix A, Table BET field CHAADD
Currency of Total Amount to be Paid cf Appendix A, Table BED field TOTCUR
Total Amount to be Paid cf Appendix A, Table BED field TOTAMT
External Key cf Appendix A, Table PTS field EXTKEY
Address Block cf Appendix A, Table PTS field ADRBLK
Reference for Address (Optional) cf Appendix A, Table PTS field REF

Advice of Payment


Datafield Description
Date to be Paid cf Appendix A, Table BED field TOTDAT
Narrative (TAG 77A of Incoming MT754) cf Appendix A, Table BET field NARTXT77A
External Key cf Appendix A, Table PTS field EXTKEY
Address Block cf Appendix A, Table PTS field ADRBLK
Reference for Address (Optional) cf Appendix A, Table PTS field REF
External Key cf Appendix A, Table PTS field EXTKEY
Address Block cf Appendix A, Table PTS field ADRBLK
Reference for Address (Optional) cf Appendix A, Table PTS field REF

Advice Details

allNETT Fields


Datafield Description
Negotiation Reference cf Appendix A, Table BED field ANTNEGREF


DTAG Fields

en/app/030bsi/070le/0320letdrv.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/29 13:01 (external edit)