
Overview of Incoming messages - BR Import L/C Document Set

Channel Description MT Description Transactions Description Comment
A DTA Import 732 Taking up Documents BRTACP Accept Discrepancies
A DTA Import 732 Taking up Documents BRTDCR Processing Discrepant Documents
A DTA Import 759 Enhanced Free Format Message BRTFRE Common Messages
B Bolero 4999 Conversation Message BRTFRE Common Messages
M SmartForms 732 Accept Documents BRTACP Accept Discrepancies
M SmartForms 732 Accept Documents BRTDCR Processing Discrepant Documents
S SWIFT 726 Ancillary Message Index BRTFRE Common Messages
S SWIFT 730 Acknowledgment BRTADD Editing References
S SWIFT 749 Response to Advice of Discrepancy BRTACP Accept Discrepancies
S SWIFT 749 Response to Advice of Discrepancy BRTDCR Processing Discrepant Documents
S SWIFT 749 Response to Advice of Discrepancy BRTPAY Send, Accept and Settle Documents
S SWIFT 759 Ancillary Trade Structured Message BRTFRE Common Messages
S SWIFT 788 Free Format Message Index (Customer to Bank) BRTFRE Common Messages
S SWIFT 790 Advice of Charges, Interest and Other Adjustments BRTFEE Settling Charges
S SWIFT 791 Request for Payment of Charges, Interest and Other Expenses BRTFEE Settling Charges
S SWIFT 792 Request for Cancellation BRTFRE Common Messages
S SWIFT 795 Queries BRTFRE Common Messages
S SWIFT 796 Answers BRTFRE Common Messages
S SWIFT 797 Request for Cancellation Index BRTFRE Common Messages
S SWIFT 799 Free Format Message BRTFRE Common Messages
T TradeConnect 732 Taking up Documents BRTACP Accept Discrepancies
T TradeConnect 732 Taking up Documents BRTDCR Processing Discrepant Documents
T TradeConnect 759 Enhanced Free Format Message BRTFRE Common Messages
T TradeConnect T52 Authorisation to Pay BRTDCR Processing Discrepant Documents
en/app/030bsi/080li/0065swmbr.txt · Last modified: 2022/08/17 11:53 (external edit)