

Transaction LITAME

This transaction is used to make any kind of change to an Import L/C that do not require the consent of the beneficiary. These changes may include amount or validity changes, or changes to other conditions. Any change made to the contract is assigned an amendment number and an appropriate message is sent to all parties.

For information about handling and presentation of amended fields, refer to Handling of Amendments.


Detailed information on the processing of assignments can be found under Assignments.


Detailed information on the processing of auto-extension can be found under Auto-Extension.


An existing Import L/C contract which is open and not closed.
The number of amendments must be less than 999.

Incoming Messages

Channel Description MT Description Comment
A DTA Import 707 Amendment to Documentary Credit
B Bolero 470 DocumentaryCreditAmendmentRequest
M SmartForms 707 Amendment to Documentary Credit
S SWIFT 772 LC Request for Amendment Index
T TradeConnect 707 Amendment to Documentary Credit

For incoming allNETT / RIVO messages see Overview of Incoming messages - allNETT / RIVO.

Transaction Control


Fee Code Set as Default Units from until Comment
LIFAME Yes 1 Amendment Date New Expiry Date


Results of this Transaction


For more information see TRNDIA Diaries.

Action Description Diary Follow-up Transaction Comment
Replace Cancel MT740 for the unutilised balance Date of Expiry Common Messages If Reimbursement Bank set
Replace Import LC will expire Date of Expiry - 10 Working Days Common Messages
Replace Import LC Expired Date of Expiry + 5 Working Days Closing
Replace Next revolving instructions received? Next Revolve Date - 5 Working Days Common Messages If Revolving L/C and
“Awaiting Applicant´s Request” is filled
“Revolving Type” not “Revolving upon utilization”
“Next Revolve Date” filled.
Replace Next revolving Next Revolve Date Revolving If Revolving L/C and
“Awaiting Applicant´s Request” is filled
“Revolving Type” not “Revolving upon utilization”
“Next Revolve Date” filled.
Replace Advice Letter to the Customer On the “Advice Date”, if filled Common Messages The Advice Date can be set on the “Auto-Extension” Panel when checkbox “Auto-Extension” is checked.
Replace Auto-Extension of the Standby On the “Non-Extension Date”, if filled Internal Amendment The Non-Extension Date can be set on the “Auto-Extension” Panel when checkbox “Auto-Extension” is checked.
Completed Diaries that have been generated in transaction “Request of Amendment” (LITRAM) will be deleted, if the transaction has been executed as follow-up transaction of the diaries

Updating/Storing of Amounts (CBS)

If the amount of the Import L/C is changed, the nominal amount, the maximum amount and the open amount of the L/C are updated.

Liability (LIA)

The liability posted to the contract is either increased or reduced by the amount of the change.

Outgoing Correspondence

Details on creation of messages can be found under DOCEOT Messages. For outgoing allNETT / RIVO messages see Overview of Outgoing messages - allNETT / RIVO.

Assignment Messages and messages concerning Participations Sold (Syndications) will be created.

Name of Message Receiver Message ID SWIFT SWIFT Score TCO DTA/DTE Bolero Comment
Amendment Advising Bank/ Beneficiary LITADV1 707
Acknowledgment Applicant's Bank/ Applicant LITAPL1 730 773/707 707 DTALCR 707 489
Amendment Acceptance Applicant's Bank/ Applicant LITAPL2 736 709/ 759 If an autoreg. amendment is picked up and the amendment is finally stored. In case of reduction MT709, otherwise MT759.
Reimbursement Authorization New Reimbursement Bank LITRMB1 740
Reimbursement Amendment Old Reimbursement Bank LITRMB2 747 Thie message is only generated if the changes in the L/C also bring about a change in the reimbursement conditions, such as a change in the date of maturity for example.


Source in Transaction

Transaction Panels



Datafield Description
Own Reference If the L/C is amended using SWIFT, the information entered here is available in
Tag 20 of the MT707.
cf Appendix A, Table LID field OWNREF
Amendment Date If the L/C is amended using SWIFT, the information entered here is available in
Tag 30 of the MT707.
This field specifies the date on which the relevant party considers the
contract to be amended.
Amendment Number Number of the current amendment to be used in external communication.
Originally set either from incoming message or from actual AMENBR of contract.
This field was used in outgoing amendment messages.
Number of Amendments cf Appendix A, Table LID field AMENBR
Currency cf Appendix A, Table CBB field CUR
Nominal Amount This field displays the old nominal amount available under the letter of credit.
cf Appendix A, Table CBB field AMT
Amount Tolerance - Positive cf Appendix A, Table LID field NOMTOP
Amount Tolerance - Negative cf Appendix A, Table LID field NOMTON
Currency cf Appendix A, Table CBB field CUR
Maximum Amount This field displays the old maximum amount available under the letter of credit.
cf Appendix A, Table CBB field AMT
Currency If the L/C is amended using SWIFT, the information entered here is available in
Tag 32B of the MT 707.
Amendment Amount If the L/C is amended using SWIFT the information entered here is available in
Tag 32B (if the L/C amount is increased) or in Tag 33B (if the L/C amount is
decreased) of the MT707.
This field contains the amendment amount of the contract.
Currency This field contains the currency identified by the ISO code belonging to the
amount next to it.
Maximum Amendment Amount This field contains the maximum amended amount under the letter of credit.
It is calculated by adding the positive tolerance amount to the amended amount
of the L/C.
(If the positive tolerance is amended in this transactions, this entry is used
for calculation, otherwise the old percentage).
New Currency If the L/C is amended using SWIFT, the information entered here is available in
Tag 34B of the MT707.
New Amount If the L/C is amended using SWIFT, the information entered here is available in
Tag 34B of the MT707.
If amended, the information entered here will be stored in the database.
This field contains the new nominal amount. This is calculated by
adding the amendment amount to the old nominal amount.
New Positive Tolerance If the L/C is amended using SWIFT, the information entered here is available in
Tag 39A of the MT707.
If amended, the information entered here will be stored in the database.
This field specifies the new positive percentage tolerance for the documentary credit.
In order to calculate the new maximum amount, the positive tolerance amount is
added to the new nominal amount.
New Negative Tolerance If the L/C is amended using SWIFT, the information entered here is available in
Tag 39A of the MT707.
This field specifies the new negative percentage tolerance for the documentary credit.
Currency If the L/C is amended using SWIFT, the information entered here is available in
Tag 39B of the MT707.
This field contains the currency identified by the ISO code for the
amount next to it.
Maximum amount If the L/V is changed using SWIFT, the information entered here is available in
Tag 39B of the MT707.
In the event of a change, information entered here is stored in the database.

This field contains the new maximum amended amount under the letter of credit.
It is calculated by adding the new positive tolerance amount to the amended
amount of the L/C.
This field indicates the new maximum risk of the issuing bank under the L/C and
is also booked as liability.
Amount Specification If the L/C is amended using SWIFT, the information entered here is available in
Tag 39B of the MT707.
If amended, the information entered here will be stored in the database.
This field further qualifies the documentary credit amount.
Date of Expiry cf Appendix A, Table LID field EXPDAT
New Expiry Date If the L/C is amended using SWIFT, the information entered here is available in
Tag 31E of the MT707.
If amended, the information entered here will be stored in the database.
This field contains the new (amended) expiry date of the L/C.
Shipment Date cf Appendix A, Table LID field SHPDAT
New Shipment Date If the L/C is amended using SWIFT, the information entered here is available in
Tag 44C of the MT707.
If amended, the information entered here will be stored in the database.
This field contains the new (amended) date of shipment.
Shipment Period If the L/C is amended using SWIFT, the information entered here is available in
Tag 44D of the MT707.
If amended, the information entered here will be stored in the database.
This field specifies the new period of time during which the goods have to be
shipped in order for the documents to be L/C compliant.
Shipment from If the L/C is amended using SWIFT, the information entered here is available in
Tag 44A of the MT707.
If amended, the information entered here will be stored in the database.
This field specifies the new place of dispatch, or transfer of goods or
loading on board.
Air-/Port of Departure This field contains the port or airport of departure.
Air-/Port of Destination This field contains the port or airport of destination.
Final Destination If the L/C is amended using SWIFT, the information entered here is available in
Tag 44B of the MT707.
If amended, the information entered here will be stored in the database.
This field specifies the new final destination of the goods shipped under
the L/C.
Additional Amount Covered If the L/C is amended using SWIFT, the information entered here is available in
Tag 39C of the MT707.
If amended, the information entered here will be stored in the database.
This field specifies any amendments to the additional amount covered, such as
insurance, freight, interest etc.
Additional Amount Flag This flag controls the storage of an additional amount for a contract.
Unchecking this flag automatically eliminates existing additional amounts
when the transaction is saved.
To introduce additional amounts this flag first has to be checked.
Additional Amount This field holds the new additional amount if the amount has changed.
When the transaction is saved, additional amounts are adjusted to this amount.
Generate Amendment Message If checked, the current transaction generates an outgoing amendment message.
If an amendment message has been generated in an xxxRAM transaction, the corresponding
xxxAME transaction will no longer generate an outgoing amendment message.
In this case, when the transaction starts the field is not filled.



Datafield Description
Purpose of Message This field specifies the purpose of the outgoing message as required for the outgoing SWIFT
MT707 message, such as the Issuance of an L/C Amendment in transaction LITAME or the advise
of a L/C Amendment in transaction LETAME.
Days of presentation period cf Appendix A, Table LID field PREPERS18
Presentation period text cf Appendix A, Table LID field PREPERTXTS18
Presentation Period cf Appendix A, Table LIT field PREPER



Datafield Description
Form of Documentary Credit cf Appendix A, Table LID field LCRTYP
Direct rejection cf Appendix A, Table LID field REJFLG
Responsible User cf Appendix A, Table LID field OWNUSR
Reserved Contract cf Appendix A, Table LID field RESFLG
Nominal L/C Amount This field contains the nominal amount of the letter of credit.
cf Appendix A, Table CBB field AMT
Additional Amount If this box is checked, additional amounts are available under the contract
and an additional panel is available to enter details.
Amount Tolerance - Positive cf Appendix A, Table LID field NOMTOP
Amount Tolerance - Negative cf Appendix A, Table LID field NOMTON
Type of Request cf Appendix A, Table LID field REQTYP
Amount Specification cf Appendix A, Table LID field NOMSPC
Currency cf Appendix A, Table CBB field CUR
Maximum L/C Amount This field contains the amximum amount available under the letter of credit.
cf Appendix A, Table CBB field AMT
Open Date If the L/C is amended using SWIFT, the information entered here is available in
Tag 31C of the MT707.
cf Appendix A, Table LID field OPNDAT
Date Pre-advised cf Appendix A, Table LID field PREADVDT
Shipment Date cf Appendix A, Table LID field SHPDAT
Date of Expiry cf Appendix A, Table LID field EXPDAT
Place of Expiry cf Appendix A, Table LID field EXPPLC
Partial Shipment cf Appendix A, Table LID field SHPPAR
Partial Shipment cf Appendix A, Table LID field SHPPARS18
Transshipment cf Appendix A, Table LID field SHPTRS
Transhipment cf Appendix A, Table LID field SHPTRSS18
Applicable Rules cf Appendix A, Table LID field APPRUL
Other Applicable Rules cf Appendix A, Table LID field APPRULTXT
Confirmation Instructions cf Appendix A, Table LID field CNFDET
Currency cf Appendix A, Table CBB field CUR
Open Amount This field contains the amount available under the letter of credit.
cf Appendix A, Table CBB field AMT
Your Order Dated cf Appendix A, Table LID field ORDDAT
External Key cf Appendix A, Table PTS field EXTKEY
Address Block cf Appendix A, Table PTS field ADRBLK
Reference for Address (Optional) cf Appendix A, Table PTS field REF
External Key cf Appendix A, Table PTS field EXTKEY
Address Block cf Appendix A, Table PTS field ADRBLK
Reference for Address (Optional) cf Appendix A, Table PTS field REF
External Key cf Appendix A, Table PTS field EXTKEY
Address Block cf Appendix A, Table PTS field ADRBLK
Reference for Address (Optional) cf Appendix A, Table PTS field REF
Reimbursement Information cf Appendix A, Table LID field RMBFLG
Revolving Flag cf Appendix A, Table LID field REVFLG
Auto-Extension cf Appendix A, Table LID field AUTRNWFLG
Domestic L/C cf Appendix A, Table LID field DOMFLG
Assignment of Proceeds cf Appendix A, Table LID field AOPFLG
Specify Loan Term cf Appendix A, Table LID field SPFINFLG



Datafield Description
Historic Overview of Amendment Narratives cf Appendix A, Table LIT field NARHIS
Amendment Text If the L/C is amended using SWIFT, the information entered here is available in
Tag 79 of the MT707.
If amended, the information entered here will be stored in the database.



Datafield Description
Available with cf Appendix A, Table LID field AVBWTH
Available in cf Appendix A, Table LIT field AVBWTHTXT
Available by cf Appendix A, Table LID field AVBBY
Usance Payable at Sight/Usance cf Appendix A, Table LID field UPATYP
UPAU days cf Appendix A, Table LID field UPAUDS
Deferred Payment Details cf Appendix A, Table LIT field DEFDET
Drafts at cf Appendix A, Table LIT field DFTAT
External Key cf Appendix A, Table PTS field EXTKEY
Address Block cf Appendix A, Table PTS field ADRBLK
Shipment from cf Appendix A, Table LID field SHPFRO
Port of Loading cf Appendix A, Table LID field PORLOA
Port of Discharge cf Appendix A, Table LID field PORDIS
For Transportation to cf Appendix A, Table LID field SHPTO
Shipment Period cf Appendix A, Table LIT field SHPPER
Presentation Period cf Appendix A, Table LIT field PREPER
Presentation Period modified cf Appendix A, Table LIT field PREPERFLG
Days of presentation period cf Appendix A, Table LID field PREPERS18
Presentation period text cf Appendix A, Table LID field PREPERTXTS18
Additional Details for Charges cf Appendix A, Table LIT field FEETXT
Fee settlement - our fee to be debited to cf Appendix A, Table LID field CHATO
Country Code (Risk Country) cf Appendix A, Table LID field STACTY
Mixed Payment Details cf Appendix A, Table LIT field MIXDET



Datafield Description
Count of Advised Subcontracts without Documents cf Appendix A, Table LID field ADVNBR
Notify Period cf Appendix A, Table LID field NOTNBR
Extension Period cf Appendix A, Table LID field RNWNBR
Final Expiry Date cf Appendix A, Table LID field EXPDATFIN
Notification Information cf Appendix A, Table LIT field NOTTXT



Datafield Description
External Key cf Appendix A, Table PTS field EXTKEY
Address Block cf Appendix A, Table PTS field ADRBLK
Reference for Address (Optional) cf Appendix A, Table PTS field REF
External Key cf Appendix A, Table PTS field EXTKEY
Address Block cf Appendix A, Table PTS field ADRBLK
Reference for Address (Optional) cf Appendix A, Table PTS field REF
External Key cf Appendix A, Table PTS field EXTKEY
Address Block cf Appendix A, Table PTS field ADRBLK
Reference for Address (Optional) cf Appendix A, Table PTS field REF
External Key cf Appendix A, Table PTS field EXTKEY
Address Block cf Appendix A, Table PTS field ADRBLK
Reference for Address (Optional) cf Appendix A, Table PTS field REF

allNETT Fields


Datafield Description
Incoterm Place cf Appendix A, Table LID field INCTRMPLC
Incoterm Freight cf Appendix A, Table LID field INCTRMFRT
Incoming allNETT Window ID 01W06 cf Appendix A, Table LIT field INC01W06
Incoming allNETT Window ID 01W07 cf Appendix A, Table LIT field INC01W07
Received Account Details cf Appendix A, Table LIT field INCACCDET

Goods (Amend.)


Datafield Description
Description of Goods (History) cf Appendix A, Table LIT field LCRGODAME

Doc's (Amend.)


Datafield Description
Documents Required (History) cf Appendix A, Table LIT field LCRDOCAME

Add. Con. (Amend.)


Datafield Description
Additional Conditions (History) cf Appendix A, Table LIT field ADLCNDAME
Red/Green Clause cf Appendix A, Table LID field REDCLSFLG
Red/Green Clause Currency cf Appendix A, Table LID field REDCLSCUR
Red/Green Clause Amount cf Appendix A, Table LID field REDCLSAMT
Red/Green Clause Percentage cf Appendix A, Table LID field REDCLSPRC
Special payment conditions for beneficiary exists cf Appendix A, Table LID field SPCBENFLG
Special Payment Conditions for specified Bank only cf Appendix A, Table LID field SPCRCBFLG

Spe. pay conditions Ben (Amend.)


Datafield Description
Special payment Conditions for beneficiary (History) cf Appendix A, Table LIT field SPCBENAME

Spe. Pay. Cond. Bank only(Amend)


Datafield Description
Special Payment Conditions for Bank Only (History) cf Appendix A, Table LIT field SPCRCBAME

Revolving Details


Datafield Description
Revolving Type cf Appendix A, Table LID field REVTYP
Credit is Marked as Cumulative cf Appendix A, Table LID field REVCUM
Revolving Times cf Appendix A, Table LID field REVTIMES
Number of Revolvings under L/C cf Appendix A, Table LID field REVNBR
Revolving Date cf Appendix A, Table LID field REVDAT
Awaiting Applicant's Request cf Appendix A, Table LID field REVAWAPL
Revolving Clause cf Appendix A, Table LIT field REVCLS
Notes to Applicant cf Appendix A, Table LIT field REVNOTES

Instr. to P, A, N. Bank (Amend)


Datafield Description
Instructions to Paying/Accepting/Negotiating Bank cf Appendix A, Table LIT field INSBNK
Instructions to P/A/N (Amendment History) cf Appendix A, Table LIT field INSBNKAME



Datafield Description
Default Account cf Appendix A, Table PTS field DFTACT
Reimbursing Bank Account Identification cf Appendix A, Table LID field RMBACT
Reimbursing Bank's Charges cf Appendix A, Table LID field RMBCHA
Reimbursement Charges cf Appendix A, Table LIT field RMBCHA
Applicable Rules Reimbursement cf Appendix A, Table LID field APPRULRMB
Date of Authorization to Reimburse cf Appendix A, Table LID field AUTDAT



Datafield Description
Description of Goods cf Appendix A, Table LIT field LCRGOD
Goods Code (for Statistics) cf Appendix A, Table LID field STAGOD



Datafield Description
Documents Required cf Appendix A, Table LIT field LCRDOC

Additional Conditions


Datafield Description
Additional Conditions cf Appendix A, Table LIT field ADLCND
ALADI Checkbox cf Appendix A, Table LID field ALADIFLG
ALADI Reimb. Code cf Appendix A, Table LID field ALADICOD

Loan Details


Datafield Description
Base Rate cf Appendix A, Table LID field IRTCOD
Cash Base cf Appendix A, Table LID field CSHRAT
Liquidity costs cf Appendix A, Table LID field LQDRAT
Financing Flat Fee cf Appendix A, Table LID field OWNRATFLG
Our margin cf Appendix A, Table LID field OWNRAT
Document Currency cf Appendix A, Table LID field OWNCUR
Fixed price for total maturity cf Appendix A, Table LID field OWNAMT
Total interest rate Sum of interest costs + liquidity costs + our margin
The total interest rate used to calculate the commission.
Financing Period cf Appendix A, Table LID field INTDAYLC

Special Paymt Cond. Beneficiary


Datafield Description
Special Payment Conditions for Beneficiary cf Appendix A, Table LIT field SPCBEN

Special Paymt Cond. Bank only


Datafield Description
Special Payment Conditions for Bank Only cf Appendix A, Table LIT field SPCRCB

Transfer/ Back-to-Back L/Cs


Datafield Description
Own Reference cf Appendix A, Table LED field OWNREF
Currency cf Appendix A, Table CBB field CUR
Nominal L/C Amount This field contains the nominal amount of the letter of credit
cf Appendix A, Table CBB field AMT
Additional Amount If this box is checked, additional amounts are available under the contract
and an additional panel is available to enter details.
Currency cf Appendix A, Table CBB field CUR
Open Amount This field contains the amount which is still available under the letter of
cf Appendix A, Table CBB field AMT
Revolving Flag cf Appendix A, Table LED field REVFLG
Available by cf Appendix A, Table LED field AVBBY
Red/Green Clause cf Appendix A, Table LED field REDCLSFLG
Opening Date cf Appendix A, Table LED field OPNDAT
Shipment Date cf Appendix A, Table LED field SHPDAT
Date of Expiry cf Appendix A, Table LED field EXPDAT
Place of Expiry cf Appendix A, Table LED field EXPPLC
Form of Documentary Credit cf Appendix A, Table LED field LCRTYP
Name cf Appendix A, Table PTS field NAM
Reference for Address (Optional) cf Appendix A, Table PTS field REF
Name cf Appendix A, Table PTS field NAM
Reference for Address (Optional) cf Appendix A, Table PTS field REF
Name cf Appendix A, Table PTS field NAM
Reference for Address (Optional) The Beneficiary is the exporter of the good's.
cf Appendix A, Table PTS field REF
Confirmation text This field contains a short description concerning the type of the letter of


DTAG Fields

en/app/030bsi/080li/0250litame.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/29 13:03 (external edit)