

The “Transfer L/C” business sector is a subordinated business sector of the “Export L/C” business sector. All transactions that need to process a transfer L/C and to handle documents are available in the “Transfer L/C” sector.

“Bills Received under a Transfer L/C” (BTs) are the document sets under an transfer L/C. They are created in the “Documents Received under a Transfer L/C” (LTTDCK) or in the “Advising Documents” (LTTDAV) transaction. Each “Bills Received under an Transfer L/C” is technically subordinated to the Transfer L/C and the Export L/C which created it.

Transactions for further processing the document sets are available in the “Bills Received under an Transfer L/C” business sector .

Context Export L/C, Transfer L/C and Bills Received (Received Document Sets)

In the application the general transaction processing is done in the respective business sector - in this case under Transfer L/C (letter of transfer; abbreviated: LT) - and there under the selected contract. In Transfer L/Cs this is different, insofar as the Transfer L/Cs are opened with the transaction “Open a Transfer L/C” in the business sector “Export L/C”.

This Transfer L/C is stored under its own unique reference number and contains all data associated to the contract. All other transaction (e.g. modifications, etc.) are edited in business sector “Transfer L/C” under the relevant contract.

When documents are presented under the Transfer L/C, the received data are entered with the relevant transaction. The data are stored for each document set in a so-called subcontract. This subcontract has its own reference number (made up of the reference number of the Transfer L/C combined with a counter). This type of subcontracts are called “received document sets” in the application. The sub business sector is called 'Bills Received' (abbreviated: BT).

All transactions, that are associated to a document set are processed under the relevant subcontract.

The Transfer L/C has to be accessed before working on transactions affecting the letter of credit. If the documents received procedure has already been run and if relevant BTs are already available, the user will receive a selection list of these. After selecting a document record, a list of applicable transactions is displayed from which the user can make his selection for processing.

The organization of this process makes particular sense, because multiple single presentations of documents can take place in an letter of credit. This division of the work allows each individual presentation to be processed easily. The application calculates the total of all presentations against the original amount of the Transfer L/C.

en/app/030bsi/090lt/0010bslttbas.txt · Last modified: 2022/04/19 13:13 (external edit)