
Amounts / Liabilities

According to the liability concept, for every business sector amount and liability bookings are created, that are either mandatory for the bank or merely contain an internal booking (refer to Liability Concept for additional information).

The following tables shows amount and liability bookings for the business sector “Transfer L/C” (LT), including the document sets (BT).

Transaction* Description Type of Liability Relevant Amount Relevant Party Remarks
LTTOPN** Opening a Transfer L/C
LTTAME** Amending
LTTDAV Advising Documents Internal (INT) Usance Amount Presenter (PRB)
LTTDCK Receiving Documents from 2nd Beneficiary Internal (INT) Usance Amount Presenter (PRB)
BTTDRV Correct Drawing Internal (INT) Open resp. Maximum Amount Presenter (PRB) and (PRP)
BTTDCR** Processing Discrepant Documents Book out remaining liability Remaining Amount all previous parties if not “ Rejection Pending Instructions”
BTTDCK Receiving Documents from 1st Beneficiary Internal (INT) Open resp. Maximum Amount Presenter (PRB) and (PRP)
BTTPAY** Send, Accept and Settle Documents Internal (INT), Acceptance (AKZ) or Usance payment without Liability (DPU) or Deferred Payment (DPZ) Usance Amount Presenter (PRB) and (PRP)
BTTSET** Settling Funds
BTTTEN Liability Adjustment Tenor (TNR) Booking Amount Issuing Bank (ISS)
BTTCAN Closing Book out remaining Liability Remaining Amount all previous parties
BTTROP Re-Opening Internal (INT) Settlement Amount 1st Beneficiary (BE1)
Acceptance (AKZ) or Usance payment without Liability (DPU) or Deferred Payment (DPZ) Settlement Amount Issuing Bank (ISS)

* Transactions that are not applicable for the liability are not listed.

** The confirmation of the LC is handled under the Export letter of credit (parent contract).

en/app/030bsi/090lt/0050bslttlia.txt · Last modified: 2022/04/19 13:13 (external edit)