
Overview of Outgoing messages - Export L/C Transfer

Transaction Name of Message Receiver Message ID SWIFT TCO TCX allNETT
Opening a Transfer L/C Advice of Execution 1st Beneficiary LTTBE11
Transfer of Documentary Credit Advising Bank Transfer/ 2nd Beneficiary LTTBE21 720
Reimbursement Authorization Reimbursement Bank Transfer LTTRMT1 740
Advice of Transfer Issuing Bank LTTISS1
Assignment Messages
Participations Sold (Syndications)
Request of Amendment Acknowledgment 1st Beneficiary LTTBE11 730
Amendment Request Selected Party LTTBE21 707
Amending Acknowledgment of Receipt 1st Beneficiary LTTBE11 730
Advice of Amendment Selected Party LTTBE21 707
Acknowledgment 1st Beneficiary LTTBE12
Reimbursement Authorization Reimbursement Bank LTTRMT1 740
Reimbursement Amendment Reimbursement Bank LTTRMT2 747
Assignment Messages
Participations Sold (Syndications)
Reimbursement Claim
Commissioning Participations Sold (Syndications)
Assignment of Proceeds Assignment Messages
Transferring the 1st Beneficiary Transfer Message Old 1st Ben. Old 1st Beneficiary
Transfer Message New 1st Ben. New 1st Beneficiary
Advising Documents Notification of Advised Payment Selected Party in “Pres.by (1st Ben)” LTTBE11
Notification of Advised Discrepancies Selected Party in “Pres.by (1st Ben)” LTTBE12
Receiving Documents from 2nd Beneficiary
Advice Documents 1st Beneficiary LTTBE11 756/758
Advice of Discrepancies Payer LTTPAY1 750
Acknowledgment of Documents Presenter LTTPRB1
Advice of Documents 1st Beneficiary LTTBE12 756/758
Settling Charges Rebooking Messages
Common Messages To view general information see Common Messages
Closing Advice of Cancelation 1st Beneficiary LTTBE11
Advice of Cancelation Avis.Bank Transfer/2nd Beneficiary LTTBE21
Participations Sold (Syndications)
Reimbursement Claim

In various transactions Payment Messages for the respective clearing system will be created.

Overview of Outgoing messages - Export L/C Transfer Documents

en/app/030bsi/090lt/0070msglt.txt · Last modified: 2022/08/15 09:08 by mk