
Overview of Outgoing messages - Export L/C Transfer Documents

Transaction Name of Message Receiver Message ID SWIFT TCO allNETT
Receiving Documents from 1st Beneficiary Acknowledgment of Documents Presenter on 1st Beneficiary Side BTTBE11
Processing Discrepant Documents Advice of Refusal Selected Party in '1st Ben-Side' BTTBE11 734
Advice of Refusal Selected Party in '2nd Ben-Side' BTTBE21 734
Advice of Discrepancies Payer BTTISS1 750
Return of Documents (1st Ben.) Presenter on 1st Beneficiary Side BTTBE12
Return of Documents (2nd Ben.) Presenter BTTBE22
Correct Drawing Acknowledgment of Documents Presenter on 1st Beneficiary Side BTTBE11
Advice of Discrepancies Payer BTTPAY1 750
Acknowledgment of Documents Received Presenter BTTPRB1
Liability Adjustment Amendment of Maturity 1st Beneficiary BTTBE11
Amendment of Maturity Presenter BTTBE22
Transferring the Issuing Bank Transfer Message Old Iss. Bank Old Issuing Bank BTTISS1
Transfer Message New Iss. Bank New Issuing Bank BTTISS2
Settling Funds Credit Advice Presenter on 1st Beneficiary Side BTTBE11
Debit Letter Payer BTTPAY1
Credit Advice Presenter BTTPRB1
Advice of Paym./Accept./Negot. Payer BTTISS1 754
Assignment Messages
Participations Sold (Syndications)
Send, Accept and Settle Documents MT752 Authorisation Presenter BTTA2T1 752
Advice of Paym./Accept./Negot. Payer BTTISS2 754
Document Presentation 1st Mail Selected Party in 'Receiver of Documents' BTTPAY1
Cover Letter for Presentation of Documents to Payer, 2nd mail Selected Party in 'Receiver of Documents' BTTPAY2
Advice of Discharge Presenter BTTPRB1 732
Acknowledgment of Documents and Maturity Information Presenter BTTPRB2
Acknowledgment and Settlement of Documents Presenter BTTPRB3
Acknowledgment of Documents Received Presenter BTTPRB4
Acknowledgment Presenter BTTBE11
Acknowledgment Presenter BTTBE12
Assignment Messages
Participations Sold (Syndications)
Reimbursement Claim
Sending Documents Covering Letter 1st Mail Selected Party in 'Receiver of Documents' BTTPAY1
Covering Letter 2nd Mail Selected Party in 'Receiver of Documents' BTTPAY2
Acknowledgment of Documents Presenter BTTPRB1 730
Authorization to Pay, Accept or Negotiate Presenter BTTA2T1 752
Acknowledgment (1st Beneficiary) Presenter (1st beneficiary side) BTTBE11
Settling Charges Rebooking Messages
Common Messages To view general information see Common Messages
Reimbursement Claim Advice of Paym./Accept./Negot. Payer BTTISS1 754
Reimbursement Claim
Closing Advice of Cancelation Presenter on 1st Beneficiary Side BTTBE11
Advice of Cancelation Presenter BTTBE21

In various transactions Payment Messages for the respective clearing system will be created.

en/app/030bsi/090lt/0075msgbt.txt · Last modified: 2022/08/15 09:25 by mk