
Processing Discrepant Documents

Transaction BTTDCR

This transaction is used to process, and where necessary, to reject discrepant documents in a transfer L/C that have not been taken up.

In case the rejection depends on instructions, the “Rejection Pending Instructions” checkbox has to be checked. This does not automatically close the contract (checkbox “Close Contract” will be unchecked). The discrepancies can be changed in field “Discrepancies” after the checkbox “Discrepancies modified” has been checked. The contract is closed if the “Rejection Pending Instructions” is not checked.

If only an advice of discrepancies is to be sent, the “Send Advice of Discrepancies” checkbox is to be checked.
If documents to presenting bank on 1st beneficiary side or/and documents to presenting bank on 2nd beneficiary side are to returned, the checkboxes “Return of Doc. to Presenting Bank (1st Ben.)” or/and “Return of Doc. to Presenting Bank (2nd Ben.)” are to be checked. Letters “Return of Documents (1st Ben.)” or/and “Return of Documents (2nd Ben)” are generated.


An existing set of documents under a Transfer L/C which is not closed.
Documents may not yet be taken up.

Incoming Messages

Channel Description MT Description Comment
S SWIFT 738 LC Discrepant Presentation Response Index

For incoming allNETT / RIVO messages see Overview of Incoming messages - allNETT / RIVO.

Transaction Control




Results of this Transaction


For more information see TRNDIA Diaries.


Updating/Storing of Amounts (CBS)

Liability (LIA)

Outgoing Correspondence

Details on creation of messages can be found under DOCEOT Messages. For outgoing allNETT / RIVO messages see Overview of Outgoing messages - allNETT / RIVO.

Name of Message Receiver Message ID SWIFT TCO DTA/DTE Comment
Advice of Refusal Selected Party in “1st Ben-Side” BTTBE11 734
Advice of Refusal Selected Party in “2nd Ben-Side” BTTBE21 734
Advice of Discrepancies Payer BTTISS1 750 If “Send Advice of Discrepancies” is checked
Return of Documents (1st Ben.) Presenter on 1st Beneficiary Side BTTBE12 If “Return of Doc. to Presenting Bank (1st Ben.)” is checked
Return of Documents (2nd Ben.) Presenter BTTBE22 If “Return of Doc. to Presenting Bank (2nd Ben.)” is checked


Signature required

Transaction Panels



Datafield Description
Own Reference cf Appendix A, Table BTD field OWNREF
Own Reference cf Appendix A, Table LTD field OWNREF
Own Reference cf Appendix A, Table LED field OWNREF
Currency cf Appendix A, Table CBB field CUR
Maximum Amount cf Appendix A, Table CBB field AMT
Additional Amount If this box is checked, additional amounts are available under the contract
and an additional panel is available to enter details.
Currency cf Appendix A, Table CBB field CUR
Open Amount cf Appendix A, Table CBB field AMT
Document Type cf Appendix A, Table BTD field DOCTYPCOD
Maturity Date cf Appendix A, Table BTD field MATDAT
Presentation Date cf Appendix A, Table BTD field PREDAT
Document Set Status cf Appendix A, Table BTD field DOCSTA
Name cf Appendix A, Table PTS field NAM
Reference for Address (Optional) cf Appendix A, Table PTS field REF
Name cf Appendix A, Table PTS field NAM
Name cf Appendix A, Table PTS field NAM
Reference for Address (Optional) cf Appendix A, Table PTS field REF
Name cf Appendix A, Table PTS field NAM
Reference for Address (Optional) cf Appendix A, Table PTS field REF
Currency cf Appendix A, Table CBB field CUR
Additional Amount cf Appendix A, Table CBB field AMT
Currency cf Appendix A, Table CBB field CUR
Currency cf Appendix A, Table CBB field CUR
Amount cf Appendix A, Table CBB field AMT
Amount cf Appendix A, Table CBB field AMT
Rejection pending instructions Check this box if the rejection is to be extended until
further instruction are received.
Return of Documents to Presenting Bank (1st Beneficiary) Checking this box generates a 'Return of Documents'letter
to the presenting bank of the 1st beneficiary.
cf Appendix A, Table BTD field ADVDOCBE1FLG
Return of Documents to Presenting Bank (2.Beneficiary) Checking this box generates a 'Return of Documents'letter
to the presenting bank of the 2nd beneficiary.
cf Appendix A, Table BTD field ADVDOCBE2FLG
Close Contract Checking this box closes the current contract.

Rejection Details 1st Ben.


Datafield Description
Copies in 1st Mail This field contains the number of documents in figures to be sent with the first
mail. If documents are to be sent with one mail only, insert the total number of
each document in this column.
Copies in 2nd Mail This field contains the number of documents to be sent by second mail (if any)
Document Description This field contains the kind of document to be mentioned in the document
specification. Either select a document from the selection list or enter the
document manually.
Discrepancies First Beneficiary cf Appendix A, Table BTT field DOCDISBE1
Presented by (1st Beneficiary Side) cf Appendix A, Table BTD field DOCPRBROLBE1
External Key cf Appendix A, Table PTS field EXTKEY
Address Block cf Appendix A, Table PTS field ADRBLK
Reference for Address (Optional) cf Appendix A, Table PTS field REF
External Key cf Appendix A, Table PTS field EXTKEY
Address Block cf Appendix A, Table PTS field ADRBLK
Reference for Address (Optional) cf Appendix A, Table PTS field REF
Reasons for Rejection First Beneficiary cf Appendix A, Table BTT field DOCINSBE1
Disposal of Documents First Beneficiary cf Appendix A, Table BTT field DISDOCBE1

Rejection Details 2nd Ben.


Datafield Description
Copies in 1st Mail This field contains the number of documents in figures to be sent with the first
mail. If documents are to be sent with one mail only, insert the total number of
each document in this column.
Copies in 2nd Mail This field contains the number of documents to be sent by second mail (if any)
Document Description This field contains the kind of document to be mentioned in the document
specification. Either select a document from the selection list or enter the
document manually.
Discrepancies Modified Manually cf Appendix A, Table BTT field DOCDISFLG
Discrepancies cf Appendix A, Table BTT field DOCDIS
Presented by cf Appendix A, Table BTD field DOCPRBROL
External Key cf Appendix A, Table PTS field EXTKEY
Address Block cf Appendix A, Table PTS field ADRBLK
External Key cf Appendix A, Table PTS field EXTKEY
Address Block cf Appendix A, Table PTS field ADRBLK
Reference for Address (Optional) cf Appendix A, Table PTS field REF
Reasons for Rejection cf Appendix A, Table BTT field DOCINS
Disposal of Documents cf Appendix A, Table BTT field DISDOC


Advice of Payment


Datafield Description
Currency cf Appendix A, Table CBB field CUR
Charges Deducted cf Appendix A, Table BTT field CHADED
Charges Added cf Appendix A, Table BTT field CHAADD
Currency of Total Amount to be Paid cf Appendix A, Table BTD field TOTCUR
Total Amount to be Paid cf Appendix A, Table BTD field TOTAMT
External Key cf Appendix A, Table PTS field EXTKEY
Address Block cf Appendix A, Table PTS field ADRBLK
Reference for Address (Optional) cf Appendix A, Table PTS field REF
External Key cf Appendix A, Table PTS field EXTKEY
Address Block cf Appendix A, Table PTS field ADRBLK
Reference for Address (Optional) cf Appendix A, Table PTS field REF
Date to be Paid cf Appendix A, Table BTD field TOTDAT
Narrative (TAG 77A of MT754) cf Appendix A, Table BTT field NARTXT77A

Advice of Discrepancy

allNETT Fields


Datafield Description
Customer Negotiation Reference cf Appendix A, Table BTD field ANTNEGREF



Datafield Description
Internal Discrepancies cf Appendix A, Table BTT field INTDIS
Remarks to Payee cf Appendix A, Table BTT field COMCON
Settlement Instructions cf Appendix A, Table BTT field SETINSBT
Further Handling This field allows to select further steps in the processing of documents received.

DTAG Fields

en/app/030bsi/090lt/0360bttdcr.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/29 12:54 (external edit)