
BTD - Document Set under Transfer L/C - Data

Module BTD


Name Helptext Description Data Type Len Codetable
INR Internal Unique ID Text 8
OWNREF Own Reference Text 16
NAM Name Text 80
OWNUSR Responsible User Text 8
OPNTRNINR TRNINR which opened contract Text 8
CREDAT Date Created Date 12
OPNDAT Opening Date Date 12
CLSDAT Date Closed Date 12
PNTTYP Parent Contract Type Text 6
PNTINR Parent Contract INR Text 8
RCVDATBE1 Date of Receipt 1st Beneficiary Date 12
SHPDAT Date of Shipment Date 12
ADVDAT Date of Advice of Documents Received Date 12
MATDAT Maturity Date Date 12
DOCTYPCOD Document Type Text 1 BRDTYP
DISDAT Date Discrepancies Advised Date 12
VER Version Text 4
APPROVCOD Documents on Approval Basis Text 1
FREPAYFLG Free of Payment Text 1
MATTXTFLG Multiple Tenor Flag Text 1
ORDDATBE2 Order Date (2nd Beneficiary) Date 12
DOCPRBROL Presented by Text 3 <fixed-length>
PAYROL Payer Text 3
DSCINSFLG Enter Docs, Discrep. and Instructions Text 1
ACPNOWFLG Accept Documents now Text 1
TOTCUR Currency of Total Amount to be Paid Text 3 CURTXT
TOTAMT Total Amount to be Paid Numeric 18
TOTDAT Date to be Paid Date 12
ADVTYP Type of Advice Received Text 3 Embedded
DOCSTA Document Set Status Text 40 Embedded
RCVDATBE2 Date of Receipt 2nd Beneficiary Date 12
DOCPRBROLBE1 Presented by (1st Beneficiary Side) Text 3 <fixed-length>
ORDDATBE1 Order Date (1st Beneficiary) Date 12
PREDAT Presentation Date Date 12
ADVDOCBE1FLG Return of Documents First Beneficiary Text 1
ADVDOCBE2FLG Return of Documents Second Beneficiary Text 1
CANCNF Reduce Confirmation Liability Text 1
DOCROL Receiver of Documents Text 3 ROLALL
DOCROLFLG Send Documents to Another Address Text 1
ANTNEGREF Customer Negotiation Reference Text 20
ETYEXTKEY Entity Text 8

Datafield Description and Properties

Datafield INR Internal Unique ID

Unique internal ID of a record within the table. The INR is a text field, which is created by retrieving the next valid entry from the counter of this table. The field INR is used to enable links from other tables to this table.

For contractdata the INR also links the two tables xxD and xxT as associated entries hold the same INR.

Datafield OWNREF Own Reference

This field contains the reference number of the subcontract created for the set of documents received from 2nd beneficiary.

Datafield NAM Name

This field contains the external name of the selected set of documents presented under the transfer.

Datafield OWNUSR Responsible User

This field holds the User ID of the person responsible for handling this contract.

Datafield OPNTRNINR TRNINR which opened contract

This field holds the INR of the transaction which opened/issued the contract.

Datafield CREDAT Date Created

This date field identifies the date the entry was physically added to the database.

Datafield OPNDAT Opening Date

The field holds the opening/issuing date of the contract. If this field is set, the contract has been legally established and it might be used for business transactions. This date describes the point in time when this contract became legally binding. This might be a date prior to the creation date, when the contract was legally binding before it was stored in the database.

Datafield CLSDAT Date Closed

This fields indicates the closing date of a contract. If an entry has been made, the contract is closed and may no longer be used to process business transactions except special transactions like Settling Charges or Common Messages.

Datafield PNTTYP Parent Contract Type

This field contains the type of the parent contract.

Datafield PNTINR Parent Contract INR

This field contains the unique identifcation number of the parent contract.

Datafield RCVDATBE1 Date of Receipt 1st Beneficiary

This field specifies the date on which the exchange documents (such as the commercial invoice) of the first beneficiary side were received by the bank using the application (date of the actual receipt stamp, NOT date of customer order - that is 'Order Date (1st Beneficiary)'). This field should be entered when documents are received from the first beneficiary side in the transaction 'Receiving Documents from 1st Beneficiary'.

Datafield SHPDAT Date of Shipment

This field contains the date of shipment as per the transport document presented.

Datafield ADVDAT Date of Advice of Documents Received

This date is set when an Payment Advice (incoming MT754) has been received.

Datafield MATDAT Maturity Date

This field contains a fixed maturity date for the set of documents presented.

Datafield DOCTYPCOD Document Type

This field contains a list to select the type of the document presentation.

Datafield DISDAT Date Discrepancies Advised

This date is set when an Advice of Discrepancy (incoming MT750) has been received.

Datafield VER Version

This field holds the version counter used to keep track of the history of an entry of this table. The individual versions are managed by entries in the SLG table.

Datafield APPROVCOD Documents on Approval Basis

Check this box if documents are to be handled on approval basis.

Datafield FREPAYFLG Free of Payment

This field specifies whether documents are handled free of payment, i.e. whether they are presented to the applicant without the applicant having to pay for them.

Datafield MATTXTFLG Multiple Tenor Flag

This field is set to a non-empty value, if the document set holds more than one tenor.

Datafield ORDDATBE2 Order Date (2nd Beneficiary)

This field specifies the date the incoming cover letter was received from the second beneficiary side. The documents can be presented by the second beneficiary directly or via a second advising bank.

This date should be entered when the receipt of second beneficiary documents is logged in transaction 'Receiving Documents from 2nd Beneficiary'. If necessary, the date can be corrected in 'Receive Documents'.

Datafield DOCPRBROL Presented by

Role of the party which presented the documents.

Datafield PAYROL Payer

This field specifies the party to be debitted, i.e. the party responsible for paying the document set (e.g. the issuing bank or their customer, who is the applicant of the L/C).

Datafield DSCINSFLG Enter Docs, Discrep. and Instructions

This checkbox allows banks to decide whether they want to use a 'slim' version of transaction 'Documents received', where only minimal information is entered.

This function is preferred by larger banks. Smaller banks use the 'Documents received' transaction to enter details, discrepanies, instructions and shipping details. If the checkbox is checked, relevant additional panels are visible.

Datafield ACPNOWFLG Accept Documents now

This flag specifies that documents are taken up for payment, acceptance, negotiation. The selection made in this field strongly influences the processing options available in the BT (business sector Back-to-Back-L/C).

This flag is used in the BTTPAY transaction to pay sight documents or to book the liability for usance documents.

Datafield TOTCUR Currency of Total Amount to be Paid

This field contains the currency of the total amount of the MT750 message to be remitted to the sender of the message. As this field is required in subsequent transactions (outgoing MT752), the field is stored here.

Datafield TOTAMT Total Amount to be Paid

This field contains the total amount of the MT750 message to be remitted to the sender of the message. As this field is required in subsequent transactions (outgoing MT752), the field is stored here.

Datafield TOTDAT Date to be Paid

This field is necessary if an Advice of Payment (MT754) is received under the L/C where TAG 34A has been specified. According to SWIFT regulations, TAG 34A can contain a value date, i.e. the date when the document set should be paid or has been paid. The information received is stored in this field.

Datafield ADVTYP Type of Advice Received

This field specifies if documents have been advised via incoming Payment Advice (e.g. MT754) or Advice of Discrepancy (e.g. MT750).

Code Text
750 Advice of Discrepancy (MT750)
754 Advice of Payment (MT754)

Datafield DOCSTA Document Set Status

The current status of the document set is stored in this field.

Code Text
A Goods rel., Advice of Payment received
B Goods rel., Advice of Payment + docs rec
C Advice of Payment rec., wait for docs
D Advice of Payment rec., documents rec.
E Adv. of Discrep. received, wait for docs
F Adv of Discrepancy rec., document rec.
G Documents received
H Clean documents received
I Discrepant documents received
J Goods released, wait for documents
K Goods released, documents received
L Documents sent on approval basis
M Documents taken up
N Documents settled free of payment
R Documents have been refused and returned

Datafield RCVDATBE2 Date of Receipt 2nd Beneficiary

This field specifies the date on which documents of the second beneficiary side were received by the bank using the application (date of the actual receipt stamp, NOT date of customer order - that is 'Order Date (2nd Beneficiary)'). This field should be entered when documents are received from the second beneficiary side in transaction 'Receiving Documents from 2nd Beneficiary'.

Datafield DOCPRBROLBE1 Presented by (1st Beneficiary Side)

This field specifies the presenting party on the 1st beneficiary side. In most cases, the exchange documents are presented by the first beneficiary directly, in other cases, however, another bank may be involved.

Datafield ORDDATBE1 Order Date (1st Beneficiary)

This field specifies the date the incoming cover letter was received from the first beneficiary side. The documents can be presented by the first beneficiary directly or via a second advising bank.

This date should be entered when the exchange documents (e.g. commercial invoice) of the first beneficiary are received and logged via transaction 'Receive Documents from 1st beneficiary'. If necessary, the date can be corrected in 'Receive Documents'.

Datafield PREDAT Presentation Date

This field specifies the date on which the bank using the application presents the documents to the L/C issuing bank. The presentation date should be set in transaction 'Sending Documents' or 'Send and Settle Documents'.

Datafield ADVDOCBE1FLG Return of Documents First Beneficiary

When this flag is set, documents to first beneficiary are returned.

Datafield ADVDOCBE2FLG Return of Documents Second Beneficiary

When this flag is set, documents to second beneficiary are returned.

Datafield CANCNF Reduce Confirmation Liability

Triggers the booking of a liability if documents are to be sent on approval basis.

Datafield DOCROL Receiver of Documents

This field can be used to send the documents (e.g. document presentation 1st/ 2nd mail) to an address other than that of the payer of documents.

Datafield DOCROLFLG Send Documents to Another Address

This checkbox can be used to indicate that documents are to be sent to another address. The address is selected in 'Receiver of Documents'.

If 'Send Directly to Applicant's Bank' was set under the LE, this field is defaulted accordingly.

Datafield ETYEXTKEY Entity

This field holds the external key of the owning entity to identify the logical owner of this entry.

This field is filled automatically during insert and is used as filter when accessing the database. Without special implementation only entries of the currently active entity are visible to the user.

Datafield ANTNEGREF Customer Negotiation Reference

Contains the reference number for customer negotiation.

en/app/030bsi/090lt/0920btd.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/01 17:58 (external edit)