
BTT - Document Set under Transfer L/C - Text

Module BTT


Name Helptext Description Data Type Len Codetable
INR Internal Unique ID Text 8
DOCDIS Discrepancies Block 50
DOCINS Reasons for Rejection Block 35
PRSDOCBE1 Documents Presented (1st Beneficiary) Stream 65
PRSDOCBE2 Documents Presented (2nd Beneficiary) Stream 65
DISDOC Disposal of Documents Block 35
BE1INS Instructions (1st Beneficiary) Block 65
BE2INS Instructions (2nd Beneficiary) Block 65
MATPER Maturity Period Block 65
INTDIS Internal Discrepancies Block 65
COMCON Remarks to Payee Block 65
FLDMODBLK List of Modified Fields in BTDGRP Block 40
CHAADD Charges Added Block 35
CHADED Charges Deducted Block 35
NARTXT77A Narrative (TAG 77A of MT754) Block 35
CONTAG72 Content of TAG 72 Block 35
CONTAG79 Content of TAG 79 Block 50
SETINSBT Settlement Instructions Block 65
DOCDISDEF Defaulted Content of Discrepancies Block 50
DOCDISFLG Discrepancies Modified Manually Text 1
DISDOCBE1 Disposal of Documents First Beneficiary Block 35
DOCDISBE1 Discrepancies First Beneficiary Block 50
DOCINSBE1 Reasons for Rejection First Beneficiary Block 35
CHKASTSTM Stream with CHKAST Stream 1

Datafield Description and Properties

Datafield INR Internal Unique ID

Unique internal ID of a record within the table. The INR is a text field, which is created by retrieving the next valid entry from the counter of this table. The field INR is used to enable links from other tables to this table.

For contractdata the INR also links the two tables xxD and xxT as associated entries hold the same INR.

Datafield DOCDIS Discrepancies

This field contains discrepancies found when checking documents and should be handled externally. Either select a predefined textmodule (click […] button) or enter external discrepancies as freetext.

Datafield DOCINS Reasons for Rejection

This field contains the reasons for rejection of documents. The reasons can either be selected by using predefined textmodules (click […] button) or by entering freetext.

Datafield PRSDOCBE1 Documents Presented (1st Beneficiary)

This field contains the documents which have been presented by the first beneficiary under the transfer L/C.

Datafield PRSDOCBE2 Documents Presented (2nd Beneficiary)

This field contains the documents which have been presented by the second beneficiary under the transfer L/C.

Datafield DISDOC Disposal of Documents

This field contains information regarding further availability of documents. The information can either be selected by using predefined textmodules (click […] button) or by entering freetext.

Datafield BE1INS Instructions (1st Beneficiary)

This field contains instructions regarding the settlement of charges.

Datafield BE2INS Instructions (2nd Beneficiary)

This field contains instructions regarding the settlement of charges.

Datafield MATPER Maturity Period

This field contains information regarding the maturity period. If a fixed maturity date exists, the respective field on the right of this field has to be chosen.

Datafield INTDIS Internal Discrepancies

This field contains discrepancies found when checking the documents and should be handled internally. Either select a predefined textmodule (click […] button) or enter internal discrepancies as freetext.

Datafield COMCON Remarks to Payee

This field contains comments regarding the further handling of documents in view of discrepancies found on checking documents. Either select a predefined textmodule ([…] button) or enter comments and conclusions as freetext.

Datafield FLDMODBLK List of Modified Fields in BTDGRP

The field holds a list of all fields identified as modified when the contract was last updated. This field is used to mark the respective fields when automatically loading the contract as modified-2.

Datafield CHAADD Charges Added

This field contains the contents of TAG 73 (Charges Added) for the incoming MT750 (Advice of Discrepancy) or MT754 (Advice of Payment). As this field is defined as a text field in SWIFT, the contents of this field must be copied manually into the settlement panel.

Datafield CHADED Charges Deducted

This field contains the content of TAG 71B (charges deducted) for the incoming MT750 (Advice of Discrepancy) or MT754 (Advice of Payment). As this field is defined as a text field in SWIFT, the content of this field must be copied manually into the settlement panel.

Datafield NARTXT77A Narrative (TAG 77A of MT754)

This field contains the narrative text of TAG 77A for an incoming MT754 (Advice of Payment). It is stored in BTT, as this information needs to be stored in the contract for settlement purposes.

Datafield CONTAG72 Content of TAG 72

This field contains the history of former TAGs 72

Datafield CONTAG79 Content of TAG 79

This field contains the history of former TAGs 79

Datafield SETINSBT Settlement Instructions

This field contains settlement instructions for the current document set.

Datafield DOCDISDEF Defaulted Content of Discrepancies

This field contains the discrepancies as set by default rules, when checking the document set against the contets of the letter of credit.

Datafield DOCDISFLG Discrepancies Modified Manually

If this checkbox is checked, the discrepancies have been modified manually.

Datafield DISDOCBE1 Disposal of Documents First Beneficiary

This field contains the information regarding further disposal of documents and is intended to be used towards the first beneficiary, e.g. in the outgoing SWIFT MT734.

Datafield DOCDISBE1 Discrepancies First Beneficiary

This field contains discrepancies found on checking documents of the first beneficiary and can be used in the outgoing SWIFT MT734 to first beneficiary.

Datafield DOCINSBE1 Reasons for Rejection First Beneficiary

This field contains the reasons for rejection of documents which have been presented by the first beneficiary

Datafield CHKASTSTM Stream with CHKAST

This field holds all activated checboxes of “Allow *” to carry them automatically forward in follow transaction.

en/app/030bsi/090lt/0930btt.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/09 15:47 (external edit)