
Creating SPTs

Transaction MCBSPT

This transaction is used to create SPTs to be processed for transactions relating to manual contracts. These SPTs are then processed by the “Manager for Automatic Execution of Pending Items” (SPTTSK) transaction. The standard product includes the creation of SPTs for confirming balances from “Common Messages” (MCTFRE) and for creating fees settlements across multiple contracts from “Periodic Settlement” (MCTCOM).

To be able to use the transaction, there has to be a manual contract for each party that is to receive the appropriate settlement. This contract should then indicate which automatic settlement (confirmation of balances and/or multiple contract fee settlement) the party is to receive.

Each run of this MCBSPT transaction creates SPTs for just one transaction. A check is made of each contract to determine whether there is any data for the required settlement. An SPT is created only when there is something to be settled and only those fees assigned to the fee pool that have not yet been settled are included for settlement.

The creation of SPTs can run as a job in the background.

Transaction Panels

Create SPTs

en/app/030bsi/100mc/0830mcbspt.txt · Last modified: 2022/04/19 13:13 (external edit)