

In the “Reimbursements” business sector, reimbursement authorizations and and reimbursement claims are handled. The business sector “Reimbursements” is represented with the business sector mnemo 'RM'. Reimbursement claims, as far as they are not settled immediately, will be dealt with in subcontracts with the business sector mnemo 'RC' (see also Settling a Late Payment).

An issuing bank ('ISS') may send a reimbursement authorization to an account correspondent (reimbursement bank 'RMB'). This is a message that authorizes the reimbursement bank to honor claims for payment under a specified letter of credit by the designated “available with bank” ('AVB').

The “Claiming Bank” (CLB) is equivalent to the bank that claims the reimbursement.

As far as a received claim matches the conditions of the reimbursement authorization, the bank is authorized to debit an account of the issuing bank (or one of their subsidiaries) in order to credit the claiming bank directly or indirectly.

This module supports reimbursement authorizations subject to URR 525 Article 7, with appropriate correspondence and processing rules. It also supports confirmation of reimbursement authorizations whereby the reimbursement bank provides its own commitment additionally to the commitment of the issuing bank (under the letter of credit). If such commitment is requested by the claiming bank (available with bank from the letter of credit), it will be processed as a silent confirmation/reimbursement protection.

en/app/030bsi/120rm/0010bsrmtbas.txt · Last modified: 2022/08/09 15:18 by mm