
Receiving a Reimbursement Authorization

Transaction RMTOPN

This transaction is used to register the receipt of a reimbursement authorization from a bank issuing the L/C. A reimbursement authorization is mainly sent by the issuing bank to the reimbursing bank as a SWIFT MT 740.

On the “Overview” Panel, a checkbox determines whether the contract is subject to Article 7 of the Uniform Rules of Bank-to-Bank Reimbursements under Documentary Credits or not. The information is stored in the database and is available for reimbursement claims. The checkbox can only be checked, if the option “URR Latest Version” is set in combobox “Applicable Rules” (in this case the checkbox will be checked automatically).

If the checkbox is unchecked (contract is not subject to Article 7 of URR (Latest Version)), the expiry date of the reimbursement authorization must be considered. Receipt of a reimbursement claim after expiry can only be honored after authorization from the issuing bank.

If the checkbox is checked (contract is subject to Article 7 of URR (Latest Version)), the expiry date must not be considered, as the reimbursement instructions are still valid, even after the expiry date has passed. In such a case, the issuing bank would have to inform the reimbursing bank that the authorization is no longer valid. On receipt of a claim after expiry, however, as a precaution an inquiry is sent to the issuing bank (cf. information under the transaction “Receiving Reimbursement Claim”).

The “Confirmed by us” field shows the current status of the confirmation according to which the internal booking entries are made. It shows whether a confirmation is in hand or not. If a silent confirmation is in hand (which is not to be communicated externally), this status will be shown here as well (details under “Confirmations”).


This transaction creates a new Reimbursement contract.
If an existing Reimbursement contract is used, it may not be open or closed.

Incoming Messages

Channel Description MT Description Comment
S SWIFT 740 Authorization to Reimburse

For incoming allNETT / RIVO messages see Overview of Incoming messages - allNETT / RIVO.

Transaction Control




Results of this Transaction


For more information see TRNDIA Diaries.

Action Description Diary Follow-up transaction Comment
Completed Diary that was created to follow up the receipt of the authorization is set to done
Replace Undertaking expired (Reimbursement) L/C Expires on Closing (RMTCAN) if “Validity” filled.
Replace Not Article 7 URR, Reimb. Auth. expired L/C Expires on Closing (RMTCAN) If “Validity” not filled
and “L/C Expires on” filled
and “Contract subject to Article 7 of URR (Latest version)” not checked
Replace Authorization expired (Reimbursement) L/C Expires on + 10 Working Days Closing (RMTCAN) If “Validity” not filled
and “L/C Expires on” filled
and “Contract subject to Article 7 of URR (Latest version)” checked
Replace Authorization to reimburse expired? Today + 90 Days Common Messages (RMTFRE) If “Validity” not filled
and “L/C Expires on” not filled

Updating/Storing of Amounts (CBS)

Liability (LIA)

The liability is posted depending on the status of the confirmation.

Outgoing Correspondence

Details on creation of messages can be found under DOCEOT Messages. For outgoing allNETT / RIVO messages see Overview of Outgoing messages - allNETT / RIVO.

Name of Message Receiver Message ID SWIFT TCO DTA/DTE Comment
Acknowledgment of receipt Issuing bank RMTISS1 730
Reimbursement Advice Claiming Bank RMTCLB1


Signature required

Transaction Panels



Datafield Description
Own Reference cf Appendix A, Table RMD field OWNREF
Responsible User cf Appendix A, Table RMD field OWNUSR
Reserved Contract cf Appendix A, Table RMD field RESFLG
Currency cf Appendix A, Table CBB field CUR
Nominal Reimbursement Amount cf Appendix A, Table CBB field AMT
Direct rejection cf Appendix A, Table RMD field REJFLG
Additional Amount If this box is checked, additional amounts are available under the contract
and an additional panel is available to enter details.
Amount Specification cf Appendix A, Table RMD field NOMSPC
Amount Tolerance - Positive cf Appendix A, Table RMD field NOMTOP
Amount Tolerance - Negative cf Appendix A, Table RMD field NOMTON
Currency cf Appendix A, Table CBB field CUR
Maximum Reimbursement Amount cf Appendix A, Table CBB field AMT
Opening Date cf Appendix A, Table RMD field OPNDAT
Date of Expiry cf Appendix A, Table RMD field EXPDAT
Place of Expiry cf Appendix A, Table RMD field EXPPLC
Contract Underlying Article 7 of URR (Latest Version) cf Appendix A, Table RMD field ERAFLG
en/app/030bsi/120rm/0210rmtopn.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/29 13:08 (external edit)