
Amounts / Liabilities

According to the liability concept, for every business sector amount and liability bookings are created, that are either mandatory for the bank or merely contain an internal booking (refer to Liability Concept for additional information).

The following table shows the amount and liability bookings for the business sector “Shipping guarantee” (SG):

Transaction* Description Type of Liability Relevant Amount Relevant Party Remarks
SGTOPN Opening a Shipping Guarantee Liability (Release of Goods) (AVG) Maximum Amount Applicant (APL)
SGTTEN Liability
Liability (Release of Goods) (AVG) Booking Amount Applicant (APL)
SGTCAN Closing Book out remaining liability Remaining Amount Applicant (APL)
SGTROP Re-Opening Liability (AVG) Liability Amount Applicant (APL)

* Transactions, that are not applicable for the liability, are not listed.

en/app/030bsi/130sg/0050bssgtlia.txt · Last modified: 2022/04/19 13:13 (external edit)