
Party Model -Loan


Depending on the financing type the parties of the parent contract are used in the loan contract:

Financing Type Parent Contract Financed Party (FIP)
Clean Loan
Bankers Acceptance
ECR Financing
None (Standalone Financing) Free selection of a database address
Trust Receipt Loan Import Collection (BC)
'Create Financing' via transaction Accept and Settle Documents/ Settle Usance Documents at Maturity
Drawee (DRE) of Import Collection
Trust Receipt Loan Import L/C Document Set (BR)
'Create Financing' via transaction Send, Accept and Settle Documents/ Settle Usance Documents at Maturity
Applicant (APL) of the Import L/C
Internal Refinancing Import L/C Document Set (BR)
'Create Financing' via transaction Send, Accept and Settle Documents
Applicant (APL) of the Import L/C
Refinancing Import L/C Document Set (BR)
'Create Financing' via transaction Send, Accept and Settle Documents
Applicant (APL) of the Import L/C
Packing Credit Export L/C (LE) Beneficiary (BEN) of the Export L/C
Export Loan Export L/C Document Set (BE)
'Create Financing' via transaction Send, Accept and Settle Documents/ Settle Usance Documents at Maturity
Issuing Bank (ISS) of the Export L/C
Trust Receipt Loan Transfer Bills (BT)
'Create Financing' via transaction Send, Accept and Settle Documents/ Settling Funds
Issuing Bank (ISS) of the Export L/C


Role Description Usage as temporary address allowed? Address Type Stoplevel Automatic copy of address from database contract allowed? Only main address to be used?
RMB Reimbursement Bank 3
FIP Financed Party 3 M
ISS Issuing Bank 3
OAP Old Account Party Z M
INV Invoice Party Y 3
RFB Refinancing Bank B 3


Role Description Usage as temporary address allowed? Address Type Stoplevel Automatic copy of address from database contract allowed? Only main address to be used?
IN1 - IN5 Additional Invoice Parties Y 3 M
TP0 - T20 Third parties Y 3 M

Reimbursement Bank

This party is required if a reimbursement is claimed under the financing of export documents. The party can be created in the settlement transactions for export documents ('Sending and Settling Documents' or 'Settling Funds').

Financed Party

If an associated parent contract is at hand, the financed party will be defaulted (e.g. the applicant of the import L/C, the drawee of the import collection or the beneficiary of the export L/C). In the case of a credit, the user has to enter the financed party manually. Depending on the finance type there are various financed parties.

Issuing Bank

The issuing bank under the L/C is the financed party under the export loan. In the case of a reimbursement/reimbursement claim under an export loan or under a Packing Credit, the issuing bank is specified in message MT 742 (mandatory field).

Old Account Party

This party is not a party to the underlying foreign trade transaction.

It is required for internal operations of the application in order to secure the correct booking of liabilities, should the liability party be changed.

Invoice Party

The recipient of the invoice, who pays the invoice on its due date.

Refinancing Bank

In the case of a refinancing transaction, the refinancing bank is the advising bank under an import L/C. The refinancing bank refinances the bank using the relevant application, which simultaneously grants a loan to the applicant for the L/C.

Additional Invoice Parties (IN1 - IN5)

Third parties (TP0 - T20)

Parties that are not captured anywhere else may be captured as third parties.

Outgoing messages can be sent to these parties. Such third parties can be captured in the “Additional Parties” field on the “Parties” panel.

en/app/030bsi/140tr/0020brotr.txt · Last modified: 2022/08/17 11:53 (external edit)