
Display a Loan

Transaction TRTSEL

This transaction is used display a loan with

  • To Do List for selected Contract
  • Connected Contracts
  • Contract Overview
  • Transaction History for selected Contract.

Only transactions which are allowed for the selected contract are visible in the menu.

Further information is available in Display a business contract / Contract overview (SEL Panel).

Transaction Panels

Loadable Transactions

Transaction Requirements
TRTPOP This transaction creates a new Loan contract.
Therefore no existing Loan contract can be used.
TRTOPN Either no existing Loan or an existing Loan contract which is not open and not closed.
IF selected from LETSEL: in the event of a packing credit:
An existing Export L/C contract which is not closed.
The unutilized amount may not be zero.
Only one Packing Credit is allowed under an Export L/C contract.
An existing Import Collection contract, which is not closed.
An existing Import Letter of Credit contract which is not closed.
TRTAME An existing Loan contract which is open and not closed.
Loan may not be repaid in full.
TRTTEN An existing Loan contract which is open and not closed.
TRTTRF An existing Loan contract which is open and not closed.
TRTSET An existing Loan contract which is open and not closed.
Loan may not be repaid in full.
TRTLAT An existing Loan contract which is open and not closed.
Loan may not be repaid in full, a past due stage must be reached.
TRTFEE An existing Loan contract (can be closed).
TRTFRE An existing Loan contract (can be closed).
TRTCOM An existing Loan contract which is not closed.
TRTADD An existing Loan contract which is not closed.
TRTRCL An existing Loan contract which is not closed.
Reimbursing bank must be known.
Transaction is only allowed with L/C contracts
TRTCAN An existing Loan contract which is not closed.
TRTROP An existing Loan contract which is closed and whose parent contract is open.
TRTATT Not allowed when no contract has been loaded.
Is used to attach incoming messages to a contract without further processing.
TRTCHG Not allowed when no contract has been loaded. This transaction can only be started from CONCHG.
LETRSV This transaction creates a new Export L/C contract.
If an existing Export L/C contract is used, it may not be advised.
LETNOT This transaction creates a new Export L/C contract.
If an existing Export L/C contract is used, it may not be open or closed.
LETOPR This transaction creates a new Export L/C contract.
If an existing Export L/C contract is used, it may not be advised or closed and there may not be any open liability approval.
LETOPN This transaction creates a new Export L/C contract.
If an existing Export L/C contract is used, it may not be advised or closed.
LETDRW This transaction creates a new Export L/C contract.
If an existing Export L/C contract is used, it may not be advised or closed.
LETAME An existing Export L/C contract which is advised and not closed.
The number of amendments must be less than 999.
LETAMR An existing Export L/C contract which is advised and not closed.
The number of amendments must be less than 999.
LETRAM An existing Export L/C contract which is advised and not closed.
LETTRF An existing Export L/C contract which is advised and not closed.
LETAMC An existing Export L/C contract which is opened and not closed.
The unutilized amount must be higher than zero.
LETDAV An existing Export L/C contract which is open and not closed.
The numbers of advised and of received documents sets must be less than 999.
This transaction creates a new Export L/C Document Set contract.
Therefore no existing contract can be loaded.
LETDRV An existing Export L/C contract which is advised and not closed.
The numbers of advised and of received documents sets must be less than 999.
This transaction creates a new Export L/C Document Set contract.
If an existing Export L/C Document Set contract is used, it should not be a closed contract and the documents should not yet have been received.
LETCOM An existing Export L/C contract which is not closed.
LETTEN An existing Export L/C contract which is not closed.
LETAOP An existing Export L/C contract which is not closed, has an open amount or an assignment amount.
LETFEE An existing Export L/C contract (can be closed).
LETFRE An existing Export L/C contract (can be closed).
LETADD An existing Export L/C contract which is not closed.
LETREV An existing Export L/C contract which is open and not closed.
The contract must be marked as revolving and the maximum number of permitted revolvings must not have been reached\'.
LETCAN An existing Export L/C contract which is not closed.
No open document sets or transfers are allowed.
LETROP A closed Export L/C contract.
LETATT Not allowed when no contract has been loaded.
Is used to attach incoming messages to a contract without further processing.
LETCHG Not allowed when no contract has been loaded. This transaction can only be started from CONCHG.
LEMOPN This transaction creates a new Export L/C contract.
No existing Export L/C contract may be used.
LITOPN If selected from LETSEL: an existing Export L/C contract which is not closed
and the unutilized amount may not be zero.
This transaction creates a new Import L/C contract.
If an existing Import L/C contract is used, it may not be open or closed.
LTTOPN This transaction creates a new Transfer contract.
An existing Export L/C contract which is not closed.
It must be marked as transferable and the unutilized amount may not be zero.
This transaction creates a new Transfer contract.
Therefore no existing Transfer contract can be used.
BETRCL An existing Export L/C contract which is not closed.
The Export L/C must be issued and contain a reimbursement authorization.
An existing Export L/C Document Set contract which is not closed.
BTTRCL An existing Export L/C contract which is not closed.
The Export L/C must be issued and contain a reimbursement authorization.
An existing set of documents under a transfer L/C, which is not closed.
BETPAY An existing Export L/C contract which is issued and not closed.
The number of utilizations must be less than 999.
An existing Export L/C Document Set contract which is open and not closed.
If documents have already been forwarded to issuing party, taking up of documents must be outstanding.
The document set may not have been refused and returned.
BETSND An existing Export L/C contract, which is issued and not closed.
The number of utilizations must be less than 999.
An existing Export L/C Document Set contract which is not closed.
Documents must have been received.
The document set may not have been refused and returned
SCTOPN An existing Export L/C contract which is not closed.
LTTROP An existing Transfer contract which is closed and whose parent contract is open.
An existing Transfer contract which is closed and whose parent contract is open.
BETROP A closed Export L/C Document Set contract whose parent contract is open.
A closed Export L/C Document Set contract whose parent contract is open.
BCTPOP This transaction creates a new Import Collection contract.
An existing Import Collection contract may not be selected.
BCMDAV This transaction creates a new Import Collection contract.
An existing Import Collection contract may not be selected.
BCTDAV An existing Import Collection contract which is not open and not closed.
BCTAME An existing Import Collection contract which is open and not closed.
The number of amendments has to be less than 99.
BCTADD An existing Import Collection contract which is not closed.
BCTTEN An existing Import Collection contract which is not closed.
BCTTRF An existing Import Collection contract which is not closed.
BCTRAD An existing Import Collection contract which is open and not closed.
BCTDOR An existing Import Collection contract which is not closed.
The documents cannot be rejected if the goods were already released.
If the documents are accepted, the open amount cannot be zero.
Rejection is not possible if the documents were advanced and there is still an open amount under the advance.
BCTFEE An existing Import Collection contract (can be closed).
BCTFRE An existing Import Collection contract (can be closed).
BCTTRA An existing Import Collection contract (can be closed).
BCTPAY An existing Import Collection contract which is open and not closed.
There has to be open tenors (INT).
BCTSUS An existing Import Collection contract which has open tenors and is not closed.
BCTROG If an existing Import Collection contract is used, it may not be closed and goods may not have been released.
Not allowed for Clean Collections.
BCTROR If an existing Import Collection contract is used, it may not be closed and goods may not have been released.
Not allowed for Clean Collections.
BCTCAN An existing Import Collection contract which is not closed.
Loans are not allowed with open amounts.
BCTROP A closed Import Collection contract.
BCTATT Not allowed, if no contract is loaded.
Is used to attach incoming messages to a contract without further processing.
BCTCHG Not allowed, if no contract is loaded. This transaction can only be started from CONCHG.
LITDCK This transaction creates a new Import L/C Document Set contract.
If an existing document set has been selected, the documents may not yet have been received.
An existing Import L/C contract which is open and not closed.
The number of received document sets must be less than 999.
LITROG This transaction creates a new Import L/C Document Set contract.
If an existing document set is selected, it must not be closed and the goods must not be released yet.
An existing Import L/C contract which is open and not closed.
The numbers of advised and of received document sets must be less than 999.
LITROR This transaction creates a liability approval for a release of goods.
If an existing document set is selected, this transaction is not allowed.
LITDAV This transaction creates a new Import L/C Document Set contract.
If an existing document set has been selected, the documents cannot yet have been advised or received.
An existing Import L/C contract which is open and not closed.
The numbers of advised and of received documents sets must be less than 999.
BRTDCK An existing Import L/C Document Set contract which is not closed.
The documents must have been received.
BRTDCR An existing Import L/C Document Set contract which is not closed.
The documents may not have been rejected.
The document set may not have been refused and returned
BRTADD An existing Import L/C Document Set contract which is not closed.
BRTTEN An existing Import L/C Document Set contract which is open and not closed.
BRTTRF An existing Import L/C Document Set contract which is open and not closed.
BRTSUS An existing Import L/C Document Set contract which is not closed.
Not allowed, if no usance tenors for selected set of documents are available.
BRTACP An existing Import L/C Document Set contract which is not closed.
The Advice of Discrepancies (MT 750) may have been received.
BRTLAT An existing Import L/C Document Set contract which is not closed.
Not allowed if the applicant has not been financed.
BRTSND An existing Import L/C Document Set contract which is not closed.
The documents must have been received.
The document set may not have been refused and returned
The document set may not have been presented
BRTPAY An existing Import L/C Document Set contract which is not closed.
There has to be an open Internal Amount (INT) or a booking on UPA.
The document set may not have been refused and returned
BRTFEE An existing Import L/C Document Set contract (can be closed).
BRTFRE An existing Import L/C Document Set contract (can be closed).
BRTCAN An existing Import L/C Document Set contract which is not closed.
There may not be a deferred payment maturity.
BRTROP A closed Import L/C Document Set contract, and parent contract is open.
BRTATT Not allowed when no contract is loaded.
Is used to attach incoming messages to a contract without further processing.
BRTCHG Not allowed when no contract is loaded. This transaction can only be started from CONCHG.
BRMDAV This transaction creates a new Import L/C Document Set contract.
An existing document set may not be selected.
SGTOPN Not allowed when Import L/C Document Set contract taken up.
BETDRV An existing Export L/C Document Set contract which is not closed.
The Documents must have been received and must not have been presented.
BETSET An existing Export L/C Usance Document Set contract which is open and not closed.
The contract must have been taken up and documents must have been presented to applicant side.
BETDCR An existing Export L/C Document Set contract which is not closed.
There has to be an open amount, but no open advances.
The document set may not have been refused and returned
BETTEN An existing Export L/C Document Set contract which is open and not closed.
BETTRF An existing Export L/C Document Set contract which is open and not closed.
BETFEE An existing Export L/C Document Set contract (can be closed).
BETFRE An existing Export L/C Document Set contract (can be closed).
BETLAT An existing Export L/C Document Set contract which is not closed.
Not allowed if the payer has not been financed
BETADD An existing Export L/C Document Set contract which is not closed.
BETCAN An existing Export L/C Document Set contract which is not closed
and without any open advances or deferred payment obligations.
BETATT Not allowed when no contract has been loaded.
Is used to attach incoming messages to a contract without further processing.
BETCHG Not allowed when no contract is loaded or if the contract is closed.
This transaction can only be started from CONCHG.
BEMDAV This transaction creates a new Export L/C Document Set contract.
Therefore no existing contract can be loaded.
BTTDCK An existing and open set of documents for a Transfer L/C, which is not closed.
Documents from first beneficiary may not have been received and Transfer documents may not have been accepted.
BTTDCR An existing set of documents under a Transfer L/C which is not closed.
Documents may not yet be taken up.
BTTDRV An existing set of documents under a Transfer L/C which is not closed.
Documents may not yet have been presented to issuing bank.
BTTADD An existing set of documents under a Transfer L/C which is not closed.
BTTTEN An existing set of documents under a Transfer L/C which is open and not closed.
BTTTRF An existing set of documents under a Transfer L/C which is open and not closed.
BTTSET An existing usance set of documents under a Transfer L/C, which is open, already accepted and not closed.
BTTPAY An existing set of documents with sight payment under a Transfer L/C which is open and not closed.
BTTSND An existing set of documents under a Transfer L/C which is not closed.
The documents from the second beneficiary must have been received.
BTTFEE An existing set of documents under a transfer L/C (can be closed).
BTTFRE An existing set of documents under a transfer L/C (can be closed).
BTTCAN An existing set of documents under a transfer L/C, which is not closed.
there may not be any open usance tenors.
BTTROP An existing set of documents under a Transfer L/C, which is closed, and whose parent contract is open.
BTTATT Not allowed when no contract has been loaded.
Is used to attach incoming messages to a contract without further processing.
BTTCHG Not allowed when no contract has been loaded. This transaction can only be started from CONCHG.
LITPOP This transaction creates a new Import L/C contract.
If an existing Import L/C contract is used, it may not be open or closed.
LITOPR This transaction creates a new Import L/C contract.
If an existing Import L/C contract is used, it may not be open or closed.
LITAME An existing Import L/C contract which is open and not closed.
The number of amendments must be less than 999.
LITRAM An existing Import L/C contract which is open and not closed.
The number of amendments must be less than 999.
LITAMR An existing Import L/C contract which is open and not closed.
The number of amendments must be less than 999.
LITAMC An existing Import L/C contract which is not closed.
The number of amendments must be less than 999.
LITTEN An existing Import L/C contract which is not closed.
LITADD An existing Import L/C contract which is not closed.
LITCOM An existing Import L/C contract which is not closed.
LITAOP An existing Import L/C contract which is not closed, has an open amount or an assignment amount.
LITFEE An existing Import L/C contract (can be closed).
LITFRE An existing Import L/C contract (can be closed).
LITREV An existing Import L/C contract which is open and not closed.
The contract must be marked as revolving and the maximum number of permitted revolvings may not have been reached.
LITTRF An existing Import L/C contract which is open and not closed.
LITCAN An existing Import L/C contract which is not closed.
There may not be any open liabilities from unpaid sets of documents or any open subcontracts.
LITROP A closed Import L/C contract.
LITATT Not allowed when no contract has been loaded.
Is used to attach incoming messages to a contract without further processing.
LITCHG Not allowed when no contract has been loaded. This transaction can only be started from CONCHG.
LIMOPN This transaction creates a new Import L/C contract.
An existing Import L/C contract may not be used.
LTTRAM An existing Transfer contract which is open and not closed.
The number of amendments must be less than 999.
LTTAME An existing Transfer contract which is open and not closed.
The number of amendments must be less than 999.
LTTADD An existing Transfer contract which is not closed.
LTTCOM An existing Transfer contract which is not closed.
LTTAOP An existing Transfer contract which is not closed.
LTTTRF An existing Transfer contract which is open and not closed.
LTTDAV An existing Transfer contract which is open and not closed.
The open amount must not be zero and the number of utilizations must be less than 999.
LTTDCK An existing Transfer contract which is open and not closed.
The number of utilizations must be less than 999.
LTTFRE An existing Transfer contract (can be closed).
LTTFEE An existing transfer contract (can be closed).
LTTCAN An existing Transfer contract which is not closed.
There can be no document sets with open amounts.
LTTATT Not allowed when no contract has been loaded.
Is used to attach incoming messages to a contract without further processing.
LTTCHG An existing Transfer contract (can be closed).
This transaction can only be started from CONCHG.

en/app/030bsi/140tr/0030trtsel.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/27 11:38 (external edit)