
Installment Plan

When Creating a Loan, the terms and conditions of repayment of the loan negotiated with the client can already be recorded.

The liability panel has a grid in which the dates, amounts and interest options to be applied to the repayment can be entered.

The sum total of the individual repayment amounts may not exceed the amount of the loan. If the sum total of repayment amounts is lower than the amount financed, then repayment of the residual amount will be made when the loan is due for repayment.

For each repayment date, a diary is created for the “Repaying a Loan” transaction with which repayment is made. If the diary for repayment is processed, the amount and interest option are automatically taken over in the transaction. On the repayment panel of the transaction, the processing clerk can make changes as necessary. Only the data originally entered in the Installment Plan grid will remain unaffected by the modifications.

A diary processed via the “Repaying a loan” transaction is automatically set as finalized. If the loan is repaid in full via the “Repaying a Loan” transaction and the contract is closed, then any future repayment dates still existing will be set as finalized as well.

Changes to the installment plan can be made with the “Amending” transaction. New repayment dates can be entered in the grid lines available in the same way as in the “Creating a Loan” transaction. Using the '+' in the right-hand upper corner of the grid, additional lines can be entered as necessary. If a repayment date already existing is to be modified, this must be effected via a reversal in the grid. This means that in the line to be deleted, the existing amount in the “Old amount” column must be entered in the “Amount” column, preceded by a minus sign. After that, a new repayment date can be entered along with the new data.

en/app/030bsi/140tr/0060inspln.txt · Last modified: 2022/04/19 13:13 (external edit)