
Automatic Closing of Contracts

Transaction CHBCAN

The transaction automatically generates a list of all contracts that can be closed. To be listed, the contract has to fulfill certain criteria.

The user first selects the contracts to be closed. Clicking ensures that the Canceling (CHTCAN) transaction is run for each selected contract and that a SPT dataset is generated.

SPT datasets are automatically processed by the SPTTSK background manager which then closes the relevant contract.

The following criteria have to be met for a contract to be listed:

  • the closing date is empty (i.e. the contract is not yet closed)
  • there is no open sub-contract
  • there are no pending items (SPT) for the (sub)contract (e.g. no pending item for the contract waiting for correction)
  • there is no transaction pending processing in the Workflow (i.e. transactions under this contract are final)
  • there are no open (foreign) fees in the fee pool
  • there are no open diaries to the contract (except for xxTCAN diaries)

The automatically generated list can be refined by entering other filters.

  • Last Date of action before (date), e.g. 'All check contracts last changed six months ago by the user'
  • Responsible user (User ID)
  • Part of Own Reference number

Transaction Panels



Datafield Description
External Key cf Appendix A, Table USR field EXTKEY

en/app/030bsi/160ch/0830chbcan.txt · Last modified: 2023/03/07 15:11 by mk