
Party Model -Export Finance (Agreement)



Role Description Usage as temporary address allowed? Address Type Stoplevel Automatic copy of address from database contract allowed? Only main address to be used?
EXP Exporter TMPFLG C 3 M
BOR Borrower TMPFLG C,B 3 M
IMP Importer Y C,A 3 M
ABK Agent Bank TMPFLG B, A, X 3 M
GUA Guarantor TMPFLG 3 M
OAP Old Account Party TMPFLG C,B 3 M


Role Description Usage as temporary address allowed? Address Type Stoplevel Automatic copy of address from database contract allowed? Only main address to be used?
TP1 - TP9 Third parties Y 3 M


The exporter is the seller and supplier of goods under the export finance.


The borrower is the debtor of the export finance. The borrower in the export finance can differ from the borrower of the dossier (subcontract).


The importer is the buyer of goods/ services.

Agent Bank

The agent bank is in charge of handling the export finance towards the borrower. In most cases, the agent bank is also the bank using the application. If the bank using the application only participates in an export finance of another bank, the “other bank” acts as the agent bank and is the contact towards the borrower.


The guarantor represents an independent role within the contract, allowing the determination, from the possible multitude of risk bearers, of the main risk bearer. The guarantor is identical with the borrower if no collateral or only collateral of type 'Risk minimization' or 'Risk information' has been pledged. If collateral of type 'Risk Transfer' has been pledged, i.e., in form of a guarantee, and if the share of risk cover is greater than 51%, then this risk bearer is designated as a guarantor in the contract.

Old Account Party

Risk bearers (RS1 - R99)

In an export financing transaction as well as in an export financing dossier, up to 99 risk bearers can be stored for each contract. The risk bearers provide the bank with risk cover in the event that the borrower fails to meet his payment obligations arising from the financing transaction. Typical risk bearers in export finance can be credit insurers or foreign banks issuing a guarantee in favor of the bank.

More information on the subject of collateral is provided under Collateral.

Sub-participants (PA1 - P99)

In an export financing transaction as well as in an export financing dossier, up to 99 sub-participants can be stored per contract. The term sub-participation refers to the concept of assuming a share of the risk. The sub-participants in an export financing contract assume a certain percentage of the risk of the financing contract, in effect lessening the risk borne by the bank.

More information on the subject of participations is provided under Participations .

Third parties (TP1 - TP9)

In an export financing transaction as well as in an export financing dossier, up to 9 third parties per contract can be stored in the form of temporary addresses. They are participants who are involved indirectly, e.g., sub-suppliers or agents who are stored in the contract in order to make them available as message recipients or for fee settlements.

en/app/030bsi/170ec/0020broec.txt · Last modified: 2022/09/02 12:50 (external edit)