
Display an Export Finance

Transaction ECTSEL

This transaction is used display an export finance with

  • To Do List for selected Contract
  • Connected Contracts
  • Contract Overview
  • Transaction History for selected Contract.

Only transactions which are allowed for the selected contract are visible in the menu.

Further information is available in Display a business contract / Contract overview (SEL Panel).

Transaction Panels


Datafield Description
Reference of Export Finance cf Appendix A, Table ECD field OWNREF
Currency cf Appendix A, Table CBB field CUR
Maximum Limit Amount The Maximum Limit Amount is the most important amount field as it reflects the amount of the
financing and is the basis for the bank internal approval process, liability booking, utilizations
and calculations that are handled in this business module.
The Maximum Limit Amount specifies the Credit Element Amount converted into the currency of the
requested export financing. It is the sum of the Financed Amount (Bankportion) plus any fees,
premiums or IDC amount that are financed by the bank.
cf Appendix A, Table CBB field AMT
Currency cf Appendix A, Table CBB field CUR
Amount cf Appendix A, Table CBB field AMT
Responsible User cf Appendix A, Table ECD field OWNUSR
Responsible Service User cf Appendix A, Table ECD field SRVUSR
Date Offer Accepted By Customer cf Appendix A, Table ECD field OACDAT
Date of Loan Agreement / Export Agreement cf Appendix A, Table ECD field OPNDAT
Date of Last Amortisation cf Appendix A, Table ECD field EXPDAT
Type of Finance cf Appendix A, Table ECD field FINTYP
Reference of Frame Agreement cf Appendix A, Table ERK field EXTKEY
Name cf Appendix A, Table PTS field NAM
Reference for Address (Optional) cf Appendix A, Table PTS field REF
Name cf Appendix A, Table PTS field NAM
Reference for Address (Optional) cf Appendix A, Table PTS field REF
Name cf Appendix A, Table PTS field NAM
Reference for Address (Optional) cf Appendix A, Table PTS field REF
Streamgrid To do List This streamgrid shows the queue entries of the user(s)/ user group(s).

The list of results can be filtered by using the above checkboxes and the 'settings' icon.

Loadable Transactions

Transaction Requirements
ECTEDT This transaction opens a new export financing request or allows further processing under an existing export finance.
When an existing Export Finance is used, it must not be closed. Transaction is only allowed if contract is in status “Request” or “Offer”.
ECTPOP A binding offer under an export finance can be done in this transaction.
When an existing export finance is used, it may not be closed and it must be in status “Offer”.
ECTOPN In this transaction the acceptance of an offer by the client can be registered. The date of the handover protocol can be set and the contract status can be changed to unutilized.
When an existing export finance is used, it may not be closed and must be in status “Offer”.
ECTAME An existing export finance contract which is not closed.
When an existing export finance is used, it may not be closed and may not be in status “Request”.
ECTATT An existing export finance contract.
ECTFRE An existing export finance contract.
ECTFEE An existing export finance contract.
ECTADD An existing export finance contract.
ECTTEN An existing export finance contract.
ECTTRF An existing export finance contract.
ECTCAN An existing export finance which is not closed.
The contract must be in status “Request”, “Offer”, “Unutilized” or “Amortised”.
ECTROP An existing export finance, which is closed.
EFTOPN An existing export finance, which is not closed.
When an existing export finance is used, it may not be closed and must be in status “Unutilized” or “Partially Utilized”.
This transaction opens a new Dossier (SubContract) contract.
If an existing Dossier is used, it must be neither opened nor closed.
EFTAME An existing export finance, which is not closed.
This transaction allows the amendment of an existing Dossier. The Dossier must be opened and may not be closed.
EFTPAY Contract must be in status “Unutilized” or “Partially Utilized”.
An opened Dossier which is not closed. The Dossier must have an unutilized amount. Dossier status may not be “In Change”.
EFTSUS Contract must be in status “Unutilized” or “Partially Utilized” or “Fully Utilized” or “Amortized”.
An opened Dossier contract.
EFTBUC Contract must be in status “Unutilized” or “Partially Utilized” or “Fully Utilized” or “Amortized”.
An opened Dossier contract for which an interest closure has been concluded. The non consolidated repayment schedule has not been repaid in full.
EFTTOP Contract must be in status “Unutilized” or “Partially Utilized” or “Fully Utilized” or “Amortized”.
An opened Dossier contract.
EFTPIN Contract must be in status “Unutilized” or “Partially Utilized” or “Fully Utilized” or “Amortized”.
An opened Dossier contract with participants, existing drawdowns and open repayment amounts in the repayment schedule.
EFTFRE Contract must be in status “Unutilized” or “Partially Utilized” or “Fully Utilized” or “Amortized”.
An opened Dossier contract.
EFTATT Contract must be in status “Unutilized” or “Partially Utilized” or “Fully Utilized” or “Amortized”.
An opened Dossier contract.
EFTACT Contract must be in status “Unutilized” or “Partially Utilized” or “Fully Utilized” or “Amortized”.
An opened Dossier contract, which is not closed. More than one final repayment plan for borrower must exist.
EFTCLM Contract must be in status “Unutilized” or “Partially Utilized” or “Fully Utilized” or “Amortized”.
An existing Dossier with a non consolidated repayment schedule and open repayment amounts, which were not fully paid at maturity. The repayment was suspended.
EFTSET Contract must be in status “Unutilized” or “Partially Utilized” or “Fully Utilized” or “Amortized”.
An existing Dossier with a non consolidated repayment schedule, claimed and unpaid indemnity payments of the risk bearer of type risk mitigant.
EFTACH Contract must be in status “Unutilized” or “Partially Utilized” or “Fully Utilized” or “Amortized”.
An opened Dossier which is not closed.
EFTMAT Contract must be in status “Unutilized” or “Partially Utilized” or “Fully Utilized” or “Amortized”.
An opened Dossier which is not closed.
EFTFEE Contract must be in status “Unutilized” or “Partially Utilized” or “Fully Utilized” or “Amortized”.
An opened Dossier contract.
EFTPAT Contract must be in status “Unutilized” or “Partially Utilized” or “Fully Utilized” or “Amortized”.
An opened Dossier contract.
EFTSTO Contract must be in status “Unutilized” or “Partially Utilized” or “Fully Utilized” or “Amortized”.
An opened Dossier which is not closed.
EFTROV Contract must be in status “Unutilized” or “Partially Utilized” or “Fully Utilized” or “Amortized”.
An opened Dossier which is not closed.
EFTADD An opened Dossier which is not closed.

en/app/030bsi/170ec/0030ectsel.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/09 15:48 (external edit)