
Amounts / Liabilities

The following table shows the amounts and liabilities for the business sector “Export Finance (EC)” and “Export Finance Dossiers (EF)”.

Dossiers in foreign currency

The in-booking of amounts into the export financing contract is made at a fixed rate which is calculated on the panel “ Dossier splitting ” from the amounts entered. If foreign-currency dossiers are established, this rate is also used for payouts and repayments.


Transaction Amount (CBS column acc. to code table CBCTXT) CBS Entry type (acc. to code table CBTTXT) External ID Booking in/out contract group Description Comment
New Request/ Contract Editor Maximum Amount (MAXSUM) Change Maximum amount (MAXAMT) AMT1 inbooking/ update ECDGRP and EFDGRP request To the level of maximum credit limit entered
Nominal Amount (NOMSUM) Change Nominal Amount (NOMAMT) AMT1 inbooking/ update ECDGRP and EFDGRP request Corresponds to the maximum credit limit minus the IDC amount entered
IDC Amount (Interest During Construction) (IDCSUM) IDC Amount (Interest During Construction) (IDCAMT) AMT1 inbooking/ update ECDGRP and EFDGRP request To the level of the IDC amount entered
Open Amount (OPNSUM) Open Amount (OPNAMT) AMT1 inbooking/ update ECDGRP and EFDGRP request Corresponds to the nominal amount
Interest Amount (INTSUM) Interest Amount (INTRSK) AMT1 inbooking/ update ECDGRP and EFDGRP request Total interest from all temporary repayment schedules saved under the contract
Unutilized Amount (UPASUM) Unutilized Amount (UPAAMT) AMT1 inbooking/ update ECDGRP and EFDGRP request Corresponds to the nominal amount provided no disbursements have been made yet under the contract.
Own Take Amount (RSKSUM) Own Take Amount (RSKAMT) AMT1 inbooking/ update ECDGRP and EFDGRP request Corresponds to the maximum credit limit minus the IDC amount entered (and hence the nominal amount, if no participants are saved in the contract). If sub-participations exist in the contract, then the own take corresponds to the maximum credit limit minus the total for all participants.
Unutilized Amount (Own Take) (UNSSUM) Unutilized Amount (Own Take) (UNSAMT) AMT1 inbooking/ update ECDGRP and EFDGRP request Corresponds to the own take provided no disbursements have been made yet under the contract.
Request for Binding Offer Maximum Amount (MAXSUM) Change Maximum Amount (MAXAMT) AMT1 inbooking/ update ECDGRP and EFDGRP offer To the level of maximum credit limit entered
Nominal Amount (NOMSUM) Change Nominal Amount (NOMAMT) AMT1 inbooking/ update ECDGRP and EFDGRP offer Corresponds to the maximum credit limit minus the IDC amount entered
IDC Amount (Interest During Construction) (IDCSUM) IDC Amount (Interest During Construction) (IDCAMT) AMT1 inbooking/ update ECDGRP and EFDGRP offer To the level of IDC Amount entered
Open Amount (OPNSUM) Open Amount (OPNAMT) AMT1 inbooking/ update ECDGRP and EFDGRP offer Corresponds to the nominal amount
Interest Amount (INTSUM) Interest Amount (INTRSK) AMT1 inbooking/ update ECDGRP and EFDGRP offer Total interest from all temporary repayment schedules saved under the contract
Unutilized Amount (UPASUM) Unutilized Amount (UPAAMT) AMT1 inbooking/ update ECDGRP and EFDGRP offer Corresponds to the nominal amount provided no disbursements have been made yet under the contract.
Own Take (RSKSUM) Own Take (RSKAMT) AMT1 inbooking/ update ECDGRP and EFDGRP offer Corresponds to the maximum credit limit minus the IDC amount entered (and hence the nominal amount, if no participants are saved in the contract). If sub-participations exist in the contract, then the own take corresponds to the maximum credit limit minus the total for all participants.
Unutilized Amount (Own Take) (UNSSUM) Unutilized Amount (Own Take) (UNSAMT) AMT1 inbooking/ update ECDGRP and EFDGRP offer Corresponds to the own take provided no disbursements have been made yet under the contract.
Offer Acceptance Maximum Amount (MAXSUM) Change Maximum Amount (MAXAMT) AMT1 inbooking/ update ECDGRP and EFDGRP opening To the level of maximum credit limit entered
Nominal Amount (NOMSUM) Change Nominal Amount (NOMAMT) AMT1 inbooking/ update ECDGRP and EFDGRP opening Corresponds to the maximum credit limit minus the IDC amount entered
IDC Amount (Interest During Construction) (IDCSUM) IDC Amount (Interest During Construction) (IDCAMT) AMT1 inbooking/ update ECDGRP and EFDGRP opening To the level of IDC Amount entered
Open Amount (OPNSUM) Open Amount (OPNAMT) AMT1 inbooking/ update ECDGRP and EFDGRP opening Corresponds to the nominal amount
Interest Amount (INTSUM) Interest Amount (INTRSK) AMT1 inbooking/ update ECDGRP and EFDGRP opening Total interest from all temporary repayment schedules saved under the contract
Unutilized Amount (UPASUM) Unutilized Amount (UPAAMT) AMT1 inbooking/ update ECDGRP and EFDGRP opening Corresponds to the nominal amount provided no disbursements have been made yet under the contract.
Own Take (RSKSUM) Own Take (RSKAMT) AMT1 inbooking/ update ECDGRP and EFDGRP opening Corresponds to the maximum credit limit minus the IDC amount entered (and hence the nominal amount, if no participants are saved in the contract). If sub-participations exist in the contract, then the own take corresponds to the maximum credit limit minus the total for all participants.
Unutilized Amount (Own Take) (UNSSUM) Unutilized Amount (Own Take) (UNSAMT) AMT1 inbooking/ update ECDGRP and EFDGRP opening Corresponds to the own take provided no disbursements have been made yet under the contract.
Contract Amendment Maximum Amount (MAXSUM) Change Maximum Amount (MAXAMT) AMT1 Booking of the difference amount (old amount - new amount) ECDGRP and EFDGRP amendment
IDC Amount (Interest During Construction) (IDCSUM) IDC Amount (Interest During Construction) (IDCAMT) AMT1 Booking of the difference amount (old amount - new amount) ECDGRP and EFDGRP amendment
Open Amount (OPNSUM) Open Amount (OPNAMT) AMT1 Booking of the difference amount MAXSUM - IDCSUM (old amount - new amount) ECDGRP and EFDGRP amendmentCorresponds to the nominal amount
Own Take (RSKSUM) Own Take (RSKAMT) AMT1 Booking of the difference amount MAXSUM - IDCSUM (old amount - new amount) ECDGRP and EFDGRP amendment Corresponds to the maximum credit limit minus the IDC amount entered (and hence the nominal amount, if no participants are saved in the contract). If sub-participations exist in the contract, then the own take corresponds to the maximum credit limit minus the total for all participants.
Unutilized Amount (Own Take) (UNSSUM) Unutilized Amount (Own Take) (UNSAMT) AMT1 Booking of the difference amount MAXSUM - IDCSUM (old amount - new amount) ECDGRP and EFDGRP amendment Corresponds to the own take provided no disbursements have been made yet under the contract.
Opening Dossier Open Amount (OPNSUM) Open Amount (OPNAMT) AMT1 inbooking/ update ECDGRP and EFDGRP Dossier Opening Corresponds to the nominal amount
Own Take (RSKSUM) Own Take (RSKAMT) AMT1 inbooking/ update EFDGRP Dossier Opening Corresponds to the maximum dossier amount minus the IDC amount entered (and hence the nominal amount, if no participants are saved in the contract). If sub-participations exist in the contract, then the own take corresponds to the maximum dossier amount minus the total for all participants.
Interest Amount (INTSUM) Interest Amount (INTRSK) AMT1 inbooking/ update EFDGRP Dossier Opening Total interest from the temporary repayment schedule
Unutilized Amount (Own Take) (UNSSUM) Unutilized Amount (Own Take) (UNSAMT) AMT1 inbooking/ update EFDGRP Dossier Opening Corresponds to the own take provided no disbursements have been made yet under the contract.
Dossier Amendment Open Amount (OPNSUM) Open Amount (OPNAMT) AMT1 inbooking/ update ECDGRP and EFDGRP Dossier Amendment In case the Opening Date is set in the dossier
Own Take (RSKSUM) Own Take (RSKAMT) AMT1 inbooking/ update EFDGRP Dossier AmendmentCorresponds to the maximum dossier amount minus the IDC amount entered (and hence the nominal amount, if no participants are saved in the contract). If sub-participations exist in the contract, then the own take corresponds to the maximum dossier amount minus the total for all participants.
Unutilized Amount (Own Take) (UNSSUM) Unutilized Amount (Own Take) (UNSAMT) AMT1 inbooking/ update EFDGRP Dossier AmendmentCorresponds to the own take provided no disbursements have been made yet under the contract.
Drawdown Account Balance (BALSUM) Utilized Amount (BALOUT) AMT1 inbooking EFDGRP und ECDGRP Utilization Payout Amount
Unutilized Amount (UPASUM) Unutilized Amount (UPAAMT) AMT1 outbooking EFDGRP and ECDGRP Utilization Payout Amount
Account Balance (Own Take) (OBASUM) Utilized Amount (Own Take) (OBAOUT) AMT1 inbooking EFDGRP and ECDGRP Utilization Payout Amount * Own Take
Unutilized Amount (Own Take) (UNSSUM) Unutilized Amount (Own Take) (UNSAMT) AMT1 outbooking EFDGRP and ECDGRP Utilization Payout Amount * Own Take
Interest Amount (INTSUM) Interest Amount (INTRSK) AMT1 inbooking/ update EFDGRP Utilization Total interest according to the selected repayment schedule
Interest Closure Account Balance (BALSUM) Capitalized Amount (BALCPT) AMT1 inbooking ECDGRP and EFDGRP Capitalization In case interest is capitalized
Account Balance (Own Take) (OBASUM) Capitalized Amount (Own Take) (OBACPT) AMT1 inbooking ECDGRP and EFDGRP Capitalization In case interest is capitalized
Receipt of Repayment Account Balance (BALSUM) Amortized Amount (BALIN) AMT1 outbooking ECDGRP and EFDGRP Repayment
Account Balance (Own Take) (OBASUM) Amortized Amount (Own Take) (OBAIN) AMT1 outbooking ECDGRP and EFDGRP Repayment
Suspension of a maturity Account Balance (BALSUM) Amortized Amount (BALIN) AMT1 outbooking ECDGRP and EFDGRP Suspension
Account Balance (Own Take) (OBASUM) Amortized Amount (Own Take) (OBAIN) AMT1 outbooking ECDGRP and EFDGRP Suspension
Participation Changing Own Take (RSKSUM) Own Take (RSKAMT) ) AMT1 inbooking/ update EFDGRP Participation Change
Unutilized Amount (Own Take) (UNSSUM) Unutilized Amount (Own Take) (UNSAMT) AMT1 inbooking/ update EFDGRP Participation Change


Transaction Contract Engagement Maturity Role Booking Amount
New Request/ Contract Editor Export Finance (EC) RMD, RTD or INT Is defaulted from the last maturity of the temporary repayment schedule and can be adjusted on the “Collateral Details” panel of the risk bearer (Field “End of Risk Period”). If more than one repayment schedule exists, the last maturity of all available repayment schedules is defaulted. Risk Bearer 1-99 (RS1 -R99)Booking Amount/ Difference Amount: The booking amount for inbookings is the risk amount multiplied by the covered delcredere risk (percentage) of the risk bearer. In case of outbookings due to status changes, the outbooking of previously booked amounts is carried out in full. In case the covered amount portion is amended, the in- respectively outbooking is done according to the calculated difference amount (new booking amount - already booked old amount)
Contract Amendment
Opening DossierExport Finance (EC), Export Finance Dossiers (EF)
Dossier AmendmentExport Finance Dossiers (EF)
Receipt of Repayment The liability of the paying risk bearers is deducted according to the repaid principal. The booking amount is calculated as repayment amount multiplied by the collateral amount of the risk bearer divided by the maximum amount. Note: In case an indemnity payment was effected before, the risk bearer's liability was already reduced in transaction Receipt of Indemnity Payment and will not be reduced again.
Receipt of Indemnity PaymentThe liability of the paying risk bearers is deducted according to the paid principal amount. The booking amount is calculated as paid in amount multiplied by the collateral amount of the risk bearer divided by the maximum amount.
Decline Transaction / CloseExport Finance (EC), Export Finance Dossiers (EF)Withdrawal of all old amount for the total value
en/app/030bsi/170ec/0050bsectlia.txt · Last modified: 2022/08/09 15:57 by mm