
EAP - Export Finance Account Pointer

Module EAP


Name Helptext Description Data Type Len Codetable
TRNINR INR of Transaction which handles the Document Text 8
ACTINR Internal Unique ID of ACT Text 8
INR Internal Unique ID Text 8
USR Entered by Text 8
STAFLG Status Text 1
CONDSET Timestamp Datetime 15

Datafield Description and Properties

Datafield TRNINR INR of Transaction which handles the Document

INR of the transaction which created or processed the document. This field is filled for every outgoing message on save. For incoming messages this field is filled during the save of the processing transaction.

Datafield ACTINR Internal Unique ID of ACT

ACTINR holds the INR if account used for the booking

Datafield PTSINR INR of PTS

This field holds the INR of party used for the booking

Datafield INR Internal Unique ID

Unique internal ID of a record within the table. The INR is a text field, which is created by retrieving the next valid entry from the counter of this table. The field INR is used to enable links from other tables to this table.

For contractdata the INR also links the two tables xxD and xxT as associated entries hold the same INR.

Datafield USR Entered by

The user who entered or created this entry implicitly or explicitly, is available here.

Datafield STAFLG Status

Status holds values “O” for opened and “M” for modified, set for example in EFTACH (Account Modification under Export Financing Dossier)

Datafield CONDSET Timestamp

Timestamp of when the conditions were last (attempted) to be stored

en/app/030bsi/170ec/0970eap.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/09 15:47 (external edit)