
Display a Syndication Master

Transaction SCTSEL

The transaction is used to display a Syndication Master Contract. Two panels, Menu and Syndication Liabilities are displayed in this transaction. The Syndication Master Contract is visible with

  • To do list for selected contract
  • Connected contracts, for example Parent Export L/C contract, Export Document Sets, Syndication Deals etc.
  • Transaction history for selected contracts.

Only those transactions which are allowed for the selected contract are visible in the menu. The following contract statuses are visible in the Contract Overview of the Primary (Display an Export L/C) and Secondary side (Display a Syndication Master) of the transaction:

  • Syndication Master Created
  • Syndication Pending (if the deal is not opened yet but awaiting liability approval)
  • Syndicated (if there is at least one open Syndication Deal)
  • Syndication Closed.

In the Syndication Liability panel, overview of type of liability, liability amount, syndicated amount, currency, syndication status are visible. The sum of total syndicated amount is visible at the bottom. This panel shows all the associated contracts along with the type of liability:

  • Parent contract on primary side (e.g. Export L/C)
  • Syndication Master contract
  • Syndication Deals.

Also, in this panel, overview of all types of liability is displayed including financing liability on the primary side. For example, if the primary side of the deal has a financing associated with it, the Syndication Deal may or may not be included for this liability, yet it is displayed in the xxxSEL transaction. The below screenshot displays an overview of the Syndication Liability panel:

Key Sums are displayed in the Syndication Liabilities Panel. A popup panel is displayed on clicking the magnifying glass icon (highlighted in above screenshot).

In the below screenshot, overview of the key sums is displayed which helps the user to have a view on the key amounts and percentages like Open for Syndication, Own Take Amount etc.

The Maximum Amount is the total sum of all current primary liability amounts of primary side.

The Min. Retention displays the largest Retention Share percentage of all associated Syndication Deals.

The Syndicated Amount is the total Sum of all current syndication amounts for all Syndication Deals.

The Open Amount for Syndication reflects the total sum of all current primary liability amounts that still can be sold/ syndicated.

The Own Take Amount reflects the sum of the Min. Retention plus the open amount for Syndication.

Example: Display the opened Syndication Master Contract.

Overview panel:

Transaction Panels


Datafield Description
Streamgrid To do List This streamgrid shows the queue entries of the user(s)/ user group(s).

The list of results can be filtered by using the above checkboxes and the 'settings' icon.
Own Reference cf Appendix A, Table LED field OWNREF
Own Reference cf Appendix A, Table GID field OWNREF
External Key cf Appendix A, Table PTS field EXTKEY
Name cf Appendix A, Table PTS field NAM
Reference for Address (Optional) cf Appendix A, Table PTS field REF
Currency cf Appendix A, Table CBB field CUR
Maximum Amount cf Appendix A, Table CBB field AMT
Opening Date cf Appendix A, Table SDD field OPNDAT
Own Reference cf Appendix A, Table CCI field OWNREF
Name cf Appendix A, Table CCI field NAM

Loadable Transactions

Transaction Requirements
SCTOPN This transaction creates a new Syndication Master.
If an existing Syndication Master is used, it may not be open or closed.
An existing Export L/C contract which is not closed.
An existing Guarantee contract which is not closed.
SCTAME An existing Syndication Master which is opened and not closed.
SCTCAN An existing Syndication Master which is open and not closed.
SCTROP An existing Syndication Master which is closed.
SCTATT Not allowed when no contract has been loaded.
Is used to attach incoming messages to a contract without further processing.
SCTCHG Not allowed when no contract has been loaded. This transaction can only be started from CONCHG.
SDTOPR An existing Syndication Deal which is opened
SDTPOP An existing Syndication Deal which is opened and not closed.
SDTOPN This transaction creates a new Syndication Deal.
If an existing Syndication Deal is used, it may not be open or closed.
SDTAME An existing Syndication Deal which is open and not closed.
SDTAMR An existing Syndication Deal which is open and not closed.
SDTRAM An existing Syndication Deal which is open and not closed.
SDTHAN An existing Syndication Deal which is open and not closed.
SDTFUN An existing Syndication Deal which is open and not closed.
SDTFBI An existing Syndication Deal which is open and not closed.
SDTFBO An existing Syndication Deal which is open and not closed.
SDTCRQ An existing Syndication Deal which is open and not closed.
SDTBUC An existing Syndication Deal which is open and not closed.
SDTSET An existing Syndication Deal which is open and not closed.
SDTCOM An existing Syndication Deal which is not closed.
SDTFEE This transaction is used to Settle Charges
Not allowed when no contract has been loaded.
SDTFRE An existing Syndication Deal which is not closed.
SDTCAN An existing Syndication Deal which is open and not closed.
SDTROP An existing Syndication Deal which is closed.
SDTATT Not allowed when no contract has been loaded.
Is used to attach incoming messages to a contract without further processing.
SDTCHG Not allowed when no contract has been loaded. This transaction can only be started from CONCHG.
LETRSV This transaction creates a new Export L/C contract.
If an existing Export L/C contract is used, it may not be advised.
LETNOT This transaction creates a new Export L/C contract.
If an existing Export L/C contract is used, it may not be open or closed.
LETOPR This transaction creates a new Export L/C contract.
If an existing Export L/C contract is used, it may not be advised or closed and there may not be any open liability approval.
LETOPN This transaction creates a new Export L/C contract.
If an existing Export L/C contract is used, it may not be advised or closed.
LETDRW This transaction creates a new Export L/C contract.
If an existing Export L/C contract is used, it may not be advised or closed.
LETAME An existing Export L/C contract which is advised and not closed.
The number of amendments must be less than 999.
LETAMR An existing Export L/C contract which is advised and not closed.
The number of amendments must be less than 999.
LETRAM An existing Export L/C contract which is advised and not closed.
LETTRF An existing Export L/C contract which is advised and not closed.
LETAMC An existing Export L/C contract which is opened and not closed.
The unutilized amount must be higher than zero.
LETDAV An existing Export L/C contract which is open and not closed.
The numbers of advised and of received documents sets must be less than 999.
LETDRV An existing Export L/C contract which is advised and not closed.
The numbers of advised and of received documents sets must be less than 999.
LETCOM An existing Export L/C contract which is not closed.
LETTEN An existing Export L/C contract which is not closed.
LETAOP An existing Export L/C contract which is not closed, has an open amount or an assignment amount.
LETFEE An existing Export L/C contract (can be closed).
LETFRE An existing Export L/C contract (can be closed).
LETADD An existing Export L/C contract which is not closed.
LETREV An existing Export L/C contract which is open and not closed.
The contract must be marked as revolving and the maximum number of permitted revolvings must not have been reached\'.
LETCAN An existing Export L/C contract which is not closed.
No open document sets or transfers are allowed.
LETROP A closed Export L/C contract.
LETATT Not allowed when no contract has been loaded.
Is used to attach incoming messages to a contract without further processing.
LETCHG Not allowed when no contract has been loaded. This transaction can only be started from CONCHG.
LEMOPN This transaction creates a new Export L/C contract.
No existing Export L/C contract may be used.
LITOPN If selected from LETSEL: an existing Export L/C contract which is not closed
and the unutilized amount may not be zero.
LTTOPN This transaction creates a new Transfer contract.
An existing Export L/C contract which is not closed.
It must be marked as transferable and the unutilized amount may not be zero.
TRTOPN IF selected from LETSEL: in the event of a packing credit:
An existing Export L/C contract which is not closed.
The unutilized amount may not be zero.
Only one Packing Credit is allowed under an Export L/C contract.
BETRCL An existing Export L/C contract which is not closed.
The Export L/C must be issued and contain a reimbursement authorization.
BTTRCL An existing Export L/C contract which is not closed.
The Export L/C must be issued and contain a reimbursement authorization.
BETPAY An existing Export L/C contract which is issued and not closed.
The number of utilizations must be less than 999.
BETSND An existing Export L/C contract, which is issued and not closed.
The number of utilizations must be less than 999.
LTTROP An existing Transfer contract which is closed and whose parent contract is open.
BETROP A closed Export L/C Document Set contract whose parent contract is open.
GITPOP This transaction creates a new Guarantee contract.
If an existing Guarantee contract is used, it may not be open or closed.
GITOPR This transaction creates a new Guarantee contract.
If an existing Guarantee contract is used, it may not be open or closed. If not open yet liability may not have been booked.
GITOPN This transaction creates a new Guarantee contract.
If an existing Guarantee contract is used, it may not be open or closed.
GITASG This transaction creates a new Inward Assignment Guarantee contract.
No existing Guarantee contract may be used.
GITPLB An existing Guarantee contract which is not closed.
GITTEN An existing Guarantee contract which is not closed.
GITAME An existing Guarantee contract which is open and not closed.
The number of amendments must be less than 99.
GITRAM An existing Guarantee contract which is open and not closed.
The number of amendments must be less than 99.
GITAMR An existing Guarantee contract which is open and not closed.
The number of amendments must be less than 99.
GITAMC An existing Guarantee contract, which is not closed.
The open amount may not be zero.
GITADD An existing Guarantee contract which is open and not closed.
The number of amendments must be less than 99.
GITTRF An existing Guarantee contract which is open and not closed.
Not allowed, if the handling type is “Guarantee received” or “Advise with/without confirmation”.
GITSET An existing Guarantee contract which is open and not closed.
GITCOM An existing Guarantee contract which is open and not closed.
GITAOP An existing Guarantee contract which is not closed, has an open amount or an assignment amount.
GITFEE An existing Guarantee contract (can be closed).
GITFRE An existing Guarantee contract (can be closed).
GITCRJ An existing Guarantee contract (can be closed).
GITCRQ An existing Guarantee contract which is open and not closed.
The open amount may not be zero and the number of pending claims must be less than 99.
GITCAN An existing Guarantee contract which is not closed.
Not allowed when there are pending claims.
GITROP A closed Guarantee contract.
GITATT Not allowed when no contract has been loaded.
Is used to attach incoming messages to a contract without further processing.
GITCHG Not allowed when no contract has been loaded. This transaction can only be started from CONCHG.
GIMOPN This transaction creates a new Guarantee contract.
Not allowed when contract has been loaded.

en/app/030bsi/175sc/0030sctsel.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/27 11:38 (external edit)