
SDD - Syndication Deal Data

Module SDD


Name Helptext Description Data Type Len Codetable
INR Internal Unique ID Text 8
OWNREF Reference Text 16
NAM Externally Displayed Name to Identify the Contract Text 80
OWNUSR Responsible User Text 8 <fixed-length>
OPNTRNINR TRNINR which opened contract Text 8
CREDAT Date Created Date 12
OPNDAT Opening Date Date 12
CLSDAT Date Closed Date 12
EXPDAT Latest Possible Due Date Date 12
ORDDAT Order Date Date 12
SYNREF Syndication Party Reference Text 16
APLREF Applicant Reference Text 16
VER Version Text 4
STACTY Country Code (for Statistics) Text 2 CTYTXT
FTHKEY Key from FTH Text 8
PNTINR Parent Contract INR Text 8
PNTTYP Parent Contract Type Text 6
SYNTXTMODFLG Modify Guarantee Text Text 1
ATXINR INR of Generating Text Text 8 <fixed-length>
SYNUIL Syndication Agreement Language Text 2 UILTXT
SYNAGRDAT Framework Agreement Date Date 12
SYNAGROTHTXT Other Agreement Text 35
SYNAGRTYP Agreement Text 3 Embedded
SYNCOLFLG Collateral Text 1
FNDFLG Funded / Unfunded Text 1 Embedded
DCLFLG Disclosed / Undisclosed Text 1 Embedded
PRC Syndication Percentage Numeric 8
RETPRC Retention Share Numeric 8
ACPDAT Latest Date of Acceptance Date 12
TRNDOCFLG Transaction Documents Provided Text 1
USEALLFLG Applicable for all Liabilities Text 1
AMRNBR Counter for Pending Amendment Approval Numeric 3
TRMDAT Termination Date (optional) Date 12
AMEDAT Date of Last Amendment Date 12
AMENBR Number of Amendments Numeric 3
FECMINAMT Minimum Amount/Value Numeric 18
FECMINCUR Minimum Currency Text 3
FECRATCAL Rate Calculation Numeric 14
FECPERTYP Period Type Text 6 Embedded
FECSETPERFLG Settl. Period Text 2 Embedded
FECMINDAYS Minimum Days Numeric 2
PRCCLC Calculated Syndication Percentage Numeric 8
PNDCLM Number of Pending Claims Numeric 3
ETYEXTKEY Entity Text 8
STAGOD Goods Code (for Statistics) Text 6 GODCOD

Datafield Description and Properties

Datafield INR Internal Unique ID

Unique internal ID of a record within the table. The INR is a text field, which is created by retrieving the next valid entry from the counter of this table. The field INR is used to enable links from other tables to this table.

For contractdata the INR also links the two tables xxD and xxT as associated entries hold the same INR.

Datafield OPNTRNINR TRNINR which opened contract

This field holds the INR of the transaction which opened/issued the contract.

Datafield CREDAT Date Created

This date field identifies the date the entry was physically added to the database.

Datafield OPNDAT Opening Date

The field holds the opening/issuing date of the contract. If this field is set, the contract has been legally established and it might be used for business transactions. This date describes the point in time when this contract became legally binding. This might be a date prior to the creation date, when the contract was legally binding before it was stored in the database.

Datafield CLSDAT Date Closed

This fields indicates the closing date of a contract. If an entry has been made, the contract is closed and may no longer be used to process business transactions except special transactions like Settling Charges or Common Messages.

Datafield VER Version

This field holds the version counter used to keep track of the history of an entry of this table. The individual versions are managed by entries in the SLG table.

Datafield FTHKEY Key from FTH

This field holds the key of the fasttrack definition, which was used to create this contract.

Datafield PNTINR Parent Contract INR

This field contains the unique identifcation number of the parent contract.

Datafield PNTTYP Parent Contract Type

This field contains the type of the parent contract.

Datafield SYNAGRTYP Agreement

Code Text
MPA Master Participation Agreement
INS Insurance Policy
FFA Forfeiting Agreement
MLT Multilateral Guarantee
SRV SERV-Confirmation Insurance
IND Individual Risk Sharing Agreement
OTH Other

Datafield FNDFLG Funded / Unfunded

Code Text
F Funded
U Unfunded

Datafield DCLFLG Disclosed / Undisclosed

Code Text
D Disclosed
U Undisclosed

Datafield AMEDAT Date of Last Amendment

This field contains the date of the last amendment processed under the contract. If it is empty the contract is still in its original condition. This date is automatically updated by the relevant amendment transactions.

Datafield AMENBR Number of Amendments

This field is used to store the number of amendments made to the contract so far. This field is automatically updated from the relevant amendment transaction.

Datafield ETYEXTKEY Entity

This field holds the external key of the owning entity to identify the logical owner of this entry.

This field is filled automatically during insert and is used as filter when accessing the database. Without special implementation only entries of the currently active entity are visible to the user.

Datafield STAGOD Goods Code (for Statistics)

This field contains the type of goods shipped. The goods code is used to evaluate contracts by the type of goods. The codetable can be customized by the bank according to their needs.

en/app/030bsi/175sc/0920sdd.txt · Last modified: 2022/06/27 13:04 (external edit)