
Display a Payment Undertaking

Transaction PUTSEL

This transaction is used display a payment undertaking with

  • To Do List for selected Contract
  • Connected Contracts
  • Contract Overview
  • Transaction History for selected Contract.

Only transactions which are allowed for the selected contract are visible in the menu.

Further information is available in Display a business contract / Contract overview (SEL Panel).

Transaction Panels


Datafield Description
Currency cf Appendix A, Table CBB field CUR
Maximum Amount cf Appendix A, Table CBB field AMT
Currency cf Appendix A, Table CBB field CUR
Open Amount cf Appendix A, Table CBB field AMT
Opening Date cf Appendix A, Table PUD field OPNDAT
Name cf Appendix A, Table PTS field NAM
Reference for Address (Optional) cf Appendix A, Table PTS field REF
Name cf Appendix A, Table PTS field NAM
Reference for Address (Optional) cf Appendix A, Table PTS field REF
Name cf Appendix A, Table PTS field NAM
Reference for Address (Optional) cf Appendix A, Table PTS field REF
Own Reference cf Appendix A, Table BPD field OWNREF
Currency cf Appendix A, Table CBB field CUR
Maximum Amount cf Appendix A, Table CBB field AMT
Currency cf Appendix A, Table CBB field CUR
Open Amount cf Appendix A, Table CBB field AMT
Opening Date cf Appendix A, Table BPD field OPNDAT
Maturity Date cf Appendix A, Table BPD field MATDAT
Name cf Appendix A, Table PTS field NAM
Reference for Address (Optional) cf Appendix A, Table PTS field REF
Type of Financing cf Appendix A, Table BPD field FINTYP
Own Reference cf Appendix A, Table TRD field OWNREF
% Financed cf Appendix A, Table TRD field PCTFIN
Currency cf Appendix A, Table CBB field CUR
Maximum Finance Amount cf Appendix A, Table CBB field AMT
Currency cf Appendix A, Table CBB field CUR
Open Finance Amount This field contains the amount of the trust receipt loan yet to be settled.
cf Appendix A, Table CBB field AMT
Start Date Tenor cf Appendix A, Table TRD field STTTENDAT
Maturity Date cf Appendix A, Table TRD field MATDAT
Name cf Appendix A, Table PTS field NAM
Reference for Address (Optional) cf Appendix A, Table PTS field REF
Type of Financing cf Appendix A, Table TRD field FINTYP
Streamgrid To do List This streamgrid shows the queue entries of the user(s)/ user group(s).

The list of results can be filtered by using the above checkboxes and the 'settings' icon.
Transaction to be Called cf Appendix A, Table DIA field FRM
Coded Reason cf Appendix A, Table DIA field COD
Entry Done (Nonspace = Entry Done) cf Appendix A, Table DIA field DONFLG
Diary Date cf Appendix A, Table DIA field DAT
Name cf Appendix A, Table DIA field NAM
Infotext cf Appendix A, Table DIA field INFTXT
Responsible User cf Appendix A, Table DIA field OWNUSR
Responsible Group cf Appendix A, Table DIA field OWNUSG
Entered by cf Appendix A, Table DIA field USR
Automatic Processing cf Appendix A, Table DIA field AUTFLG
Role of the contract to be used for a free message cf Appendix A, Table DIA field FREROL
Do not automatically set to Done cf Appendix A, Table DIA field DELNOTFLG
External Key cf Appendix A, Table ACK field EXTKEY
Object Type cf Appendix A, Table ACK field OBJTYP
Object INR cf Appendix A, Table ACK field OBJINR
Sub-ID for Object (e.g.SMHINR) cf Appendix A, Table ACK field OBJSUB
Sending Service cf Appendix A, Table ACK field OUTSRV
Service for Incoming Acknowledgment cf Appendix A, Table ACK field ACKSRV
Class of ACK (in the Object) cf Appendix A, Table ACK field CLA
Status cf Appendix A, Table ACK field STA
Reason of NACK cf Appendix A, Table ACK field NACTXT
Additional NACK Information cf Appendix A, Table ACK field NACSTM
Transaction to be Called cf Appendix A, Table DIA field FRM
Coded Reason cf Appendix A, Table DIA field COD
Entry Done (Nonspace = Entry Done) cf Appendix A, Table DIA field DONFLG
Diary Date cf Appendix A, Table DIA field DAT
Name cf Appendix A, Table DIA field NAM
Infotext cf Appendix A, Table DIA field INFTXT
Responsible User cf Appendix A, Table DIA field OWNUSR
Responsible Group cf Appendix A, Table DIA field OWNUSG
Entered by cf Appendix A, Table DIA field USR
Automatic Processing cf Appendix A, Table DIA field AUTFLG
Role of the contract to be used for a free message cf Appendix A, Table DIA field FREROL
Do not automatically set to Done cf Appendix A, Table DIA field DELNOTFLG

Loadable Transactions

Transaction Requirements
PUTPOP This transaction creates a new Payment Undertaking contract.
An existing Payment Undertaking contract may not be selected.
PUMOPN This transaction creates a new Payment Undertaking contract.
An existing Payment Undertaking contract may not be selected.
PUTOPN An existing Payment Undertaking contract which is not open and not closed.
PUTAME An existing Payment Undertaking contract which is open and not closed.
The number of amendments has to be less than 99.
PUTADD An existing Payment Undertaking contract which is not closed.
PUTTEN An existing Payment Undertaking contract which is not closed.
PUTTRF An existing Payment Undertaking contract which is not closed.
PUTFEE An existing Payment Undertaking contract (can be closed).
PUTFRE An existing Payment Undertaking contract (can be closed).
PUTSET An existing Payment Undertaking which is opened and not closed.
PUTCAN An existing Payment Undertaking contract which is not closed.
Loans are not allowed with open amounts.
PUTROP A closed Payment Undertaking contract.
PUTATT Not allowed, if no contract is loaded.
Is used to attach incoming messages to a contract without further processing.
PUTCHG Not allowed, if no contract is loaded. This transaction can only be started from CONCHG.
TRTOPN An existing Payment Undertaking contract, which is not closed.
Either no existing Loan or an existing Loan contract which is not open and not closed.
PUTCOM An existing Payment Undertaking contract, which is not closed.
TRTPOP This transaction creates a new Loan contract.
Therefore no existing Loan contract can be used.
TRTAME An existing Loan contract which is open and not closed.
Loan may not be repaid in full.
TRTTEN An existing Loan contract which is open and not closed.
TRTTRF An existing Loan contract which is open and not closed.
TRTSET An existing Loan contract which is open and not closed.
Loan may not be repaid in full.
TRTLAT An existing Loan contract which is open and not closed.
Loan may not be repaid in full, a past due stage must be reached.
TRTFEE An existing Loan contract (can be closed).
TRTFRE An existing Loan contract (can be closed).
TRTCOM An existing Loan contract which is not closed.
TRTADD An existing Loan contract which is not closed.
TRTRCL An existing Loan contract which is not closed.
Reimbursing bank must be known.
Transaction is only allowed with L/C contracts
TRTCAN An existing Loan contract which is not closed.
TRTROP An existing Loan contract which is closed and whose parent contract is open.
TRTATT Not allowed when no contract has been loaded.
Is used to attach incoming messages to a contract without further processing.
TRTCHG Not allowed when no contract has been loaded. This transaction can only be started from CONCHG.
BPTPOP This transaction creates a new Advance contract.
If an existing Advance contract is used, it may not be open or closed.
BPTOPN This transaction creates a new Advance contract.
If an existing Advance contract is used, it may not be open or closed.
Creation of an advance contract is possible standalone without a parent contract, in relation with a document set under Export LC, a document set under a transferred LC or under an Export Collection.
BPTAME An existing advance contract which is open and not closed.
This transaction amends an Advance contract.
BPTTEN An existing Advance contract which is open and not closed.
BPTTRF An existing Advance contract which is open and not closed.
BPTCRF An existing Advance contract which is open and not closed.
The Advance may not be fully paid.
Not allowed if advance contract is without recourse
BPTSET An existing Advance contract which is open and not closed.
BPTCOM An existing Advance contract which is open and not closed.
BPTFEE An existing Advance contract (can be closed).
BPTFRE An existing Advance contract (can be closed).
BPTADD An existing Advance contract which is not closed.
BPTCAN An existing Advance contract which is not closed.
BPTROP An existing Advance contract which is closed, and parent contract is open.
BPTATT Not allowed when no contract has been loaded.
Is used to attach incoming messages to a contract without further processing.
BPTCHG Not allowed when no contract has been loaded. This transaction can only be started from CONCHG.

en/app/030bsi/180pu/0030putsel.txt · Last modified: 2023/10/25 11:48 (external edit)