
Overview of Outgoing messages - Payment Undertaking

Transaction Name of Message Receiver Message ID
Pre-Opening a Payment Undertaking Pre-Advice Seller's Bank/Seller PUTSEL1
Acknowledgment Buyer PUTBUY1
Rejection Message Buyer PUTBUY2
Opening a Payment Undertaking Advice Seller's Bank/Seller PUTSEL1
Acknowledgment Buyer PUTBUY1
Amending a Payment Undertaking Advice of Amendment Seller's Bank/Seller PUTSEL1
Advice Buyer PUTBUY1
Settle a Payment Undertaking Advice of Payment (Credit Party) Seller's Bank/Seller PUTSEL1
Advice to Debit Party Buyer PUTBUY1
Liability Adjustment Advice of Expiry Amendment Seller's Bank/Seller PUTSEL1
Acknowledge Expiry Amendment Buyer PUTBUY1
Transferring the Liability Party Transfer Message Old Eng. Party Old Liab. Party PUTBUY1
Transfer Message New Eng. Party New Liab. Party PUTBUY2
Closing Advice of Cancellation Seller's Bank/Seller PUTSEL1
Acknowledgment of Cancellation Buyer PUTBUY1

In various transactions Payment Messages for the respective clearing system will be created.

en/app/030bsi/180pu/0070msgpu.txt · Last modified: 2022/08/15 09:32 by mk