
Overview of Outgoing messages - Approved Payable Finance (APF)

Transaction Name of Message Receiver Message ID SWIFT SWIFT Score TCO DTA Bolero allNETT
APF Offer Promissory Note Buyer IATBUY1
Funding Request Buyer IATBUY2
Bill of Exchange Buyer IATBUY3
APF Funding Funding Notice Supplier IATSUP1
Funding Notice Buyer IATBUY1
APF Repayment Repayment / Settlement Notice Buyer IATBUY1
APF Amendment Amend Notice Supplier IATSUP1
Amend Notice Buyer IATBUY1
Transferring the Liability Party Transfer Message Old Liability Party Old Buyer IATBUY1
Transfer Message New Liability Party New Buyer IATBUY1
Settling Charges Rebooking Messages
Common Messages Overdue Loan Buyer IATFRE3
Payment Advice Note Buyer IATFRE4
To view general information see Common Messages
Closing Advice of Cancellation Buyer IATBUY1
en/app/030bsi/190ia/0070msgia.txt · Last modified: 2022/08/15 09:31 by mk