
APF Offer

Transaction IATPOP

In this transaction, an Invoice Advance Offer is processed.

Processing can be done manually, semi-STP or full STP. The following describes the manual process.

If processing is done manually, the user will select the “buyer” and the “supplier” from the database. Pairing information as defined in transaction Maintain Pairing Buyer/Supplier such as the “Maximum Finance Percentage” will automatically be loaded.

Afterwards the “Finance Base Documents” are entered in the respective panel. The “Total Invoice Amount” is calculated automatically and the “Advance Amount” is defaulted into the respective fields. The defaulting of the “Advance Amount” takes into consideration that it may not be higher than the “Maximum Finance Percentage”. The user may overwrite the defaulted “Advance Amount” with a lower amount.

Saving the offer will generate Offer documents, then the next step is to proceed onto the transaction APF Funding.


This transaction creates a new Approved Payable Finance contract.
If an existing Approved Payable Finance contract is used, it may not be opened or closed.
For incoming allNETT / RIVO messages see Overview of Incoming messages - allNETT / RIVO.

Transaction Control




Results of this Transaction


For more information see TRNDIA Diaries.

Action Description Diary Follow-up Transaction Comment
Replace Offer Accepted? Date of Offer Validity APF Funding

Updating/Storing of Amounts (CBS)

Liability (LIA)

A “Financing Reservation” (FIO) liability is reserved under the buyer for the “Advance amount”.

Outgoing Correspondence

Details on creation of messages can be found under DOCEOT Messages. For outgoing allNETT / RIVO messages see Overview of Outgoing messages - allNETT / RIVO.

Name of Message Receiver Message ID SWIFT TCO DTA/DTE Comment
Promissory Note Buyer IATBUY1 When “Generate Promissory Note” checkbox in Maintain Pairing Buyer/Supplier is selected. The message is available in English and can be sent as letter or email only.
Funding Request Buyer IATBUY2 When “Generate Funding Request” checkbox in Maintain Pairing Buyer/Supplier is selected. The message is available in English and German and can be sent as letter or email only.
Bill of Exchange Buyer IATBUY3 When “Generate Bill of Exchange” checkbox in Maintain Pairing Buyer/Supplier is selected. The message is available in English and can be sent as letter or email only.


Transaction Panels



Datafield Description
External Key cf Appendix A, Table USR field EXTKEY
Update Finance Base Documents cf Appendix A, Table IAD field NONINVFLG
Currency cf Appendix A, Table CBB field CUR
Maximum Amount cf Appendix A, Table CBB field AMT
Early Settlement Discount Amount cf Appendix A, Table IAD field ESDAMT
Early Settlement Discount Percent cf Appendix A, Table IAD field ESDPRC
Opening Date cf Appendix A, Table IAD field OPNDAT
External Key cf Appendix A, Table PTS field EXTKEY
Address Block cf Appendix A, Table PTS field ADRBLK
Reference for Address (Optional) cf Appendix A, Table PTS field REF
External Key cf Appendix A, Table PTS field EXTKEY
Address Block cf Appendix A, Table PTS field ADRBLK
Reference for Address (Optional) cf Appendix A, Table PTS field REF
External Key cf Appendix A, Table PTS field EXTKEY
Name cf Appendix A, Table PTS field NAM
Currency cf Appendix A, Table CBB field CUR
Amount cf Appendix A, Table CBB field AMT
External Supplier Account cf Appendix A, Table IAD field XSAEXTKEY
Name cf Appendix A, Table ACT field NAM
External Buyer Account cf Appendix A, Table IAD field LOAEXTKEY
Name cf Appendix A, Table ACT field NAM

Finance Base Documents


Datafield Description
Name cf Appendix A, Table PTS field NAM
Name cf Appendix A, Table PTS field NAM

Interest Details


DTAG Fields

en/app/030bsi/190ia/0200iatpop.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/29 13:00 (external edit)