
Party Model -Receivable Finance


Role Description Usage as temporary address allowed? Address Type Stoplevel Automatic copy of address from database contract allowed? Only main address to be used?
BUY Buyer U 3
SUP Supplier Y P 3
FND Funding Institute A 3


The buyer pays the invoices that are due at maturity. A pairing definition must be set up for the supplier and the buyer in the static data and also the account definition must be available. Thus, the buyer has to be defined in the static data of the bank using the application. Any bookings will utilise the Buyer's Limit.


The supplier is the customer of the bank and the beneficiary of the payment under a receivable finance. The supplier provides invoices that have to be paid by the bank. The supplier is usually a customer of the bank and has to be available in the static data. A pairing definition must be set up for the supplier and the buyer in the static data.

Funding Institute

The Funding Institute (FND) is the party who is responsible to fund the supplier. The Funding Institute in most cases will be the DOKA bank (OWN) but it is possible that the Funding Institute of a dedicated party should be for example a branch of the bank.

Party Model -Receivable Invoice Set

Party Model -Receivable Repayment

en/app/030bsi/200rf/0020brorf.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/05 08:40 by jo