

According to the liability concept, amount and liability bookings are created, that are either mandatory for the bank or merely contain an internal booking (refer to Liability Concept for additional information).

The following table shows the amount and liability bookings for the “Receivable Finance” business sector:

Transaction* Description Type of Liability Relevant Amount Relevant Party Remarks
RFTPOP Receivable Finance Offer Financing Reservation (FIO) Finance Amount Buyer (BUY)
RFTOPN Opening Receivable Finance Financing (FIN) Finance Amount Buyer (BUY) Liability on type 'FIO' is booked out and is booked in under 'FIN' (if the contract had an Offer transaction)
RRTSET Repayment Financing (FIN) Max Finance % of Amount Paid Buyer (BUY)
RFTCRF Recourse Financing (FIN) Amount repaid Buyer (BUY)

*Transactions not related to the liability are not listed here.

en/app/030bsi/200rf/0050bsrftlia.txt · Last modified: 2022/08/11 07:32 by mk