
Explanations of the Party Model

Temporary Address (TMPFLG)

Determines whether a temporary address can be added, or not.

No (internal = empty): a temporary party cannot be added; an address for the party stored in the database has to be selected.

Yes (internal <> empty): the party's address can be saved as a temporary address, i.e. the four-line address block is initially activated. An address from the database as well as a free format address can be entered in the text block.

Notes for the Designer / Supporter
Other global settings in the PTSMOD module can be used to determine whether - as a matter of principle - parties have to be stored in the database, or not. Such settings then apply to all parties. If the setting PTSMOD.PtsIsPtaAdrRequired = TRUE, all parties have to be stored in the database.

Address Type (TYPFLG)

Defines the types of parties to be used. When selection lists are displayed, the lists only contain particular types of parties. This setting can be used to define up to ten different types of addresses.

Permissible types have been defined in codetable 'PTYTYP'.

Stop Level (STPLEV)

Defines the level up to which a party can be used.

Example: If STPLEV = 1 and a party has been set to Stop Level 3 (using DBIPTY, for example), the party cannot be used. In this context the user will receive a respective message.

Copy Address from Database (ADRCPYFLG)

Determines the procedure for defaulting and overwriting the address block for the party in the contract.

No (internal = empty): the address is not part of the key information in the contract and can be read directly from the database and transferred without qualification to the address block. This also means that the address in the contract is automatically updated - when, for example, the contract is opened and another address block is stored in the contract than in the database.
This is the default value.

Yes (internal = M): the address block is a part of key information in the contract and cannot be automatically updated from the database. If the address block stored in the contract differs from the address in the database, the user has the option (by using the [DB Adr.] button) to view the differences and can decide which of the two addresses - the address in the contract or the database address - is to be used in the contract in the future.

Main Address (PTAUSGFLG)

In the application, one address has to be defined as a main address. When adding the first address for a particular party, this will automatically be defined as the main address. All other addresses for this party will be defined as secondary addresses. If a secondary address has been selected to be the main address, the previous main address will automatically be changed to a secondary address. This ensures that there is always only one address defined as main address for a party.

No (internal = empty): all addresses for the party can be included for selection.

Yes (internal = M): only the parties defined main address can be used.


Determines whether the party is a mandatory field.

No: the party is not a mandatory field

Yes: the party is a mandatory field

en/app/090zzz/0010gnpts.txt · Last modified: 2022/03/08 12:34 (external edit)