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File Types

The table below lists the most important file types available in the system. Unless special details are provided, the files are required in all environments and systems.

File Type Extension(s) Description
AVI file avi Video file
BMP file bmp Image file
CTE file cte Codetable exchange format. These files are used for exchanging data within codetables between two different systems. For maintaining codetables the tool 'Maintain Codetables' (SYSTBL) can be used.
DBE file dbe Data exchange format for database tables (e.g. 'atp.dbe' = database table of the application transaction profile). For exchanging database tables the transaction 'Database Table Handling Tool' (SYSDBA) is used.
DIF file dif In DIF files, the differences between two files are displayed (comparing two files before and after editing). These files are generated, for example, in transaction 'Handling Updates of Data' (SYSUPD).
DMP file dmp Dump files contain information about system error messages that have occurred. Dumps are saved as DMP and DSP files in the 'dump' directory (see also DSP file).
DSP file dsp DSP files are copies of panels from various application transactions including the entered data. These proprietary 'Display files' are used to create the GIF files, which are displayed in the generated documentation. Furthermore, DSP files are available in the release of transactions (in the 'Control and Release of Transactions' transaction via the [Details] button). These files are also used in connection with DMP files for system dumps, whereas these files are saved in the system folder 'dump' (see also DMP file).
FIL file fil List files, in which all existing transactions or tables are listed. Examples: alltrns.fil (all transactions mnemos), alltbl.fil (all database tables)
Both files are required for Generating Documentation. The file alltrns.fil is, for example, also used for compiling the application (Details about this topic can be found in the Developer Documentation 'COMP - Automatic Handling of List of Transactions' under 'Sample Usage').
FRx file fr0 - fr9 Frame files. These files are the module source texts and are compiled into the TMOs and/or TTOs during the compiling process. These files are not required on a Client/Server system.
GIF file gif Image file
HTM file htm These are files in HTML format. It can be viewed via 'Viewer' or a browser .
ICO file ico Image file / symbol
INI file ini INI files contain general settings and configuration data.
JPG file jpg Image file
LOG file log Log files are created automatically by the system and contain information about internal processes of transactions, procedures, etc. Log files are common text files and can be displayed by using text editors. In many transactions, log files can be displayed via the [View Log] button. The default log directory for application transactions is 'log'.
MSG file msg These files contain intrasystem messages and belong to TradeDesign. They are provided with the product version and have also to be taken over into a Client/Server system.
PNG file png Image file
RPT file rpt These are report files, res. reports. Detailed information about reports can be found in 'Report Generator for Contracts'.
TDP file tdp TDP files contain the particular TradeDesign profiles (defining, which transactions may be executed) and are maintained via Maintaining Office Menu
TDS file tds TDS files are created by the system and are subsequently maintained by the customers or by a supporter. They contain descriptions of the structure, how the selection lists are to be designed (i.e. the column selection, the headers and the column widths).

The file names of the TDS files are based on the table, for which the record selections are used. Within a TDS file several different record selections can be defined for one table.

These files should usually be located in the product directory of the product version and in the customer overlay, the version that was customized.
TMO file tmo These are executable files of a Windows Installation of the application and are located in directory 'rlib' of the installation. They are not required on a Client/Server system.
TRx file tr0- tr8 Transaction files. These files are the transaction source texts and are converted into TMOs and/or TTOs during the compiling process. These files are not required on a Client/Server system.
TTO file tto These files are created during a compile of the application and have to be taken over into the Client/Server system. For each existing transaction an associated TTO file must be available.
XMD file xmd Files for handling product updates (see transaction 'Handling Updates of Data' (SYSUPD).
XMU file xmu Update files, that contain the differences after an update. The files are generated via transaction 'Handling Updates of Data' (SYSUPD).
XSI file xsi XSI files contain information about the layout of the correspondence. These files are maintained using the 'Maintaining Document Formattings'.
en/app/090zzz/0030filtyp.txt · Last modified: 2022/08/09 15:47 by mm