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Application Transaction

A program file which can be executed in the application.


Business Sectors

Code Description Comments
LI Import L/C
BR Import L/C Document Set For documents submitted as part of the Import L/C, a sub-contract for each document record is created.
BC Import Collection
Code Description Comments
LE Export L/C
BE Export L/C Document Set For documents submitted as part of the Export L/C, a sub-contract for each document record is created.
BO Export Collection
LT Transferable L/C
BT Document Set under Transfer Export L/C For each bills received under a Transfer L/C, a sub-contract is created.
Code Description Comments
GI Guarantee
GC Guarantee Claim For each claim received under a Guarantee, a sub-contract is created.
SG Shipping Guarantee
Code Description Comments
BP Advance Advances are available from:
1. Export L/C Document Set (BE)
2. Export Collections (BO)
3. Import L/C Document Set (BR)
4. Import Collection (BC)
5. Transfer L/C Document Set (BT)
TR Loan Loans can be opened from:
1. Export L/C (LE) as a Packing Credit
2. Import L/C (LI) as a Trust Receipt Loan
3. Import Collection (BC) as a Trust Receipt Loan
4. Payment Undertaking (PU)
EC Export Finance
EF Export Finance Dossier Preparation, disbursement, repayment of amounts and maturities for an export financing agreement as well as requests for damage claim payments are handled in a single dossier. Each dossier is a sub-contract for the export financing.
Supply Chain Financing
Code Description Comments
IA Approved Payable Finance
RI, RF, RR Receivable Finance
Code Description Comments
PU Payment Undertaking
Code Description Comments
CH Check Handling
CP Clean Payment
MC Manual Contract
PA Participation
SC Syndication A Syndication Master can be opened from a Confirmed Export L/C and Guarantee.
SD Syndication Deal Syndication deals can be opened as sub-contract to the Syndication Master contract.
RM Reimbursement
RC Reimbursement Claim For each claim under Reimbursement, a sub-contract is created.

Business Transaction

Running an Application Transaction in a business sector, such an 'Opening an Export L/C' generates a business transaction when saved. This business transaction is then used as a basis for further processing by the Workflow Manager , for example. After the Schedule has been completely processed, a History is generated from the business transaction.



An electronic file of the agreed business, containing all data related to the business and a complete sequence from opening to closing (Business Transactions and History). A contract can be identified thanks to its unique reference number.


Database Transaction

A database transaction is used to ensure the coherence and integrity of the data. A database transaction is initiated and controlled in an application transaction and cannot be influenced by the user. .


A document is a fully generated message, or item of correspondence, based on a Format Template. This can be a letter or an electronic message, such as SWIFT, Email, fax, etc. Documents are generated in Business Transactions and stored together with them. A business transaction can contain numerous documents. The Application Transaction defines when what document is generated and under what conditions.


Format Template

A format template is an outline for a Document to be created. When the document is generated, the format template is used to insert the layout and contents from the Business Transaction in the prescribed positions.



The history is a list of all Business Transactions handled within a contract. An entry in the history is generated at the end of each business transaction.



A file containing a list of all events and changes made. Basically it is a technical logbook.



The version of the software customized by the customer is located in the (customer) overlay.

When taking over files to a client/server system, the files to be taken over can be compared by merging the different overlays, so that the correct file will be moved out of the correct overlay to the correct target client/server-system.

A more simple version of the merging would be, for example, to copy the product to the target and to go upwards through the overlays level by level in order to overwrite the file versions possible located there before.



A list of every separate step, or service, which a Business Transaction runs through after it is initially saved.


A single step within a workflow.

Straight Through Processing (STP)

STP is defined as fully automated processing of messages without any manual modifications. This means that an incoming message has not to been read or handled by any clerk of a department, but nevertheless all necessary steps are being taken by the application.

In the application, for example, incoming messages can (depending on the customization) be processed automatically via the Manager for Automatic Execution of Pending Items (SPTTSK). In this process, the respective outgoing messages are generated and/or the stored data is updated automatically.





The list of all individual steps (services) which a Business Transaction has to pass after being stored, in order to be processed completely.

Workflow Manager

An application transaction that processes the individual steps of the workflow.

en/app/090zzz/0040glossar.txt · Last modified: 2022/06/20 08:08 by mk