
SYSCOD - List of Code Tables

Code Text
754T73 Fee Codes for SWIFT MT754
ACCREA Reason for Assigned Entity Access
ACCTYP Assigned Access
ACTTYP Account Type
AKKREG AKK Region Code
ALLTXL Allnett Text long
ALLTXS Allnett Text short
ANTATT Description for allNETT Attachments
ANTPYI AllNETT Amount Types
ANTTXT allNETT Field Descriptions
APFCLA Application Form Set Classes
APFTXT Application Form Set
APFTYP Application Form
ATPTXT Application Transaction Profile
AVBBY0 Available by
AVBWTH Available With
BALPRI Priority Class of Queue Entry
BCOTHI Other Instructions re Import Collection
BCTSTA Status of Document Set
BEDTYP Bills under LC Tenor Type
BNKGRP Bank Group Identifier
BRDTYP Document Types under Import LC
BTDTYP Bills under Transfer
BUGTXT Limit for Group of Business Sectors
BUSTXT Business Sectors
CBOTXT CBS Object Types
CBSOPR CBS Operations
CBTTXT CBS Entry Types
CBXTXT CBS Balance per External ID Flag
CHADEC Charges Collection
CHADET Our fees paid by …
CHASC2 Mapping Table for Score 71A to AME
CHASCO CHATO Mapping to SWIFT Score 71A
CHKMOD Payment Document
CHSCOL Chart Colors
CNFFLG Confirmation of L/C
CNFSND Confirmation Status of Advising Bank
CNFSTA Confirmation Status
CORTYP Type of Correspondence
CTGTXT Categories
CTYTXT Country Names
CURTXT Currency Names
DBTCDT Debit / Credit Flag
DIATXT Diary Reason
DISPOS Disposal of Reimbursement Claim
DISSTA Status of Discrepancies
DOCFLG Documents rejected or accepted
DOCGRD Documents Received / Sent (grid)
DOCLIB Document Libraries
DOCSNF Sending Form of Document
DOCSTA Status Document Set
DOCTYP Documents against Payment or Acceptance
DOIMAP Smart forms Mapping
DT22EO Form of Guarantee
DT22GO Guarantee Send to
DTA22E Form of Guarantee Mapping DTA
DTA22G Delivery to Mapping DTA Guarantee
DTA22M Extend or Pay
DTA23B Validity Type Mapping DTA Guarante
DTA24D Delivery Method
DTA48D Transfer Indicator
DTA71N Change DTA Tag 71N to Swift definition
DTAM2 Dispatch Type
DTAM40 Take up Documents
DTE22A Message Function
DTEM91 Confirmation Status Tag M91
DTEM98 Sending Documents
DTG23B Validity Type
ECDJUR Place of Jurisdiction
ECDLAW Applicable Law
ECGOOD Export Finance Goods
EMBROL Embargo roles
EMBTAG Embargo roles WOLF Tags
ENGDET Liability Details
ESYAVB EasySend AVB Codes
ESYCHA EasySend Charges
ESYCNF EasySend Confirmation Codes
ESYINC EasySend INC Codes
ESYLCT EasySend LC Codes
ESYSET EasySend Settlement Codes
ESYSHP EasySend Shipment Codes
ETYLOC Locations of Entities
EVTFLG Event Flag
EXPPLC Expiry in Place
FECFCC Fee Condition Code
FECPER Period Types for Fee Conditions
FECRUL Fee Calculation Rules
FEEGRP Fee Group Codes
FEEMOD Modification Status of Fee
FEEPRI Search Priority for Fee Condition
FEESFT Fee Codes for SWIFT
FEETXT Fee Description
FOLWUP Processing Options Docs under Exp. LC
FRMDRU Print Field in Document?
FRMDTY Form type of datafield
FRMEDT Form field editable
FRMMET Print form conversion method
FURIDE Further Identification for MT 752
GARCOV Type of Cover
GARTYP Undertaking Type
GLEPRT Flag for Ledger Export
GODCOD Goods Code
GRPTXT Work Group
HLPLEV Help Level
HLPPRJ Project
HLPTYP Type of Field
HNDTYP Guarantee Handling Type
INFDSP Infotext Display Flag
INTDSP Disposition of Interests
IRTMCC Method of Unit Calculation
IRTMIC Method of Interest Calculation
IRTTXT Reference Rate
JOBTXT Job Description
KFPBNK Bank Headquarters for Reports
KFPBUS KFP Business Sector
KFPHND KFP Handling Type
LCRTYP Type of L/C
LSBTXT Limit System Balance
LSNTXT Limit System Node Types
LSSTXT Limit System Status
MATBEG Maturity Period Begin
MATPER Maturity Period Types
MEMTYP Memo Types
NOMSPC Specification of Nominal Amount
NPAREA Reason for Non-Payment
OBLSTA Liability Status
PAYDOC Payment Document Type
PAYSMT SWIFT MT for Payments
PAYSTA Payment Status
PRDCOD Product Code
PRDSUB Product Sub Code
PRDVAR Product Variant
PREPER Presentation period type of date
PRFTYP Embargo Check Type
PROINS Protest Instructions
PRTHEA Header Text
PRTTYP Type of Printing
PTYTYP Party Type
QUETYP Type of Message answered by MT 795
RATTYP Rate Types
REFTYP Reason of Refusal
REJFBC Reject Flag for Collection
REJFLG Reject Flag
RELGOD Options for Release of Goods
RELGRP Release Groups
RELSIG Release Signature
RELSTA Release Status
RGODII Options for Release of Goods
RMBCHA Rembursement Charges to
RSKCLS Credit Class
RTNTXT Return Codes
SCO242 Method o Issue Mapping SWIFT Sco 772 24D
SCO24D Method of issue mapping SWIFT Score 24D
SCO71N Confirm Charges Mapping SWIFT Score 71N
SEAFLG Search for a flag
SERSEV Severity Level
SERSTA Status Text
SETDSP Disposition in Settlement
SHPPAR Partial Shipment
SIGTYP Signature Level
SMHAPF Application Template
SMHDIR Direction of Message
SMIMAP Mapping for JSON documents
SRVTXT List of active Services
STAFLG Statistic Flag for Fees
STPDSP Stoplevel
SWT23X File Identification 23X
SWTFMT Electronic Message Format
SWTPRT Type of Printing for Swift Message
SYPTYP Syndication Product Type
SYSCOD List of Code Tables
TCO31A L/C Status
TCO32H TCO Guarantee Issuing Bank
TCO37H TCO Guarantee Wording
TCO37K TCO Purpose of Guarantee
TCO80A TCO Foreign/Domestic Guarantee
TCOAPP Applicable Rules for TradeConnect
TCOHND Handling Type for TradeConnect
TCOLEG Legal Form of Guarantee for TradeConnect
TCOSND Send to for TradeConnect
TIMZON Timezone
TRAMOD Mode of Transport
TRNCLS Transaction Class for SLA / Duration
TRNCNF External Confirmation for Transaction
TRPTYP Transport Document Types
TXMTXT Text Module
UABREA Reason for User Absence
UILCOU User Interface Language
UILGI Language of Guarantee / Standby
UILLAN Language codes for automated translation
UILTXT User Interface Language
USGSET Main Group
USGTXT User Group
WAICOD Waive charges code on collections
WEKDAY Weekdays
YESNO YES or NO Label for Checkbox Fields
en/app/090zzz/020ct/1360ct_syscod.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/28 13:10 (external edit)