
Index of Codetables

Tablename Key length Text length Sort Description
754T73 6 15 C Fee Codes for SWIFT MT754
ACCREA 1 20 C Reason for Assigned Entity Access
ACCTYP 1 10 C Assigned Access
ACTTYP 3 25 C Account Type
AKKREG 2 10 T AKK Region Code
ANTATT 6 35 C Description for allNETT Attachments
ANTPYI 2 40 C AllNETT Amount Types
ANTTXT 6 80 C allNETT Field Descriptions
APFCLA 3 20 C Application Form Set Classes
APFTXT 6 30 C Application Form Set
APFTYP 3 20 C Application Form
ATPTXT 6 60 C Application Transaction Profile
AVBBY0 1 14 C Available by
AVBWTH 1 20 C Available With
BALPRI 3 20 C Priority Class of Queue Entry
BCOTHI 3 35 T Other Instructions re Import Collection
BCTSTA 1 40 C Status of Document Set
BEDTYP 1 30 T Bills under LC Tenor Type
BNKGRP 1 40 C Bank Group Identifier
BRDTYP 1 30 T Document Types under Import LC
BTDTYP 1 30 T Bills under Transfer
BUGTXT 6 40 T Limit for Group of Business Sectors
BUSTXT 2 40 T Business Sectors
CBCTXT 6 45 C CBS Columns
CBOTXT 6 45 C CBS Object Types
CBSOPR 1 15 C CBS Operations
CBTTXT 6 45 C CBS Entry Types
CBXTXT 1 12 T CBS Balance per External ID Flag
CHADEC 1 65 C Charges Collection
CHADET 1 25 C Our fees paid by …
CHASC2 4 3 C Mapping Table for Score 71A to AME
CHASCO 1 3 C CHATO Mapping to SWIFT Score 71A
CHASWT 1 2 C CHATO Mapping to SWIFT M1
CHKMOD 1 40 C Payment Document
CHSCOL 6 20 C Chart Colors
CNFFLG 1 10 C Confirmation of L/C
CNFSND 1 24 C Confirmation Status of Advising Bank
CNFSTA 1 6 T Confirmation Status
CORTYP 3 12 T Type of Correspondence
CTGTXT 6 40 T Categories
CTYTXT 2 30 T Country Names
CURTXT 3 45 C Currency Names
DBTCDT 1 12 C Debit / Credit Flag
DIATXT 3 40 C Diary Reason
DISSTA 6 40 C Status of Discrepancies
DOCFLG 1 8 T Documents rejected or accepted
DOCGRD 6 55 T Documents Received / Sent (grid)
DOCLIB 6 40 C Document Libraries
DOCSNF 6 15 C Sending Form of Document
DOCSTA 1 40 C Status Document Set
DOCTYP 1 40 T Documents against Payment or Acceptance
DOIMAP 6 80 C Smart forms Mapping
DT22EO 4 32 C Form of Guarantee
DT22GO 4 30 C Guarantee Send to
DTA22E 2 10 C Form of Guarantee Mapping DTA
DTA22G 3 4 T Delivery to Mapping DTA Guarantee
DTA22M 4 10 C Extend or Pay
DTA23B 1 4 C Validity Type Mapping DTA Guarante
DTA24D 4 38 C Delivery Method
DTA71N 6 6 T Change DTA Tag 71N to Swift definition
DTAM2 2 55 C Dispatch Type
DTAM40 1 73 C Take up Documents
DTEM91 1 20 C Confirmation Status Tag M91
DTEM98 1 20 C Sending Documents
ECDJUR 1 20 C Place of Jurisdiction
ECDLAW 1 20 C Applicable Law
ECGOOD 1 45 C Export Finance Goods
EMBROL 3 20 C Embargo roles
EMBTAG 3 10 C Embargo roles WOLF Tags
ENGDET 1 20 C Liability Details
ETYLOC 3 20 C Locations of Entities
EVTFLG 1 10 C Event Flag
EXPPLC 3 29 C Expiry in Place
FECFCC 1 35 C Fee Condition Code
FECPER 1 8 T Period Types for Fee Conditions
FECRUL 1 20 C Fee Calculation Rules
FEEGRP 6 40 C Fee Group Codes
FEEMOD 1 30 C Modification Status of Fee
FEEPRI 1 20 C Search Priority for Fee Condition
FEESFT 4 15 C Fee Codes for SWIFT
FEETXT 6 45 C Fee Description
FOLWUP 1 20 C Processing Options Docs under Exp. LC
FRMDRU 1 30 T Print Field in Document?
FRMDTY 1 10 C Form type of datafield
FRMEDT 1 15 C Form field editable
FRMMET 3 25 T Print form conversion method
FURIDE 3 15 C Further Identification for MT 752
GARCOV 1 40 C Type of Cover
GARTYP 1 40 C Undertaking Type
GLEPRT 1 30 T Flag for Ledger Export
GODCOD 6 20 C Goods Code
GRPTXT 6 16 T Work Group
HLPLEV 1 20 C Help Level
HLPPRJ 6 20 C Project
HLPTYP 6 20 C Type of Field
HNDTYP 2 40 N Guarantee Handling Type
INFDSP 1 21 C Infotext Display Flag
INTDSP 3 20 T Disposition of Interests
IRTMCC 3 45 C Method of Unit Calculation
IRTMIC 3 45 C Method of Interest Calculation
IRTTXT 6 25 C Reference Rate
JOBTXT 6 40 C Job Description
KFPBNK 4 35 C Bank Headquarters for Reports
KFPBUS 3 3 C KFP Business Sector
KFPDOC 1 3 C KFP Docflg
KFPHND 2 3 C KFP Handling Type
KFPSUB 3 40 C KFP Subtype
LCRTYP 2 24 C Type of L/C
LSBTXT 1 30 C Limit System Balance
LSNTXT 6 40 T Limit System Node Types
LSSTXT 1 10 T Limit System Status
MATBEG 2 40 C Maturity Period Begin
MATPER 1 6 T Maturity Period Types
MEMTYP 3 40 T Memo Types
NOMSPC 1 13 C Specification of Nominal Amount
OBLSTA 6 40 C Liability Status
PAYDOC 6 35 T Payment Document Type
PAYSMT 3 37 C SWIFT MT for Payments
PAYSTA 6 30 C Payment Status
PRDCOD 6 40 C Product Code
PRDSUB 6 40 C Product Sub Code
PRDVAR 6 40 C Product Variant
PRFTYP 2 30 C Embargo Check Type
PROINS 4 35 C Protest Instructions
PRTHEA 1 15 C Header Text
PRTTYP 1 20 C Type of Printing
PTYTYP 1 11 C Party Type
QUETYP 1 30 C Type of Message answered by MT 795
RATTYP 1 20 C Rate Types
REFTYP 2 35 C Reason of Refusal
REGTXT 4 30 C Region
REJFBC 1 27 C Reject Flag for Collection
REJFLG 1 27 C Reject Flag
RELGOD 1 35 C Options for Release of Goods
RELGRP 1 16 C Release Groups
RELSIG 1 40 C Release Signature
RELSTA 1 10 T Release Status
RGODII 1 35 C Options for Release of Goods
RMBCHA 3 3 C Rembursement Charges to
ROLALL 3 20 C Roles
RSKCLS 6 10 C Credit Class
RTNTXT 1 10 T Return Codes
SCO242 4 30 N Method o Issue Mapping SWIFT Sco 772 24D
SCO24D 4 35 C Method of issue mapping SWIFT Score 24D
SCO71N 3 40 N Confirm Charges Mapping SWIFT Score 71N
SEAFLG 1 6 C Search for a flag
SETDSP 3 30 C Disposition in Settlement
SHPPAR 1 14 C Partial Shipment
SIGTYP 1 30 C Signature Level
SMHAPF 3 20 T Application Template
SMHDIR 1 15 T Direction of Message
SPTSTA 3 16 C SPT Status
SRVTXT 6 45 T List of active Services
STAFLG 1 20 C Statistic Flag for Fees
STPDSP 1 25 C Stoplevel
SWT23X 4 50 C File Identification 23X
SWTFMT 1 30 T Electronic Message Format
SWTPRT 1 20 T Type of Printing for Swift Message
SYPTYP 6 40 C Syndication Product Type
SYSCOD 6 45 C List of Code Tables
TCO31A 1 16 C L/C Status
TCO32H 2 60 C TCO Guarantee Issuing Bank
TCO37H 3 35 C TCO Guarantee Wording
TCO37K 1 35 C TCO Purpose of Guarantee
TCO80A 1 35 C TCO Foreign/Domestic Guarantee
TCOAPP 4 40 C Applicable Rules for TradeConnect
TCOHND 2 30 C Handling Type for TradeConnect
TCOLEG 3 40 C Legal Form of Guarantee for TradeConnect
TCOSND 3 35 C Send to for TradeConnect
TIMZON 6 30 C Timezone
TRAMOD 6 20 C Mode of Transport
TRNCLS 3 30 C Transaction Class for SLA / Duration
TRNCNF 1 30 T External Confirmation for Transaction
TRPTYP 6 35 T Transport Document Types
TXMTXT 6 50 T Text Module
UABREA 6 40 C Reason for User Absence
UILGI 2 12 T Language of Guarantee / Standby
UILLAN 2 10 C Language codes for automated translation
UILTXT 2 12 T User Interface Language
USGSET 6 20 C Main Group
USGTXT 6 16 T User Group
WAICOD 1 20 T Waive charges code on collections
WEKDAY 1 20 C Weekdays
YESNO 1 4 C YES or NO Label for Checkbox Fields
en/app/090zzz/020ct/start.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/28 13:23 (external edit)