
SWIFT 2021 Conversion

Transaction SPTS20

Because of the SWIFT-Release 2021, there is a need for new data-fields of the business-sector of Guarantees. It is necessary to enter one contract changing transaction (i.e. adding a reference - GITADD) to initialize these new data-fields. Instead of changing every single guarantee you can execute the transaction SPTS20. This transaction generates a automatic processing GITADD to every guarantee that fits to the following criteria:

  • Guarantee isn't closed
  • Guarantee isn't marked as converted (new data-fields are already initialized)
  • There is no GITADD in the queue of incoming, break or correction
  • There isn't a GITADD that waits for automatic processing

An entry like “ Already created a SPT entry for contract <REFERENCE>” indicates a problem that fits to last two bullet-points.

In the case of a problem with this automatic task, you can enter a GITADD manually, if SWIFT-2021-Release is active.

To ensure that the data for the initialization is correct, the above-mentioned action must be done after activation of SWIFT-Release-2021.

If you don't initialize the new data-fields, they can't be used for statistic purpose. We don't expect negative effects in the daily processing.

Conversion of existing Guarantee Contracts

With SWIFT 2021 many new fields have been installed.

The following table shows, how they where filled for contracts, created before SR2021 activation.

To make clear, if all fields which are mandatory for handling after SR2021 activation are filled, a new flag was inserted:

Content empty means - no, contract created before SR2021
Content Y means - yes, contract created after SR2021 activation, so all checkrules are done.
Content M means - yes, all fields mandatory for handling a contract after being opened are filled. Fields only mandatory for opening itself might stay empty.
New field Description filled from Comment
REC\PURPOS Purpose of Message (for outgoing) REC\HNDTYP
OL (direct- we issue) ⇒ ISSU
OC (Indirect - please issue) ⇒ ISCO (default) or ICCO
FI (Advice with confirmation) ⇒ ACNF
FA (advice without confirmation) ⇒ ADVI
FR (guarantee received) ⇒ manual selection
FG (inward assignment) ⇒ manual selection
Existing Handling Type “Indirect” will be defaulted with ISCO
but user may select ICCO manually
REC\LEGFRM Legal Undertaking Form REC\LEGFRM
if stored LEGFRM =“ISP” replace with “STBY”
if stored LEGFRM = “STD” replace with “DGAR”
Rule might have to be changed in overlay if
client has own codetable values
REC\RNWPERS20 Automatic Extension Period REC\RNWPER + REC\RNWNBR
if RNWPER = D (DAYS) ⇒ RNWPERS20 = “DAYS”, RNWNBR unchanged, RNWPRERTXT empty
old format: number + period
new format : either Code DAYS + number of days or
code OTHR + describing text
REC\RNWPERTXT Details of automatic extension period
REC\DOMFLG Domestic Guarantee Flag Set to “YES” if REC\STACTY = LOCCTY of OWN Party
REC\EXPTYP Expiry Type if REC\EXPDAT filled ⇒ FIXD (Specific date of expiry)
if REC\EXPFLG set ⇒ OPEN (No specified date of expiry)
else ⇒ COND (Expiry Condition)
can be overwritten by incoming Amendment message
BLK\ADDAMTCOVS20 Additional Amount Covered filled from BLK\ADDAMTCOV format changed from 4*35 to 12*65
Partyrole BEC Intermediary Beneficiary if Handling Type is OC (Indirect) will be filled from Partyrole Issuing Bank (ISS)
Fields for local undertakings
REC\LIATYPC Liability Type - Counter Undertaking if REC\LIADAT filled ⇒ FIXD (Specific date of liability)
if REC\LIAFLG set ⇒ OPEN (No specific date of Liability)
else ⇒ COND (Liability Condition)

Transaction Panels



Datafield Description
Selecting the entity In this field a selection can be made of the entity region for which
processing is to be carried out.
Depending on the selection made, the appropriate
entity (group) is displayed and/or selected.
Entity group Here, the entity group is displayed for
which processing is to be carried out.
Entity Here, the entity group is displayed for
processing is to be carried out.

en/app/090zzz/030trn/0060spts20.txt · Last modified: 2022/03/08 12:34 (external edit)