
Index of Party Model

Business sector Description
BP Advance
IA Approved Payable Finance
CH Check Handling
CP Clean Payment
BO Export Collection
EC Export Finance (Agreement)
EF Export Finance (Dossier)
LE Export L/C
BE Export L/C Document Set
LT Export L/C Transfer
GI Guarantee
GC Guarantee Claim
BC Import Collection
LI Import L/C
BR Import L/C Document Set
TR Loan
MC Manual Contract
PA Participation
PU Payment Undertaking
RF Receivable Finance
RI Receivable Invoice Set
RR Receivable Repayment
RM Reimbursement
RC Reimbursement Claim
SG Shipping Guarantee
SD Syndication Deal
SC Syndication Master
BT Transfer Bills
en/app/090zzz/060bro/start.txt · Last modified: 2022/08/18 06:40 (external edit)